
  1. 新时期家庭伦理剧的历史和发展

    The History and Development of the Family Ethics Play in the New Era

  2. 中国家庭伦理剧作为当今荧屏的宠儿,曾产生过诸多颇具影响力的作品。

    Chinese family ethics drama has been the darling of the modern screen .

  3. 元代家庭伦理剧研究

    On the Family Ethics Opera of Yuan Dynasty

  4. 韩国家庭伦理剧之解读

    The Analysis on Korean Family Ethics TV Plays

  5. 家庭伦理剧的变迁,可分为三个阶段:起步期、繁荣期、成熟期。

    The transition can be divided into three stages : preliminary period , prosperous period , and mature period .

  6. 引言中主要考察了家庭伦理剧研究的历史和现状;

    The preface mainly focuses on the history and current situation of research about " the Family Ethics Opera " .

  7. 家庭伦理剧是以家庭生活为主要背景,讲述家庭成员之间的伦理道德和情感纠葛为主要内容的电视连续剧。

    The dramas are with family life as the main background , about the ethical and emotional entanglements among family members .

  8. 家庭伦理剧一直是电视荧屏的宠儿,占据着电视荧屏的大片江山。

    The family ethics play has been the darling of the television screen , dominated the television screens of large tracts of land .

  9. 同时梳理了中国家庭伦理剧概念、发展历程及家庭伦理剧中男性形象的建构。

    At the same time , combing the construction of Chinese family ethics drama concept , development history and family ethics drama male image .

  10. 近年来,家庭伦理剧作为较受人们关注和喜爱的电视剧剧种之一。

    In recent years , the family ethics drama , as one of the most popular dramas , has been of focus by the mass people .

  11. 家庭伦理剧从90年起步,在二十年发展过程中实现两次大的转折,其原因较为复杂。

    The family ethics TV play starts at 1990 , in the process of 20 years , it accomplishes twice transitions , and the reason is complicated .

  12. 通过性别建构的各种策略,家庭伦理剧复制了男女两性的性别“神话”、表达着吸纳了情感自由伦理的传统责任伦理。

    The present study holds that family-ethics teleplay not only expresses a " myth " of conjugal relation , but also constructs traditional ethics which absorb liberal ethics .

  13. 在诸多类型当中,家庭伦理剧,以其贴近生活,还原生活的特点受到了广大观众的欢迎,是我国主要电视频道黄金时段的主打题材。

    Among the many types of family ethics drama , the ones which close to life restore the life characteristics have been welcomed by the majority of the audience .

  14. 大陆传统文化,是如何对海外通俗电视剧中的言情剧、家庭伦理剧和警匪剧进行本土化改造的。

    Continent traditional culture , how it is romantic play , family ethics drama and between policemen and bandits drama in overseas popular TV Series carry on localization transformation .

  15. 在百花齐放的电视剧艺术形态中,家庭伦理剧一直独占鳌头,深受百姓喜爱,成为中国电视剧的一道亮丽风景线。

    In the flourishing drama forms , the family ethical drama always come out on top , deeply loved by the people , become a beautiful Chinese drama scenery line .

  16. 第一部分,按照时间线索,对家庭伦理剧二十年的发展予以概述,探寻家庭伦理剧变迁之迹。

    First , according to the clues of time , to give a generally description of the development and explore the vestige of the family ethics TV series in 20 years .

  17. 第四、第五部分为本论文的重点章节,第四部分用传播学理论对韩剧最常见的两大类型:家庭伦理剧和青春偶像剧进行解析;

    The fourth chapter explains as the most common two styles of Korea TV drama program , family TV drama program and youth idol TV drama program according to communication theory .

  18. 本文以时间为主线概述中国家庭伦理剧二十年的变迁,分析家庭伦理剧变迁的原因,从三个维度论证家庭伦理剧二十年变迁的具体表现。

    This thesis summarizes the transitions of the Chinese family ethics TV series in 20 years ; analyzes the reasons and demonstrates the concrete performance of its transitions in 3 dimensions .

  19. 1990年,家庭伦理剧的开端之作《渴望》的出现,标志着中国电视剧艺术真正走向成熟,也带来了中国电视剧艺术发展史上大量带有平民叙事风格电视剧的产生。

    1990 , for the beginning of the Ethics family drama Desire , brings the history of the development of Chinese art dramas with a large number of civilians narrative style in TV production .

  20. 所谓家庭伦理剧,是以普通百姓的家庭生活和家庭成员之间的情感纠葛为表现内容的电视剧,最具民族特质,最能彰显民族文化精神。

    Family moral play , based on the family life of ordinary people and emotions between family members , is a kind of video works , with national characteristics , which could show natioal and cultural spirits .

  21. 家庭伦理剧是以社会道德为题材,以人伦情感为主线,以家庭成员的情感纠葛、百姓的日常生活矛盾为内容的影视剧种。

    The family ethics play in the new era , has the subject of social moral , the thread of human emotion and the content including member 's emotion conflicts and contracts of people ' daily life .

  22. 韩国家庭伦理剧时下在中国市场影响较大,以其温馨真实的故事情节和生动形象的生活化人物刻画笼络了大批中国电视剧观众,并产生积极影响。

    Korean family ethics play nowadays a greater impact in the Chinese market , its warm and true story of life and vivid characterization to win a large number of TV viewers , and have a positive impact .

  23. 中国青春偶像剧不像历史剧、家庭伦理剧一样是中国本土化电视剧类型,而是上世纪90年代从日韩引介的一种电视剧类型。

    Unlike the Chinese historical drama , family ethics , which are the Chinese localization of TV drama type , but the last century , Japan and South Korea 90 years , youth idol is from the introduction of a drama type .

  24. 私人化情感的表达成为这一阶段家庭伦理剧的重心;第三阶段家庭伦理剧在传统伦理情感与现代个体情感之间寻求平衡,主要表现具有人文主义关怀的温情脉脉的情感。

    Private affection becomes the center of family ethics TV play ; The third stage , family ethics TV play seeks for a balance between the traditional ethics emotion and the modern individual emotion , in order to express a tender emotion concerning with humanism .

  25. 第三章讨论的是中国家庭伦理剧的叙事策略,从叙事艺术的角度,分析了中国家庭伦理剧伦理化与苦情化、社会化与私人化、世俗化与平民化的叙事策略。

    The third chapter will discuss the narrative strategies of Chinese family ethics drama . It will analyze the narrative strategies of ethics and complaints , socialization and privatization , secularization and pain folk about Chinese family ethics drama from the view of narrative art .

  26. 但繁荣背后的价值困境,促成家庭伦理剧的自我完善;2005年前后,一批重新表现传统伦理价值观念的剧作成为热门话题,家庭伦理剧的表达趋于理性。

    But the predicament in the back of prosperity stimulates its self-perfection ; around 2005 , there is a tendency , in which the traditional ethics concept and value is re - expressed , making the Chinese family ethics TV series become a fever topic in 2005 .

  27. 在主流文化和商业文化共构的生存语境中,家庭伦理剧也运用和形成了不同的叙事策略,从这些叙事策略中,我们又能读解和反观到不同话语权力的格局和状态。

    In the mainstream culture and the commercial culture altogether construct in the survival linguistic environment , the family ethics play utilized and has formed the different narrative strategy . From these narrative strategy , we can read the different words to the pattern of power and status .

  28. 第三部分是正文的第三章,对中国家庭伦理电视剧进行文化探析。

    This chapter makes a cultural analysis on Chinese ethnic series .

  29. 人伦之和的主调与变奏&近年中国都市家庭伦理电视剧的审美文化批评

    On the Recent Chinese TV Plays of the Family Ethic

  30. 当下家庭伦理电视剧之所以收视率较高,不仅是社会历史转型的必然,而且是因为其对电视媒介特性先天性的相契合。

    It is not only because of Social Historical Transition , but also it is correspond to the characteristic of TV media .