
kè ren
  • guest;visitor;people;traveller;passenger;traveling merchant;traveling trader
客人 [kè rén]
  • (1) [guest;visitor]∶前来拜访或作客的人

  • (2) [traveller;passenger]∶旅客,旅行的人

  • (3) [travelling merchant;travelling trader]∶客商

客人[kè ren]
  1. 服务台刚刚打电话来说我的客人到了。

    Reception just rang through to say my visitor has arrived .

  2. 有位客人找你。

    There 's a visitor for you .

  3. 你给客人调制鸡尾酒好吗?

    Why don 't you mix a cocktail for our guests ?

  4. 客人离开俱乐部时,你必须为他们签退。

    You must sign guests out when they leave the club .

  5. 她一直等到最后一个客人离开。

    She waited until the last of the guests had departed .

  6. 一群客人朝那房子走去。

    A troop of guests was moving towards the house .

  7. 主人伊恩把我们介绍给了其他客人。

    Ian , our host , introduced us to the other guests .

  8. 客人必须在中午以前办理退房手续。

    Guests should check out of their rooms by noon .

  9. 你何不给客人调制鸡尾酒?

    Why don 't you mix our guests a cocktail ?

  10. 在我到达之前,想办法把你的客人打发走。

    Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there .

  11. 客人在健身中心享受各种各样的美容服务。

    Guests at the health spa receive a range of beauty treatments .

  12. 客人到达时他都热情接待。

    He greeted all the guests warmly as they arrived .

  13. 客人走后,我把被单床单全都撤了下来。

    After the guests had gone , I stripped all the beds .

  14. 对不起,我得去和其他客人聊聊。

    If you 'll excuse me , I must go and mingle .

  15. 她在其他所有客人都到达后才入场。

    She made her entrance after all the other guests had arrived .

  16. 我觉得二十位客人就够了。

    Twenty guests are enough , I would have thought .

  17. 镜头切换到了台上杰克逊的一位客人。

    There was a cutaway to Jackson 's guest on the podium .

  18. 这家旅馆服务周到,使客人感到宾至如归。

    The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere and personal service .

  19. 趁客人还没到,我得去打扮一下好见人。

    I must go and make myself presentable before the guests arrive .

  20. 客人名单念起来就像是在列数民族英雄。

    The guest list reads like a roll-call of the nation 's heroes .

  21. 他对所有的客人都以他的一贯笑容相迎。

    He greeted all his guests with a fixed smile on his face .

  22. 当地人对外来客人十分友好热情。

    The local people are very hospitable to strangers .

  23. 我不断有客人。

    I 've had a steady stream of visitors .

  24. 客人到来时请在其姓名上打钩。

    Check the names off as the guests arrive .

  25. 今晚我在家里宴请客人。

    I 'm having people to dinner this evening .

  26. 外国客人使这个场合显出一种真正国际性的气氛。

    Foreign visitors help to give a truly international flavour to the occasion .

  27. 她开始计算他们得邀请多少位客人。

    She began to count up how many guests they had to invite .

  28. 已安排公共汽车运送客人去机场。

    A bus has been laid on to take guests to the airport .

  29. 连我们都没有足够的空间,更不用说客人了。

    There isn 't enough room for us , let alone any guests .

  30. 我们的客人都将受到热烈欢迎。

    A warm welcome awaits all our guests .