
kè ɡuān shì shí
  • objective fact;verity
  1. 利用matlab中的GUI工具建立模糊推理系统,综合考虑客观事实(人脸的识别度)和信任程度(变量的隶属度),验证了该方法的有效性。

    Establish fuzzy inference system by using the GUI tool in MATLAB , fusion the image recognition decision effectively by considering the objective fact ( face recognition ) and the degree of trust ( variable membership ) .

  2. 积极事实和消极事实都是客观事实。

    Both the positive fact and the negative fact are objective fact .

  3. 撇开那些情绪化的争论不谈,下面只说客观事实。

    Emotional arguments aside , here are the facts .

  4. 后现代主义者声称不存在客观事实。人们凭什么要相信他们呢?

    Postmodernists say there is no objective truth . Why should anyone believe them ?

  5. 从客观事实出发,论证Internet已经成为大众学习媒体。通过对现象的分析和综合,说明Internet学习媒体存在的客观性和必然性。

    By analyzing and synthesizing the present phenomena , the article explains the objectivity and inevitability of Internet as a mass learning media .

  6. 本文以ABC分类法说明了减轻地震灾害的重要意义,指出了地震灾害绝对损失数额一般会随社会经济发展而逐渐增大这一客观事实。

    Based on the fact that the economic losses of seismic disaster are gradually increasing with the development of economy , the great importance of seismic disaster reduction is demonstrated by ABC analysis method .

  7. 运用GP算法的自适应寻优及智能搜索技术,获取与客观事实最相容的预测模型,对病虫害流行情况做出预测。

    We get the forecast models that mate with the true results by the characteristic of adaption optimization , intelligent search of GP , and predict the degree of epidemic diseases .

  8. LakoffandJohnson(1999)已经证明:多种因素可能会影响语言的理解,如客观事实、身体经验、对世界的认知以及心理学基础等等。

    Lakoff and Johnson ( 1999 ) have testified that more than one factor hinder the understanding of the language , namely , objective facts , bodily experience , the cognition of the world and psychological basis , and etc.

  9. 主要是利用GM(1,1)模型预测耕地资源的未来收益,以克服与客观事实不符的传统价值模型中未来收益不变的假设的缺陷,从而计算出重庆耕地的综合价值。

    The future earnings of cultivated land resources was estimated by gray prediction method in order to overcome the defects which traditional method suppose that earnings of farmland is not change in future , and estimate the integrated value of arable land resources in Chongqing . 3 .

  10. Girard对自己的描述是客观事实,他解释了在他包里的文件。他相信这些文件可以证明政府正在企图控制他的精神。

    Girard 's description of himself is matter-of-fact , until he explains what 's in the bag : documents he believes prove that the government is attempting to control his mind .

  11. 全球化已成为不可逆转的趋势和不可抗拒的客观事实。

    Globalization has become an unalterable tendency and an unarguable fact .

  12. 现在我们看到,这两方面都是客观事实。

    We can see that both these things are objective facts .

  13. 建构主义认为,根本不存在一成不变的客观事实。

    Constructivism that does not exist immutable " objective " facts .

  14. 同时,它禁止在报道中公开地采取立场,而将客观事实和主观意见区别开来。

    It refrains from taking sides publicly by distinguishing facts from opinions .

  15. 这是谁也无法否认的客观事实。

    This is an objective fact no one can deny .

  16. 你的情感似乎从来也不和客观事实成比例呀。

    Your emotion never seem in proportion to their objects .

  17. 如今,象似性普遍存在于文学作品之中,这已是不可否认的客观事实。

    It is a fact that iconicity prevails in the literary works .

  18. 它以客观事实为依据,与时俱进。

    It is based on objective facts and advance with the time .

  19. 正是那些可以社会化的重复性经验事实才能被称为科学事实或客观事实。

    The experience that can be repeated socially is real scientific fact .

  20. 关于科学地评论教育实验论文的思考&兼评欧阳敬孝违背客观事实的评论

    How to Review a Research Paper on Educational Experiment scientifically

  21. 正如陈冯博士所坦白的,这一指责是客观事实。

    As Dr Chan says candidly , that charge is a reality .

  22. 语言里有情感语义成分不仅有其理论根据,也是常见的客观事实。

    In fact , there are emotive components in Chinese and Russian languages .

  23. 经济全球化的客观事实揭示了资本的一般性质。

    The objective fact of economic globalization reveals the general nature of capital .

  24. 偶然防卫是行为人对客观事实的一种错误认识。

    Accidental defense is an actor 's false cognition on the objective facts .

  25. 强势群体的出现已经是客观事实,开展对强势群体的研究需要创新研究方法。

    The existence of superiority group requires creative methods of research on it .

  26. 社会主义初级阶段,异化现象在我国某些领域还会存在,这是不以人们意志为转移的客观事实。

    The phenomena of alienation will exist in some fields in socialist elementary stage .

  27. 客观事实也指向同样的结论。

    Objective facts point to the same conclusion .

  28. 环境伦理的基础不是一个客观事实,而是社会实践。

    The foundation of environmental ethic is not objective fact , but social practice .

  29. 关于悬移质挟沙率(水流挟沙力)的数学结论偏离客观事实;

    The mathematical conclusion about the suspensions-carrying-ability of flows departs from the natural truth ;

  30. 英语的WH-移位和韩国语的WH-原位是客观事实。

    Magnetic Shift WH-move in English and WH-in-situ in Korean are the objective facts .