- 网络ichiro ozawa

Mr. Kan won 721 votes in Tuesday 's election , compared with Ichiro Ozawa 's 491 ballots .
The timing and scale of the yen selling came as a surprise to many market participants who had believed intervention was less likely under Mr Kan than it would have been under his Democratic party rival Ichiro Ozawa .
The latest survey by the mass circulation Yomiuri newspaper showed Mr Kan and Mr Ozawa running " neck and neck " .
Kyodo News Agency found Mr Ozawa had a slight edge among diet members , but said its survey of local assembly members found the prime minister with a 65-35 lead .
The DPJ is stuffed with backbenchers loyal to Ichiro Ozawa , an old-timer who resigned from the party leadership because of a fund-raising scandal but who still undermines Mr Kan .
Ichiro Ozawa 's Role in Japan Politics after the Cold War
Getting rid of Mr Ozawa would be a sign of real change .
He 's an A.His rival , opposition leader Ichiro Ozawa , is a B.
Though only four years older than Mr Kan , he seems to have been around forever .
Ozawa resigned from the DPJ 's second-highest post three months ago in a political funding scandal .
Any sign of weakness , and Mr Ozawa may once again take pot shots at Mr Kan .
All right-thinking people in Japan say they are against the money politics Mr Ozawa is said to represent .
The Yomiuri said Mr Kan was matching Mr Ozawa 's support even among first-term " freshman " legislators .
The first is the role of Ichiro Ozawa , the Svengali-like figure who stood mischievously behind Mr Hatoyama .
Announcing his intention to resign , Mr Hatoyama said that he had asked Mr Ozawa to step down too .
If Mr Ozawa remains influential , he will only undermine any future party leader in the eyes of voters .
His opponent Ozawa , a veteran powerbroker , captured the votes of nearly half of the DPJ 's members of parliament .
Like Mr Hatoyama , Mr Ozawa has been caught up in campaign-funding scandals that have reeked as badly as they ever did under the LDP .
While the candidates'speeches focused on Japan 's ailing economy , many political analysts saw the campaign as an attempt by Ozawa to prevent being sidelined by the Kan administration .
The strong support Ozawa garnered among the party 's members of Parliament could mean Mr. Kan may not enjoy the legislative clout he needs to tackle Japan 's economic s.
Mr Schieffer said he had never met Mr Ozawa , an indication of how thin relations are between Washington and a party that has never seriously vied for power before .
She is also meeting the leader of the Democratic Party of Japan , Ichiro Ozawa , who could become prime minister if the largest opposition party comes to power in this year 's national election .