
xiǎo chā qǔ
  • episode;a brief interlude
小插曲[xiǎo chā qǔ]
  1. 这不过是我成长中的一个小插曲。

    This is just I grew up in a small episode .

  2. 这段小插曲令所有有关人员都感到非常尴尬。

    The episode was a huge embarrassment for all concerned .

  3. 这个小插曲使听众哄然大笑。

    The incident made the listeners burst into laughter .

  4. “在地质史中,这是一个小插曲,只是眨眼间的事情。看到如此迅速的变化,发生得如此之快,是一件令人吃惊的事情。”

    So in geological history , this is a [ blip ] , so it 's just a wink3 of an eye . And to see such rapid changes , or such changes … occurring so rapidly , is something that 's astonishing , I would say .

  5. 在伸手不见五指的静谧午夜,有时会发生一些小插曲:或许是一个短信到来的声音,或许是iPhone手机提醒您收到新邮件的屏幕闪动,又或许是发现自己在盯着天花板,脑海中如放映电影般回顾一天的事情。

    SOMETIME in the dark stretch of the night it happens . Perhaps it 's the chime of an incoming text message . Or your iPhone screen lights up to alert you to a new e-mail . Or you find yourself staring at the ceiling , replaying the day in your head .

  6. 死亡只是永恒国度的一个微不足道的小插曲。

    Death is but a physical incident in an immortal career .

  7. 这段凯恩斯主义“小插曲”给出两点重要启示。

    Two major implications of the Keynesian interlude are the following .

  8. 虽然这段小插曲有些尴尬,但它很快就被人忘掉了。

    Embarrassing as it was , the snafu was quickly forgotten .

  9. 在该书中,您还可以看到一些幽默的小插曲。

    You also get some humorous breaks in this book .

  10. 因为这只是他们娘俩生活中的一个小插曲。

    Because it 's just one epdisode of their life .

  11. 下面这些小插曲能反映出人们多么看重足球比赛。

    The following incidents show how serious some people are about soccer .

  12. 此次危机将被证明仅仅是个小插曲,还是某种更为根本性的东西?

    Will this prove to be a mere blip or something more fundamental ?

  13. 书中描述了奥斯陆发生的一段动人的小插曲。

    Halfway through the book , there is a poignant episode in Oslo .

  14. 这段小插曲能够严重破坏投票选举进程。

    The episode could badly tarnish the poll .

  15. 所谓法西斯不过是个小插曲。

    And that fascism was but a hiccup .

  16. 关于第一性第二性的命名,波义耳和约翰洛克之间还有一段著名的小插曲。

    That name incident primary and secondary is most famously associated with John Locke .

  17. 出了一个他们认为十分有趣的小插曲。

    There was , they felt , one very humorous incident on the way .

  18. 说起格雷的这项发明,还有一段小插曲呢。

    For this invention there is an episode .

  19. 不过,对于久经考验的雅虎而言,这不过是小插曲而已。

    But this episode is one in a long line of fiascos for Yahoo .

  20. 我为这个小插曲向您道歉。

    I apoiogize for this minor incident .

  21. 周二,默多克就窃听丑闻出席英国议会听证会。可是,听证会上发生了小插曲,一名男子将盛放着剃须膏盘子扔向默多克。

    A man tossed shaving cream at media magnate Rupert Murdoch during a parliamentary hearing Tuesday .

  22. 那个司机紧张地看着我,就好像我是某个有趣的小插曲。

    The cabbie looked at me , nervous that I was having an episode or something .

  23. 亢进治疗产生了一个小插曲。

    Fertility meds create a distraction .

  24. 在这里先插一个小插曲。

    Here insert a first episode .

  25. 小插曲过后,独舟已到了安全地段,再也没有被追踪的危险了。

    The ark was beyond the danger of pursuit by the time these little events had occurred .

  26. 不要在这件事上花费太多精力,把它当作一个小插曲,尽快放下,继续前进。

    Don 't make a big deal about it , and try to move past the incident .

  27. 关于异象这个概念我想最后讲一个小插曲你们知道

    And so I want to end with one final vignette on this idea of vision You see .

  28. 这一小插曲之后,我走过去伸出手臂拥抱了他。

    After this little incident , I went over and just put my arms around him and hugged him .

  29. 你们的亚洲巡演曾经去过很多国家,请分享下发生在每个国家的小插曲。

    Q.Having been to many countries for your Asia tour , give us an episode that happened in each country .

  30. 一所学校起诉了乐队,并把这段小插曲广播给所有苏联人。

    One Russian school put the band on trial and broadcasted the little drama for all the USSR to hear .