
kè ɡuān kě nénɡ xìnɡ
  • objective possibilities
  1. 在重庆新的城市版图规划中,北部新区为实现新的城市发展观提供了客观可能性。

    The establishment of EBD in CNNZ provides objective possibilities for Chongqing 's development in the city 's new layout .

  2. 客观可能性和主观能动性的关系;

    The relationship between objective possibility and subjective initiative ;

  3. 第一节主要论述时代发展的需要为新民学会接受马克思主义提供的客观可能性。

    The first section discusses that the requires of the development of the times provided the objective possibility for the Xinmin Institute to accept Marxism .

  4. 在市场经济逐步确立的过程中,单位犯罪行为激增,其中也包括单位过失犯罪行为,这决定了单位过失犯罪的客观可能性和刑法价值性。

    In the course of establishing market economy progressively , unit crimes , including unit negligence crimes , have increased sharply , which determines objective possibility and criminal value of unit negligence crime .

  5. 在谈经济发展时首先是谈主体需要,并且是同主体需要结合起来考虑客观可能性;

    When talking about the development of economy , the demand of main body should be refered to at first , besides , it should be combined together with the demand to consider the objective possibility .

  6. 相当因果关系理论认为构成原因应符合两项要件:第一,该事件为损害发生之不可欠缺的条件,即必要条件;第二,该事件实质上增加了损害发生的客观可能性。

    Inadequate causation theory , causation consists of two factors . One is that the incident should be an indispensable condition , which is just necessary condition , of the damage ; the other is this incident materially fortifies the possibility of the occurrence of the damage .

  7. 探讨了中国英语与洋泾浜英语、中式英语的区别,分析了中国英语的特征及存在的客观原因、可能性,中国英语在翻译中的现实意义。

    This paper discusses the differences among China English , Pidgin English and Chinese English . The existence of China English has its own objective reasons , possibility and practical significance .

  8. 但是,在古代文献上,有些“敢”字却不表示主观上的积极性,而是强调客观上的可能性,意义和用法与“能”字相当。

    However , some " gan " in the ancient literature express the external possibility instead of the personal positivity , whose meaning and function are similar to the word " neng " .

  9. 第三章阐述的是建立我国的客观行政诉讼的可能性。

    Chapter III deals with the possibility of the objective administrative litigation .

  10. 第四部分为我国建立股东派生诉讼的客观必要性及可能性。

    The fourth part is about the necessity and possibility of bulding Chinese system of shareholder 's derivative action in China .

  11. 本文分析了互相关系数与厅堂音响清晰度的必然联系,并指出互相关系数作为音响清晰度客观评价指标的可能性。

    In this paper , the author deals with the relation between cross cor-relation coefficient and sound-articulation in halls , and also points out that it is possible to use the coefficient mentioned above as the objective criterion for evaluating the sound-articulation in halls .