
  • 网络Feudal patriarchal system;feudal patriarchal domination
  1. 封建家长制及族权浅析

    Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority

  2. 父系氏族公社的萨满教封建家长制及族权浅析

    Samen religion in the patrilineal society Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority

  3. 封建家长制及族权浅析东乡族宗法文化论

    Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority On The Patriarchal Culture of the Dongxiang People

  4. 第二节,批判了作者将女性的叛逆性格作为家庭纷争的主要原因,认为只有女性对夫权和封建家长制最终归顺,家庭和睦才能得以实现的封建思想;

    In the second section , the author criticized the writer for regarding the women 's rebellious character as the major cause of family conflicts .

  5. 斗倒地主也削弱了封建家长制,打破了旧家庭传统观念。

    Abolition of the landlords also meant weakening of the paternal system , the break-up of the traditional family and the authority of men over women .

  6. 菊池宽通过描写父亲与长子的对立冲突,深刻地反映了明治和大正时代,近代的自我意识渗透到社会各阶层,并开始挑战以父权为中心的封建家长制的社会现实。

    Kan Kikuchi 's depiction of the conflict between the father and his son reflects that in Meiji and Taisho periods , modern self-consciousness had infiltrated into the whole society and began to challenge the feudal patriarchy .