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jì mò
  • lonely;loneliness;alone;lonesome;solitary;deadly still
寂寞 [jì mò]
  • (1) [solitary;lonely;lonesome]∶冷清孤单;清静

  • 寂寞难耐

  • (2) [deadly still]∶静寂无声

寂寞[jì mò]
  1. 一把中提琴独自奏出了一个寂寞柔和的升F调。

    A solitary viola plucks a lonely , soft F sharp .

  2. 在陌生的城镇里只身一人,我感到不知所措、孤单寂寞。

    I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone .

  3. 内心痛苦、突感寂寞的她去寻找琼-保罗。

    Miserable , and unexpectedly lonely , she went in search of Jean-Paul

  4. 想起你,我觉得非常寂寞。

    I 've grown so lonesome , thinking of you .

  5. 我再次陷入莫名的孤独寂寞中。

    I am at the beginning of a new and unutterable loneliness .

  6. 尽管他俘获过很多女人的芳心,却依然孤单寂寞。

    Despite his conquests , he remains lonely and isolated .

  7. 我能看出她很寂寞。

    I could see she was lonely .

  8. 据说他曾经写过《蝗虫之日》和《寂寞芳心小姐》之类的小说。

    He was said to have written such books as The Day of Locusts and Miss Lonely Hearts .

  9. 我虽然有很多朋友,但心底里还是惧怕寂寞。

    I have so many friends , but deep down , underneath , I have a fear of loneliness .

  10. 他看出你和大多数寡妇一样很寂寞,所以就拿出他的魅力来了。

    He figured out that you 're lonely , like most widows , and he turned on the charm .

  11. 这几卷的主题是“孤独是灵魂的财富,寂寞是灵魂的贫瘠”。

    The motif of these volumes is that ' solitude is the richness of the soul , loneliness is its poverty . '

  12. 没有孩子,她一个人感到很寂寞。

    She felt lonesome / lonely without children .

  13. 寂寞无扰于智者。

    A wise man is never less alone than when alone .

  14. 我在这里又交了新朋友,一点也不寂寞。

    I don 't feel lonely as I 've made new friends here .

  15. 在那陌生的地方我觉得寂寞。

    I felt lonesome in the strange land .

  16. 这些人的疲劳与寂寞是从这些房子中可以一律解除的。

    They could shake off their weariness and loneliness in these houses .

  17. 丈夫的死给她的人生留下了痛苦和寂寞。

    Her husband 's death left a painful void in her life .

  18. 我又将一人寂寂寞寞的离开这古城了。

    I 'm going to leave this old city alone , quite alone .

  19. 寥落古行宫,宫花寂寞红。(元稹《行宫》)

    A deserted old travelling palace , | flowers in utter loneliness blush .

  20. 她意识到约翰逊是在尽力向她表达他的寂寞。

    She realized that Johnson was trying to convey to her that he was lonely .

  21. 她体会到他是尽力向他表示他的寂寞。

    She realized that he was trying to convey to her that he was lonely .

  22. 由于我们刚刚搬到这里,所以仍感到有些寂寞。

    We 've only just moved here so we still feel a bit out of it .

  23. 她可以对一个怀抱婴儿的母亲或者对一个从身上掏出全家照以消除寂寞的推销员用上这个词。

    She can use this word to a mother holding her baby , or to a lonely salesman fishing up pictures of his family .

  24. 因为思念,品尝,更多的寂寞。

    because of yearning , we taste more loneliness .

  25. 放纵思念痛苦的纷扰盘点寂寞淌过坎坷的声音

    Indulges the missing pain troubled , inventorying dripped lonely the rough sound .

  26. 他忍受着寂寞和贫穷的折磨。

    He endured agonies of loneliness and misery .

  27. 有些时候,当一人无聊时,我会抬头看着天空。我不是在寻找什么。我只是寂寞。

    Sometimes , when I am seized by tiresomeness , I and gaze at the sky absently .

  28. 最近,英国一些活动人士呼吁尽快行动起来,应对老年人中的“无声流行病”---孤独寂寞。

    Campaigners recently called for urgent action to tackle the ' silent epidemic ' of loneliness among the elderly .

  29. 我实在忍不住寂寞,就问道,“阿姨,您这是到哪儿去呀?”

    I couldn 't resist myself any longer and asked , ' Auntie ! Where are you going ? '

  30. 在天堂里,亚当对上帝说“我太寂寞了,我须要一个人陪我.”

    In the Eden , Adam told the God : " I 'm lonely , I need a company . "