
  1. 她的小女儿永远不会缺少任何东西,凡是她可能需要的东西,她样样都有。

    Her little girl never wants for anything ; she has everything she could possibly need .

  2. 我们的小天使永远不会做坏事的。

    Little angel is never going to do anything wrong .

  3. 卖火柴的小女孩永远不会再感到寒冷和饥饿了。

    The little match girl would never be cold or hungry again .

  4. 很想大声呼唤,告诉他们:小丫头永远在这里等着你们!

    Everyday I feel so lonely , but I 'll always waiting for you .

  5. 等等等等等等我的宝贝小王子永远不会忘记一切

    Wait ... Wait ... Wait ... Sweetheart . The Little Prince will never forget .

  6. 皓月当空,微风轻轻拂过沟底。小彼得永远也不会像这样听爷爷拉琴了。

    The silver moon was high overhead , and there was a gentle breeze playing down the gully . he 'd never be hearing granddad play like this again .

  7. 沐浴着阳光的影子,幻想着自己能变成一只小蜜蜂,永远停在你的肩头。

    I 'm taking a shower of sun , dreaming to be a bee .

  8. 所以我们就该成为独自吃午餐,默默无名的小人物?永远不获邀参加派对?

    So we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties ?

  9. 我要我的小英雄们永远尽最大努力。我相信你们一定能做到。

    I need my heroes to always look to try their best and I know you all will .

  10. anonymous:匿名的,无名的loser:失败者,遗失者lunch:午餐alone:单独地所以我们就该成为独自吃午餐,默默无名的小人物?永远不获邀参加派对?

    Jenny : So we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties ? -

  11. 梦幻岛取名自彼得潘的永无岛,在那里小男孩们永远不会长大。

    The ranch takes its name from Peter Pan 's " Never Never Land , " where boys never grow up .

  12. 你曾经辛酸地对我说:“我们就像两只见不得光的小老鼠,永远躲躲藏藏。”

    You have bitter and said to me : " We shall not only like two small optical mouse , always skeptical . "

  13. 我只是想照顾你,像故事里的荷兰小男孩一样永远不离开你。

    I only want to take care of you . I will not leave you like that dutch boy with your finger in the dam .

  14. 在这方面,军报的文章认为,“小鲜肉”永远不可能像真正的士兵那样,而娱乐行业则应该停止鼓励他们这样做。

    In this regard , the article argues , " little fresh meats " will never be able to act like real soldiers , and the entertainment industry should stop encouraging them to do so .

  15. 看来这小女孩很可能永远走不了路了。

    It appeared that the little girl would probably never walk .

  16. 不肯容忍小不足的人永远不能成就大事。

    Someone who cannot tolerate small ills can never accomplish great things .

  17. 我的小月亮,我永远忘不掉你!

    My dear lovely small moon , I 'll never forget you !

  18. 我的小妹妹,你永远是那么娇小。

    And to my baby sis , who was always so very little .

  19. 你可以许下一个愿望,你的愿望就会实现,小天使也会永远照看你。

    You may promise a desire , your desire will realize , the cherub forever will also look after you .

  20. 在这里我遇到了很多有趣的人,如果我不走出我的小世界,我永远也不会遇到他们。

    I have met so many great and interesting people here that I never would have met if I didn 't step out of my own little world .

  21. 当它断裂的时候,压力事实上,比这个小,这个我永远不能,在课上给你们看,但我能解释原因。

    Then when it breaks , the stress here is actually lower than there , and this is something I can never show you in class , but I can explain to you why that happens .

  22. 所有正在关注的小女孩们,永远也不要怀疑你的价值和力量,不要怀疑在这个世界上你理应有各种机会追求和实现自己的梦想。

    And and to all of the little girls who are watching this , never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams .

  23. 旁边有一段小木牌和一段小文字:你永远活在我的微笑里。

    Next to a small wooden plaque and a small text : you will always live in my smile inside .

  24. 无论我走到哪里心海都流淌小诗一朵碧波清流的小诗永远都是我心中的歌

    Where ever I go A bloom of poem surges through my heart And the poem on the clear flow Is always the song in my heart

  25. 小矮人们将棺材安放在一座小山上面,由一个小矮人永远坐在旁边看守。

    Then they put the coffin outside on a mountain , and one of them always stayed with it and watched over her .

  26. 海滨上有一千种小动物发出窸窸窣窣的声响。各式各样的带甲壳的小东西永远也不停息地到处爬动,另外还有生活在陆地上的螃蟹嚓嚓地横爬过去。

    There is the rustle of the myriad animals on the beach , all the little shelled things that crawl about ceaselessly , and there is the noisy scurrying of the land-crabs .