
xuān ɡào pò chǎn
  • declare bankruptcy;suspend payment;adjudication of bankruptcy;go bankrupt
  1. 他一再敦促我们宣告破产。

    He repeatedly urged us to declare bankruptcy .

  2. 和银行界的几乎所有其他人一样,他们要我们宣告破产。

    Like almost everyone else in the banking world , they wanted us to declare bankruptcy .

  3. 十多年前,长期资本管理公司(longtermcapitalmanagement)宣告破产,之后出台的一份政府报告呼吁对衍生品市场进行改革。

    Following the collapse of long term capital management more than 10 years ago , a government report called for derivatives market reform .

  4. iTunes几乎独自就摧毁了传统音乐商店。Tower制片宣告破产。

    iTunes almost single-handedly wiped out traditional music stores . Tower records declares bankruptcy .

  5. n.破产亏了两年之后,该公司宣告破产。

    bankruptcy After losing money for two years , the company declared bankruptcy .

  6. 他知道很多NBA球员都在退役3.5年后宣告破产。

    He knows that all too often his fellow NBA players go broke just 3.5 years after retiring .

  7. 其他一些知名品牌,比如SaksFifthAvenue,则退出了大码女装领域,它的专业大码女装品牌Avenue也宣告破产。

    Yet other big names , including Saks Fifth Avenue , have exited ; plus-sizebrand Avenue went bankrupt .

  8. 在荷兰,DSB银行在拒绝政府的救援资金后宣告破产。

    In the Netherlands , DSB Bank was declared bankrupt after being refused government rescue funding .

  9. 7月,华盛顿:最后一个借款方偿还了贷款,国际货币基金组织(IMF)没有了经常收入,该机构被宣告破产。

    Washington : the International Monetary Fund is declared insolvent after its last remaining borrower repays its loans , leaving the institution without a regular income .

  10. 关键时刻发生在2003年4月一个致命的周末,当时,小型城市银行理索纳银行(resonabank)宣告破产。

    The moment of truth came one fateful weekend in April 2003 when Resona bank , a small city bank , failed .

  11. cnl以其出品的轻铝材质滑行艇著称,但公司于今年年初宣告破产。

    CNL is well known for its light aluminium , fast-planing superyachts but went bankrupt early this year .

  12. 作为彰显该领域困境的一个例子,在证交所上市的香港时装品牌u-right于去年10月宣告破产,成为本轮经济衰退最早、最引人注目的受害者。

    Underlining the difficulties in that segment , one of the earliest and most high-profile victims of the economic downturn was U-Right , a listed Hong Kong fashion brand that went bankrupt last October .

  13. (三)依法宣告破产;

    If it is declared bankrupt in accordance with the law ;

  14. 公司被依法宣告破产;

    The company is declared bankrupt as provided by law ;

  15. 亏了两年之后,该公司宣告破产。

    After losing money for two years , the company declared bankruptcy .

  16. 在亚洲金融危机过后不久的1999年,该集团宣告破产。

    The group collapsed in 1999 shortly after the Asian financial crisis .

  17. 那家公司已经在高等法院宣告破产了。

    The company was declared bankrupt in the high court .

  18. 被依法撤销或者被宣告破产;

    His trusteeship is removed or he is declared bankrupt ;

  19. 纳努拉加入后一年左右,公司便宣告破产。

    The firm went bust a year or so after Nanula joined .

  20. 可惜项目最终失败,特斯拉本人也宣告破产。

    The project failed , and Tesla ended up broke .

  21. 去年他经法院宣告破产。

    He was declared by the court to be a bankrupt last year .

  22. 坊间甚至一度猜测,这家石油巨头可能将宣告破产。

    And there was even speculation that the oil giant would go bankrupt .

  23. 破产的已由法院宣告破产的法律化学,刑事侦破化学,化学破案术

    Having been legally declared financially insolvent . forensic chemistry

  24. 用人单位被依法宣告破产的;

    The employer is announced bankrupt according to law ;

  25. 所以我们说拆掉它,宣告破产

    So we said screw it , declared bankruptcy .

  26. 前华尔街宠儿安然公司由于会计丑闻倒闭,宣告破产。

    Former Wall Street darling Enron collapses in accounting scandal , filing for bankruptcy .

  27. 通用表示,若无法大幅削减成本将不得不宣告破产。

    GM says failure to achieve significant cost savings would force it into bankruptcy .

  28. 该企业被宣告破产。

    The enterprise was named in the gazette .

  29. 他在1991年被宣告破产。

    He was declared a bankrupt in 1991 .

  30. 他毫不含糊地概述了一旦克莱斯勒公司宣告破产时对底特律市会造成什么样的后果。

    He minced no words in outlining what a Chrysler bankruptcy would do to Detroit .