
fēng dì
  • fief;manor;feud;vavasory;fief,feud
封地 [fēng dì]
  • [vavasory;fief,feud] 旧时分封给王室成员及大臣、诸侯的土地

封地[fēng dì]
  1. 那么元代的时候啊是成吉思汗子孙的封地。

    And in the Yuan Dynasty , it was the fief of Genghis Khan 's descendants .

  2. 他们看见伯恩手下的百姓多半在地里干活,他们都是自由民,这里倒是一片幸福富饶的封地。

    Bern 's people , many of whom they saw working in the fields , were all freemen and it was a happy and prosperous fief .

  3. 一个齐国人得知靖国君田婴想在封地薛城扩建城墙的消息。

    A person of the state of Qi heard that Tian Ying , the king of the State of Jin wanted to expend1 the city wall of his vavasory Xue .

  4. 土壤全P含量和全K含量在围封地与放牧地的变化均比较复杂,未呈任何规律性变化。

    The change of edaphic total phosphorus and potassium content were complicated in the enclosed grassland and grazing land , and not had any regularity .

  5. 法国现在的名字来源于在巴黎周边的法国capetian国王封地的名字。

    The modern name " France " derives from the name of the feudal domain of the Capetian kings of France around Paris .

  6. 英国的北婆罗洲(现今名为沙巴州sabah)先前是在苏禄人统治下的英国直辖殖民地,同时砂劳越(sarawak)曾经是布鲁克家族的私人封地。

    British North Borneo ( currently the state of Sabah ) was a British crown colony formerly under the rule of the Sultanate of Sulu , whilst the territory of Sarawak was the personal fiefdom of the Brooke ( white Rajah ) family .

  7. 她一封接一封地给他寄信解释推迟的原因。

    She sent him letter after letter to explain the delay .

  8. 十多封十多封地写,我把它们留在城市的各个角落,

    dozens and dozens of them . I left them everywhere ,

  9. 罗丹女士决定采取分散封地的办法。

    Ms Rodin decided that the separate fiefs had to go .

  10. 封臣接受这样的契约关系以期获得封地。

    The vassal enters this contract so he may gain the land .

  11. 玛丽的男朋友一封接一封地给她写信,请求她的原谅。

    Mary 's boyfriend wrote letter after letter to ask for her forgiveness .

  12. 他一封接一封地给我写信,请我去他家。

    He sent me letter after letter to invite me to his home .

  13. 围封地土壤养分储量动态变化幅度较大,而放牧地变化较小。

    The dynamic change of edaphic nutrient storage was obvious in the enclosed grassland .

  14. 我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。

    It shall not end until my death .

  15. 封地封建财产制度下的封赏地宅。

    A landed estate granted in feudal tenure .

  16. 他一封接一封地发求职信去应聘各种招工广告,直到他再买不起邮票为止。

    He answered advertisements until he could not afford to buy any more stamps .

  17. 贵族本身又是领主,将自己的封地分给低一级的封臣。

    Those aristocrats were lords themselves , dividing up their land to lesser vassals .

  18. 母亲把信一封接一封地从英文翻成意大利文读出来。

    Mum read the letters one by one and translated them from English to Italian .

  19. 自己拥有封地或世袭封地。

    Having or arising from a benefice .

  20. 封地内的官制与朝廷大体相当。

    The political organization in each fiefdom was similar to that at the royal court .

  21. 封地,爵位,还有黄金,你要把我变成犹大吗?

    William Wallace : A lordship and titles . Gold . That I should become Judas ?

  22. 孔子再一次拥有得到封地的机会,但却未能实现。

    Once again , Confucius was to be given land , but it did not happen .

  23. 至此,封地就只是诸侯王们纯粹的地产了。

    From then on , the princedoms were pure large land estates owned by the princes .

  24. 封地面积大小不一,小到一个小型农场,大到囊括几个郡。

    Land sizes varied , from the size of a small farm , to huge counties .

  25. 鲍叔的子孙世世代代在齐国吃俸禄,得到了封地的有十多代,常常成为有名的大夫。

    Baoshu descendants generations in family eat salary , received a10-generation uses , often become famous doctor .

  26. 封臣的收入通常是他们封地中收获的农产品。

    The vassal gained the revenues generated by the land , usually in the form of farming products .

  27. 如果射不中,我就收回给你的千里封地。”

    But if you miss , I will take back the 1000 li of land granted to you . "

  28. 封建制度是由三个基本的名词来定义的:封建领主、封臣和封地。

    The term feudalism is defined by three principle terms : They are lords , vassals , and fiefs .

  29. 无继承人的:土地规领主缺少法定继承人或继承申请者的封地的所有权的转归领主。

    Escheat : Reversion of land held under feudal tenure to the manOR in the absence of legal heirs OR claimants .

  30. 在约翰国王的时代,他们其中有一部分相当富有,曾经向救护骑士团赠送过一份封地。

    In the reign of King John one of them was rich enough to give a manor to the Knights hospitallers ;