
  • 网络small town community
  1. 小城镇社区服务业发展探析阳光新都居住区规划

    Small Town Community Service Industry Sunlight New Town Community Planning

  2. 以小城镇社区体育为中心发展农民体育

    Developing peasant sport by basing its center on small town community sport

  3. 小城镇社区服务组织投资机制研究

    Research on the Investment Mechanism of Community Service Organizations for Small Towns

  4. 广州市小城镇社区土地利用指标体系分析

    Analysis on Index System of Land Use of Small Towns in Guangzhou

  5. 河南省小城镇社区余暇体育文化建设构想

    Development and Construction of Community Spare Sport Culture in Small Towns in Henan Province

  6. 小城镇社区规划探讨

    The Probation of Towns ' Community Planning

  7. 社区服务是小城镇社区建设的重要内容,民族地区的小城镇社区服务还没有很好地开展起来,滞后于小城镇的发展需要。

    Community service plays an important role in the construction of small towns and cities .

  8. 发挥民族传统体育作用促进小城镇社区体育文化建设

    Give play to the role of traditional ethnic sports , promote community 's sports cultural construction of small town

  9. 小城镇社区服务建设具有重要意义,有利于加快民族地区小城镇建设步伐,提高小城镇建设质量。

    In national areas , community service should be started to speed up the constuction of small towns and cities and improve the quality of construction .

  10. 小城镇社区信息系统提供的主要功能有社区建筑设施管理,生活服务,网络服务,居民信息管理以及系统管理,并通过与其他小城镇信息系统数据交互,实现了小城镇社会联动系统;

    The community information system of town provides these services : community estate manage , net service , service for life , residenter information service and system manage .

  11. 最后,通过对新疆昌吉市建国路街道办乾居园社区的案例研究,剖析了小城镇社区服务组织的典型发展模式。

    In conclusion , the paper illustrates the typical developing model of the relative organizations though case study of Qianjuyuan Community , Jianguo Rd , Changji City of Xinjiang Province .

  12. 通过以上研究,本文对我国小城镇社区服务组织投资机制中各投资要素的内在运行机理进行了较为系统的分析。

    To conclude the study , it carries out a series of systemic analysis on the interrelation factors of the investment mechanism of community service organizations for small towns in China .

  13. 与此同时,本文探讨了小城镇社区规划的目标、原则、策略、主要规划内容等,并在规划编制程序和相关机制建设中进行了居民参与规划实践的探讨。

    At the same time , the paper probes into the goal , principle , strategy , the main contents , and discuss the community participation in the program and practice .

  14. 接着本文重点研究了小城镇社区服务组织的投资主体及其投资方式,其中投资主体主要包括政府、企业、私人和社会团体。

    Then , the paper puts its emphasis on the main investment bodies and forms of the relative organizations , e.g. the bodies include government , enterprises , private funds and social organizations .

  15. 措施研究:以湘潭地区小城镇社区的特点和问题作为基点,探讨社区发展规划中诸多问题的解决措施和优化建议。

    Study : Xiangtan region of small towns and community features as basis points to explore community development planning in a number of measures to solve the problem and optimization of the proposal .

  16. 只有发挥小城镇社区优势,实现社区资源的最佳配置,充分发挥社区的整合功能,才能有效地组织社区建设。

    Only play a small town community advantages , to achieve the best allocation of resources in the community and give full play to community integration in order to effectively organize community building .

  17. 在对社区投资硬环境和软环境进行分析时,本文利用层次分析法初步构建了小城镇社区服务组织投资环境评价指标体系。

    With the method of analytical hierarchy process , the paper composes the evaluation indexes system for the investment environment regarding small town community service organizations when analyzing the hard and soft environment of community investment .

  18. 结果表明:影响我国小城镇社区体育发展的个体因素是居民的文化水平、余暇时间和个人收入水平,它们在一定程度上影响着小城镇居民参与体育健身活动的广度与深度;

    And offers several development countermeasure to the confinement factors . The result shows that the main influencing factors are educational level , leisure time and personal income , which influence citizens physical exercise quality at certain degree .

  19. 在春季,阿巴拉契亚地区的小城镇为社区举办大型三叶韭晚餐很常见。

    During spring , it is common for small towns in the Appalachian area to hold large ramp dinners for the community .

  20. 小城镇和谐社区建设,在构建社会主义和谐社会的总体布局中具有举足轻重的地位。

    Constructing harmonious communities in small cities and towns plays a very important role in the construction of the harmonious socialist society .

  21. 例如,世行在埃塞俄比亚通过贷款项目支持将供水与卫生服务权下放给小城镇和农村社区,资助基础设施建设。

    For instance , in Ethiopia , the World Bank supports decentralized approaches in towns and rural communities and finances infrastructure through lending operations .

  22. 随着城镇化进程的推进,小城镇少年儿童的社区教育问题日益明显。

    With the advance of the urbanization process , a small town community education of children is increasingly evident .

  23. 小城镇建设是城市化的一个重要内容;其中,小城镇社区发展是一个必不可少的客观历史过程。

    The construction of towns is an important part .