
rónɡ jī lǜ
  • Plot ratio;volumetric flow rate
  1. CT测量保留肝容积率对肝癌切除术前肝储备功能的评估价值

    Assessment value of reservation liver volume rate for preoperative liver reserve function by CT

  2. COD最佳去除效果为70.3%。最佳容积率的确定

    The maximum removal rate of COD is 71.3 % . How to Define The Best FAR

  3. 基于知识规则的遥感分类方法以及空间网格技术(GRID)应用于建筑容积率估算不仅可以提高建筑容积率估算精度,而且进一步可以估算不同城市用地类型的建筑面积。

    The method of RS classification based on knowledge rule and spatial grid improves not only the precision of the floor area ratio estimation , but also makes the urban land building floor area estimation easier .

  4. 地表反照率、NDVI和建筑密度对规划地块地表温度的影响与容积率和平均高度两个因子相比更剧烈。

    Surface albedo , NDVI and the building density have more effects on land surface temperature than plot ratio and average height .

  5. 这个新指标&绿色容积率(GPR)是以一个通常被称作叶面积指数(LAI)的生物参数作为基础,该参数被定义为每单位地块面积上的单面叶面积总和。

    This new metric , the green plot ratio ( GPR ), is based on a common biological parameter called the leaf area index ( LAI ), which is defined as the single-side leaf area per unit ground area .

  6. 地表温度与NDVI和地表反照率的相关关系最为密切,相关系数分别为0.843和0.829,其次为建筑密度,相关系数分别为0.662,再次为容积率和平均高度,相关系数分别为0.429和0.416。

    Surface temperature is most closely related with NDVI and surface albedo . The correlation coefficients are 0.843 and 0.829 , followed by building density , whose correlation coefficient is 0.662 . The last are the plot ratio and average height , whose correlation coefficients are 0.429 and 0.416 respectively .

  7. 建筑密度越大,建筑容积率越高,地面沉降越显著。

    Bigger building density and bigger volumetric fraction caused bigger subsidence .

  8. 传统土地使用制度下容积率对地价的影响

    The FAR Influence on Land Price under the Traditional Land Use System

  9. 绿色容积率:建筑和城市规划的一种生态量度

    Green plot Ratio : An Ecological Measure for Architecture and Urban Planning

  10. 提出了确定容积率修正系数的原则。

    Proposing the principles of establishing the Floor Area Ratio Modification Coefficient .

  11. 商品住宅的进深、面宽、开间与容积率

    Depth , width , span and floor area ratio of commodity houses

  12. 长沙市城市住区开发容积率管理研究

    A Study of Urban Community FIR Management for Changsha City

  13. 城市基准地价评估中的容积率修正问题探讨

    Capacity Rate Revision in Evaluation of Urban Benchmark Land Prices

  14. 容积率最佳使用的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of the Best Use of Building Volume Rate

  15. 经济容积率在城镇土地利用潜力评价中的思考

    Economic Floor Area Ratio in Evaluation of Utilization Potential of Urban Land

  16. 在住宅开发中,容积率是一个十分重要的指标。

    In residential development , volume ratio is a very main index .

  17. 从建筑容积率看居住环境的创造

    Comprehension of creation in residing environment from the view-point of building volumtric rate

  18. 控制性详细规划中容积率指标确定的探讨

    Probe into the Indicator Determination of Floor Area Ratio in Regulatory Detailed Planning

  19. 高容积率之下的城市住区规划与设计研究

    Rate under High-volume Urban Settlements Planning and Design Study

  20. 城市住区设计中的建筑容积率研究

    A Study on Floor Area Ratio in the Design of Urban Residential District

  21. 容积率的确定及其对土地开发效益的影响

    Determination of FAR and its Effect on Land Development

  22. 最佳容积率的确定环上的最大流通量问题

    Maximize the throughput of ring routing problem in SONET

  23. 科学发展观下容积率的合理制定

    Rational setting down floor area ratio under the guidance of scientific development view

  24. 要想做到这一点,就得千方百计地提高容积率。

    To do this , they do everything possible to improve capacity rate .

  25. 最后没办法,只好又到亚运村买了容积率很高的住宅。

    Finally no alternative but to choose and buy a high volume of residential .

  26. 城市容积率确定的技术要点透视

    A prospect on the main technical points about determination of urban floor area ratio

  27. 容积率与建筑密度对地价的综合影响研究&以株洲市商业用地为例

    The joint influence on land price produced by floor area ratio and construction density

  28. 容积率奖励及开发权转让的国际比较

    International Comparison of FAR Awards and TDR Application

  29. 中小城镇旧城改造控制性详规中容积率的测算

    Calculation of volume rate of regulations of old districts in small and medium towns

  30. 容积率是反映城市土地利用强度的一项重要指标。

    Floor area ratio is an important index to reflect the intensity of land use .