
  • 网络constitutional regime;constitution;constitutional government;constitutional system
  1. 收入生产、交易费用与宪政体制

    Revenue Production , Transaction Costs and Constitutional Regime

  2. 本文运用交易费用政治学、政治史和财政史上的理论和经验研究成果研究了宪政体制的发育和维持。

    This essay applies transaction cost politics , political history , and fiscal history to examine the development and sustenance of a constitutional regime .

  3. 分权理论与英国宪政体制之自我解构

    Power Separation Principle and Deconstruction of Constitutional System of Britain

  4. 在我国宪法中引入比例原则,对完善我国宪政体制有重要意义。

    Introducing such principle to our constitution will help perfecting our constitutionalism construction .

  5. 历史和实践都表明,诸多因素促使近代英国宪政体制的确立。

    Many factors have contributed to the establishment of the British constitutional system .

  6. 以期能对我国宪政体制的构建提供借鉴。

    With a view to the constitutional system of our country to build for reference .

  7. 美国宪政体制探源

    The Origins Of American Constitutionalism

  8. 之所以会误读英国宪政体制与分权理论的关系,是因为我们缺乏对分权理论的精细化认识。

    Lack of fine understanding with the power-separation theory lead to misunderstanding of constitutional system of UK .

  9. 本部分主要阐述了四点内容:第一,行政诉讼制度促进宪政体制初步形成;

    It elaborate mainly four contents : First , administrative lawsuit system promotes the system of constitutionalism ;

  10. 第二部分论述了宪政体制下物权立法的核心价值。

    The second part , dealing with the core values of the constitutional system of property rights legislation .

  11. 要加强我国宪政体制的建设,完善预算监督相关制度成为一项重要任务。

    To strengthen the construction of Chinese constitutional system , perfect the budget supervision system becomes an important task .

  12. 宪法思维是指大众和精英通过宪政体制这一沟通平台所共享的生活习惯与心理取向。

    Constitutional thinking refers to shared mass and elite living habit and psychological orientations on the communication platform constitutional institution .

  13. 规范层面,宪政体制是政治制度文明的显赫精义;

    In terms of the norm aspect , the system of democratic constitutionalism is the glorious connotation of political institutional civilization ;

  14. 其宪政体制的出发点和落脚点都是对一种文明进化体制的维护。

    Its constitutional system the starting and ending points are the evolution of a civilization , the maintenance of the system .

  15. 就对权力的限制而言一般存在两种形式,一种是实体控权,即通过合理分权的权力结构体系或宪政体制,来实现对权力的控制,另一种是程序控权。

    There are two forms to limit power , one is entity controlling , and the other is called procedure controlling .

  16. 但由于时代和社会环境的局限,佛罗伦萨的宪政体制还存在诸多缺陷。

    However , for the limitations of time and social environment , there were many defects in the constitutional system of Florence .

  17. 而完善行政立法来推进依法行政受到现行宪政体制的约束,要突破现行宪制的困扰实现依法行政只有加强行政立法程序控制和实行行政立法诉讼。

    To realize the government by law , we should intensify the procedural control of administrative legislation and carry out suit of administrative legislation .

  18. 虽然仍在发展过程中,尚不成熟,但这一体制同西方成熟的宪政体制一样通过国家层面的有效执政与社会层面的认同获取合法性效用。

    Although not yet mature , this system is also able to gain its legitimacy from both national and social level , bring effectiveness and form identity .

  19. 在我国现行宪政体制框架下,人民法院司法审查的基础地位尚未全面建立起来。

    Under our national current constitutional and political system frame the foundational position of the judicial examination power of the People 's Court not establish completely yet .

  20. 影响美国宪政体制的因素主要有来自英国的普通法传统、殖民地自身的政治经验以及源自欧洲的启蒙思想。

    The main factors that ever influenced the American constitutionalism are the English common law tradition , the political heritage of the colonies , and thoughts from the Enlightenment .

  21. 在西方宪政体制确立的历史过程中,财政作为经济利益的重要载体扮演了极其关键的角色。

    In the course of history about the constitutional system established in western countries , public finance had been playing a crucial role as an important bearer of economic interests .

  22. 税权监督是有效制约国家权力的关键、防止国家滥用权力的根本方法、确立宪政体制的重要内容。

    The tax power supervision is key to restrict state power , the basic method to prevent the country from abusing power , and the important content to establish constitutional government system .

  23. 抽象行政行为监督机制的建立,应当符合宪政体制及各种监督权的特点,符合一定的价值取向。

    The reestablishment of system of supervision on abstract administrative acts should adapt to constitutional framework , accord with the character of supervision powers and meet a certain value of justice and efficiency .

  24. 不可否认,光荣革命确实对英国近代宪政体制的建立有着巨大的影响,而且这种影响一直贯穿于十八世纪英国政治的发展之中。

    No doubt , The Glorious Revolution affects the formation of modern constitutionalism in England tremendously , whose influence had worked in the development of British politics in 18 ~ ( th ) century .

  25. 罗斯福新政在政治、经济、社会等领域的创新是对美国传统宪政体制的突破,它要求一次宪法革命。

    The innovation of the New Deal in the politics , economy and society is a breakthrough of American traditional constitutional system , which is in need of some sort of " Constitution Revolution " .

  26. 进入现代社会,在西方宪政体制当中,生命权同、财产权、和自由权等确认为人的自然权利,并在各国宪法当中都得到了体现。

    Enters the modern society , in the western constitutional government system , the life right with the property rights , confirmation manner and the free right , is regarded as the human 's natural right .

  27. 宪政体制确立的司法权与行政权的平等地位决定了作为司法权与行政权关系调节阀的司法审查标准,既不能过于宽松,也不能过于严格。

    The equal status of judicial power and executive power established by constitutional system decides standards of judicial review that is the " control valve " between the executive power and judicial power , neither too loose nor too strict .

  28. 从传统宪政体制下审判权的地位出发,到行政诉讼制度确立相对于行政权的最终裁判权,引发了我们对司法最终权的思考。

    The status of trial power in the traditional constitutional system , which help us recognize that it is administrative proceedings that establish the final jurisdiction comparing to the executive power , and which initiates our numerous theoretical thoughts about them .

  29. 科技发展所引起的社会生产力的不断提高,推动着社会关系的变革,对人类法律思想的起源、法律规范的生成、宪政体制的建立发挥了基础性决定作用。

    Caused by the development of science and technology , the social productive forces had been improved greatly and played a determining role on the origin of human legal thoughts , the change of legal norms and the establishment of constitutional system .

  30. 而司法审查权也是现代司法权的核心所在,在分权的宪政体制下,它可以在一定程度上制约行政裁量权的滥用,同时也要克制自身不能干预行政权的合法运作。

    And judicial review right is the core of modern judicial right . Under the decentralization of constitutional system , it can restrict the abuse of administrative discretion rights to certain extent , also should refrain itself from interfering lawful operation of administrative power .