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  1. 据说30到50个客人被邀请参加了下午的花园午餐和晚上的派对,在那莱顿的Klaxons乐团预计会表演。

    Thirty to 50 guests are reportedly invited to attend an afternoon garden luncheon and an evening party at which Righton 's band , The Klaxons , are expected to perform .

  2. 客人被正式接见和款待的地方。

    A formal room where visitors can be received and entertained .

  3. 当客人被带进屋时,我们起身迎接了他。

    We stood up as our visitor was brought into the room .

  4. 于是客人被引至他跟前。

    The guest is then ushered into his presence .

  5. 这些记者作为一个跨国公司的客人被派往巴黎。

    The journalists were sent to Paris as guests of a multinational company .

  6. 客人被领进了楼上的一个房间。

    The guest was introduced into a room upstairs .

  7. 一个社交客人被认为是被许可人,而不是被邀请人。

    A social guest is considered to be a licensee , not an invitee .

  8. 你的客人被打扰了。

    Your customers SRE being disturbed .

  9. 五百名客人被邀请参加世界范围肉食品分配不公的展示。

    Five hundred guests were invited to take part in a demonstration the inequities of food distribution worldwide .

  10. 通常客人被邀请早些到达,这样他们可以先喝上一杯,并认识别的客人。

    Very often guests are invited to arrive earlier than this so that they can have a drink and be introduced to the other guests .

  11. 婚礼当天晚上浮若阁摩尔宫会有200名客人被邀请参加,由威尔士亲王主持婚礼接待晚宴。

    In the evening , about 200 guests have been invited to a private reception at nearby Frogmore House , hosted by the Prince of Wales .

  12. 为了避免延迟治疗和误解,经理应该确保客人被送到由医生指定的医院。

    To avoid delays or misunderstanding , the Manager handling the case should make sure that the guest is sent to the designated hospital as advised by the Doctor .

  13. 戈登布朗当选英国首相后不久,便邀请她一起喝茶;2010年,她又作为联合政府新首脑大卫卡梅伦的客人被邀请回到唐宁街。

    Gordon Brown invited her for tea , shortly after he became prime minister and she was back in 2010 as a guest of David Cameron , the new head of a coalition government .

  14. 这间屋子就是十八年前他作为客人被引进来的那间:同样的月亮从窗外照进来;外面是同样的一片秋景。

    It was the same room into which he had been ushered , as a guest , eighteen years before : the same moon shone through the window ; and the same autumn landscape lay outside .

  15. 而印巴达及其它的客人都被护送到宅邸外。

    And Hindbad and the other guests were escorted out of the palace .

  16. 我知道她曾在一月份和一个客人一起被抓

    and I know she was pulled over with a client in January .

  17. 客人将被提供特别服务。

    Guests will be accorded special services .

  18. 而她们的客人可能被传染。

    That their customers might get sick .

  19. 太早到或准时到达的客人会被视为过于渴望聚餐或贪吃。

    Early or on time guests are viewed as being too eager , even greedy .

  20. 此外,该酒店还会提供保暖睡袋和保暖衣物,确保客人不会被冻伤。

    Warm sleeping bags and clothing are provided to ensure that guests will not get frostbite .

  21. 提及酒店部门的名称可使客人确信被转到了正确的部门。

    Mentioning the hotel department reassures the customer they have been transferred to the correct hotel department .

  22. 如果你需要付款,这预先一定在你和你的客人之间被同意。

    If you require payment , this must be agreed between you and your guest in advance .

  23. 成功发生在这样一刻,就是当客户被理解,客人体验被置于首位,以及品质保持不变。

    Success occurs when the client is understood , the guest experience is top of mind , and quality is sustained .

  24. 2000年Genburg先生开了阿特旅馆。他说:“这就像一个逆向水族馆——鱼喜欢看客人且被他们吸引了。当你在船上时就好像坐在自己的岛屿上,这是一段了不起的经历。”

    Mr Genburg , who opened Utter Inn in 2000.He said : ' It 's like a reverse aquarium - the fish like looking in at the guests and are fascinated by them . It 's as if you 're sat on your own island when you 're on board - it 's just an amazing experience . '

  25. 在西方,客人一般不被当做上帝来对待。

    In the west , generally the guest is not a god .

  26. 他们的名字在客人名单上被删除了。

    Please delete my name from your list .

  27. 我们正好要出门时有客人来访而被耽搁。

    We were retarded by the arrival of a visitor just as we were leaving home .

  28. 确保客人的抱怨被合适的记录并采取行动避免客人不满意的离开饭店。

    Ensure that guest complaints are properly logged and acted upon by trying to avoid any guest leaving the hotel dissatisfied .

  29. 坐下来,跟我们一块吃午饭吧;一个保险不再来访的客人经常是被欢迎的。

    Sit down and take your dinner with us ; a guest that is safe from repeating his visit can generally be made welcome .

  30. 而在法国,只给自己添酒而不顾及同桌的其他客人,会被看作失礼。

    Refill your own wine glass in France without offering more to the rest of the table , and you 've made a faux pas .