- ox;bullock;neat

There wasn 't enough grass for cattle and buffalo .
Domestic cattle provide us with milk , beef , and hides .
Cattle refer to all domestic cattle except for the buffalo and yak .
Term not used technically ; essentially coextensive with genus Bos : cattle ; buffalo ; and sometimes includes kudu .
Unlike domestic bulls or rams , which service every receptive female within sniffing distance , mating humans demand some sort of mutual consent .
Cattle brought over by the Spanish in 1493 had bred with settlers ' cows from England breeding a new breed , the Texas Longhorn .
Raising cattle is the most important kind of livestock farming . Many breeds are kept-dairy cows for their milk and beef cattle for their meat .
Significantly , this herd will be entirely free of cattle genes - unlike most existing buffalo herds in America , which have interbred with domestic cattle .
Officially , the American buffalo is now a type of livestock . But one day , if Mr Gerrity gets his way , his buffalo will be declared wild animals again .
[ KUALA LUMPUR ] Scientists are testing a vaccine that spreads by itself as a solution to a highly infectious buffalo and cattle disease that costs millions of dollars a year .
Haemorrhagic septicaemia is one of the most important bacterial diseases in buffalo and cattle in many African , Asian and Middle Eastern countries , causing losses of millions of dollars a year .
The stone walls keep the farmer 's cows from joining his neighbor 's cows .
He says that at night lions from the park used to eat his family 's cattle .
With the arrival of summer ( usually mid-June ), the farmer straps elaborate ceremonial bells on his cows and takes them up to a hut at high elevations .
I don 't have that kind of confidence and , anyway , coveting your neighbor 's ox or donkey is not the problem it used to be so I thought I would use my few minutes today to make Ten Suggestions
When the cows arrive at their summer home , the bells are hung under the eaves .
The 688 Beef Bowl restaurant in Taiwan currently has the most expensive beef noodles on the market .
This novel depicts the profound changes of Chinese society from the Boxers Uprising ( 1900 ) to Anti-Japanese War ( 1937-1945 ) through the description of three large families in Peking & the Yao Family , the Tseng Family and the New Family .
Of the six butcheries in the county town of Hsiangtan , five are now closed and the remaining one slaughters only enfeebled or disabled animals .