
  • 网络jetty;Small wharf
  1. 小码头一带都是寒酸凋敝的小巷,住着渔民和穷人。

    Round the little harbour were shabby streets in which lived fishermen and poor people .

  2. 工程完工投入使用后禁止现有不规范的小码头作业。

    Forbid the irregular small ports available keeping on operating when the project is put into use .

  3. 度假者勾勒的一幅单纯而安谧的图画,他们的小码头上竖着旗杆,美国国旗在蓝天白云下飘扬,

    the cottages with their innocent and tranquil design , their tiny docks with the flagpole and the American flag floatingagainst the white clouds in the blue sky ,

  4. 从而使青岛小港湾旧工业码头逐渐从繁荣走向衰败。

    Thus make the old industrial quay of small harbour of Qingdao move towards declining from the prosperity gradually .

  5. 塔尔卡瓦纳南部的渔港以及一些小的鱼镇码头都受严重损坏。

    So was the big fishing port at Talcahuano , in the south , as well as quays in many smaller fishing towns .