
  • 网络publicity means
  1. 安徽省高校应充分运用各种宣传手段,以构建高校与社区的体育交流平台.(6)借鉴其他省市高校体育场馆对外开放的成功经验,进一步完善体育场馆对外开放的经营管理模式。

    Anhui province colleges should make full use of various publicity means , to establish the platform between universities and community . ( 6 ) Regarding the successful experience of the colleges in other provinces as reference to further improve the management mode of the opening-up of college gymnasia .

  2. 该阵线采用激进的宣传手段对付它的对手。

    The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals .

  3. 作为一种宣传手段,金砖国家(Brics)这个品牌取得了巨大的成功。

    As a marketing tool , the Brics brand has been a huge success .

  4. 与传统的产品宣传手段相比,基于Web的产品信息发布系统以其独有的优势正成为目前国内外企业推广产品的主要方式。

    Comparing with the traditional propaganda ways of products , today the system of information publishing of products on Web , with its particular advantages , is becoming a main mode at home and abroad .

  5. 第一次火炬接力出现在1936年柏林奥运会之前,是纳粹(nazi)的宣传手段之一,这种宣传使得柏林奥运成为近代最臭名昭著的奥运会。

    The first tour of the torch came in the run-up to the 1936 Olympiad , as part of the Nazi propaganda which made Berlin the most notorious games of recent times .

  6. 电影是一种重要的宣传手段。

    The cinema is an important means of propaganda .

  7. 电影的宣传手段总是包括电影的时髦用语,预告片,海报,以及剧照。

    Ways of film promotion always include taglines , trailers , posters and photo gallery .

  8. 第六,体育宣传手段单一、宣传内容单调、宣传频率较低。

    Sixth , sports propaganda means a single , monotonous , the propaganda propaganda frequency is low .

  9. 他向世界保证,制定这些目标并不是宣传手段,他们会达成所制定的目标。

    He assured the world that stating these goals are not a publicity stunt and that they will be achieved .

  10. 从一个层面来看,这次投递只是一次新奇的宣传手段,展示了科技的潜力。

    At one level , the delivery was little more than a quirky publicity stunt to demonstrate the potential of technology .

  11. 传统招幌是中国古代商业社会中不可或缺的行业标识和宣传手段。

    Chinese traditional signs were an indispensable part of trade marks and propaganda in the business field in the ancient China .

  12. 在中国,化妆品市场不仅是一个持续成长并使用大量名人代言广告作为宣传手段的市场,同时也是一个吸引了众多外国品牌的市场。

    In China cosmetic is one of the growth industries that attract foreign brands and also an industry that heavily advertised with celebrities .

  13. 中国广告经过了二三十年的蓬勃发展,已经从最初的稀有事物发展成为无处不在的商品宣传手段。

    The Chinese advertisement underwent 20-30 year vigorous development , already developed into the ubiquitous sales talk method from the initial rara avis .

  14. 周一,俄罗斯朋克乐队“暴动小猫”成员获释,他们讽刺,对他们罪行的赦免只是一种政治宣传手段。

    Two members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot walked free Monday , criticizing the amnesty measure that released them as a publicity stunt .

  15. 手机贴膜的功能其实并没有那么强大,只不过是一种宣传手段而已。

    The cellular phone puts up the function of membrane to in fact have no so strong , only is a kind of publicity resort .

  16. 网络传播凭借其互动性、海量性、开放性、超链接等亲和力特点,成为十分重要的宣传手段,是加强舆论宣传的重要阵地。

    Network communication with its inter-activeness , massive information , openness , hyperlinks and other affinity characteristics becomes a very important propaganda tool to intensify publicity .

  17. 塔利班方面表示,从未利用儿童自杀人弹或童子军,并发表声明称,此控诉是“敌方的宣传手段”。

    The Taliban have denied using child fighters or bombers and issued a statement saying the accusations came from " propaganda outfits of the enemy " .

  18. 从法规体系、落实力度、宣传手段、执法行为等方面讨论如何加强和改进消防执法工作。

    How to strengthen and improve the fire safety enforcement is discussed from the aspects of legal system , the implementation , publicity way , law enforcement .

  19. 通过研究后认为健身气功推广应以人类的健康诉求为中心,现阶段应打造以健康为主、文化为辅的信息传播策略,并提出了较为具体的宣传手段。

    The study claims that the popularization should center upon health complaints , and at present , and that health-oriented and culture-assisted information communication strategies should be established .

  20. 广告作为企业的宣传手段、业文化的一部分,也必然蕴含着中国传统的某些价值观念。

    Advertising , a means for the enterprise to propagand itself , is also a part of enterprise culture , which necessarily embodies some values of Chinese traditional culture .

  21. 周五,该激进组织称联合国的宣布是“宣传手段”。青年党还宣布他们只允许目前在他们的领地内工作的外国机构增加援助。

    On Friday the militant group called the UN declaration " propaganda . " It also said it will increased aid only from foreign agencies working in its territory .

  22. 尽管这种行为会被视为公然将女性身体物化,“绝对领域”公关公司巧妙的宣传手段却让我们窥见了未来的广告趋势。

    Though it could be classified as a blatant objectification of the female body , Absolute Territory PR 's crafty campaign is a glimpse into the future of advertising .

  23. 通过对这个最高机密计划的研究,可揭示出美国在冷战初期进行的种种心理宣传手段,进而全面认识美国的全球冷战宣传战略。

    Studying on the top-secret project , this article attempts to reveal the important role of the cold war psychological warfare in the total cold war strategy of United States .

  24. 人们通常认为,广告语应当简明,醒目,准确,但是作为一种促销商品的宣传手段,它也包含着另外一个特点:模糊。

    It is always considered that the advertising language should be concise , prominent , precise ; while as an effective way to propagate products , it also demonstrates another feature : vagueness .

  25. 虽然伊朗总统表现的宽宏大量;但播放被捕英军的电视画面则显示了他的笨拙的宣传手段。

    President Ahmadinejad has sought to portray himself as a humanitarian statesman in releasing the captives , but the parading of the UK crew on television has looked at times like crude propaganda .

  26. 校报作为学校的重要的舆论工具和宣传手段,在思想政治教育中,担负着应有的责任和使命,也发挥着独特的优势和作用。

    College newspaper is an important mass media of instrument of propaganda in campus and it shoulders the due responsibilities , plays a special role and takes its own advantage in the ideological education .

  27. 运用多种宣传手段,扩大社会影响,争取社会力量的支持和参与,形成社会合力,共同促进阳光体育运动的开展。

    Use of a variety of promotional tools , expanding the social impact of social forces for the support and participation of social work together to jointly promote the development of Sunshine Sports Campaign .

  28. 针对实际情况,从增强开放意识、采用多种宣传手段、加大招生力度、把好教学质量关四个方面提出了发展留学生教育的措施。

    Presents effective measures to the development of international student education on the aspects of enhancing the opening-up consciousness , adopting multiple promotions , expanding the promotion of enrollment , and improving the quality control in teaching .

  29. 美国政治体制发生这一变化的主要因素在于美国国家垄断资本主义的发展、美国国际地位的提高及科学技术的发展和宣传手段现代化的实现为变化提供了条件。

    The main cause of this change lies in the development of monopoly capitalism , the elevation of international status of the U.S. , the development of science and technology and modernization in the media of propaganda .

  30. 一方面,银行卡的广泛使用给持卡人带来了极大的方便;另一方面,银行卡作为独特的宣传手段,给银行带来了知名度和极大的效益。

    On one hand , the use of bank card brings the card holder great convenience . On the other hand , as a special propagandistic tool , the bank card brings the bank fame and huge benefit .