
shěn jì fā xiàn
  • auditing finding
  1. GBG称公司审计发现在雇佣未成年工人在恶劣的环境下工作,并付以低廉的工资是很难达到要求的标准的。

    GBG said an audit of the company found it failed to meet the standards required of a supplier by allegedly employing under-age workers in poor conditions and paying minimal wages .

  2. 高级管理层对所有重要审计发现和建议所做的决定都应报告董事会。

    The board should be informed of senior management 's decision on all significant engagement observations and recommendations .

  3. 管理层的职责是对重大的审计发现和建议所应采取的适当改进措施做出决定。

    Management 's responsibility is to make decisions on the appropriate action to be taken regarding significant engagement observations and recommendations .

  4. 利益相关者寄希望于作为独立第三方的会计师事务所,通过对上市公司的财务报告进行审计发现并抑制其盈余管理行为。

    As an independent third party , Accounting firms are authorized with the responsibility of finding and inhibiting the earnings management behavior through the financial reports .

  5. 报道称:审计发现,三峡工程因结算管理和合同管理不够严格增加建设成本4.88亿元人民币。

    The report said , the audit discovered that the cost of the Three Gorge Project was increased 488 million Yuan due to the poor management for contracts and settling accounts .

  6. 去年的审计发现,中国并没有像它承诺的那样,把2.83亿美元的爱滋病拨款中的35%发给社区组卝织。

    Instead , audits of last year 's distributions showed that China had failed to pass on35 % of a $ 283 million AIDS grant to community-based organizations , as it had pledged .

  7. 本田委托进行的审计发现,从2003年中期一直到2014年中期,这家日本车企漏报了1729起书面伤亡索赔或通知,远远超出该公司同一时期汇报的约900起索赔。

    An audit , commissioned by Honda , found that the Japanese automaker had not reported 1729 written claims or notices on injuries or deaths from mid-2003 through mid-2014 - far more than the approximately 900 reports for that period that it did make .

  8. 无线局域网环境中非法AP的审计与发现

    Study on Auditing System of WLAN by Identifying Unauthorized AP

  9. 这没错,如果审计者发现系统管理员和ICFR状况很差,那么CFO最多可能会被判入狱20年。

    That 's right , if the auditor finds that you 've got a lousy sysadmin and poor ICFR , the CFO could go to jail for up to20 years .

  10. 提供了内置的审计、发现、通知和管理设施。

    Built-in auditing , recovery , notification and management facilities .

  11. 未被发现的舞弊和审计中发现的舞弊未纳入研究样本;

    Undetected fraudulence and auditing-detected fraudulence are not included in the research sample ;

  12. 审计机关发现大案要案线索的法律依据

    Legal Basis of Clue of Big Case and Important Case Discovered by Audit Organ

  13. 审计人员发现欺诈行为的责任

    Auditor 's responsibility for detection of fraud

  14. 澳门官员表示,独立审计没有发现汇业银行任何非法行为的证据。

    Macao officials said an independent audit had not turned up any evidence of illegal activity .

  15. 建设项目预决算审计中发现的问题成因分析及对策

    The Reasons and Countermeasures of the Problems in Audit on the Budget and Final Account of the Construction Engineering

  16. 审计署发现这些涉及的问题可能只是该市2000多所学校的其中一方面。

    The comptroller 's audit that discovered these problems included only a handful of the city 's nearly 2000 schools .

  17. 美国审计总署发现,该机构在1995年制定了编撰这些法规的计划但是从未完全实施过。

    The agency laid out a plan in1995 to write those rules but never followed through , the accountability office found .

  18. 在中国,一家审计机构发现,81%的企业都曾粉饰过自己的生产账目。

    In China , an audit found that 81 per cent of firms had falsified their production accounts into a more positive direction .

  19. 针对目前建设项目预决算审计中发现的问题进行成因分析,并提出改进的对策和建议。

    The reasons and countermeasures of the problems in the process of auditing the budget and final accounts of the construction engineering were discussed in this paper .

  20. 高校建设项目结算审计中发现的问题与对策研究高职院校计算机专业工学结合的思考

    The Problem in Auditing University Construction Projects Settlement and its Countermeasure ; On the Combination of Work and Study of Computer Science Major in Higher Vocational Colleges

  21. 近期的社保审计实践发现,我国现行的社保基金管理存在许多缺陷,严重制约了基金保值增值目标的实现。

    According to the recent practice of social insurance fund auditing , it has been found that there are still many aspects in the management of social insurance fund .

  22. 近日,一项对美国北达科他州狄克森州立大学的审计报告发现,该校一项联合学位计划录取了数百名不具备入学资格的外国学生,并且在学生没有完成课程的情况下授予学位。

    Hundreds of foreign students in a joint degree program at a North Dakota state university were admitted despite lacking credentials and awarded degrees without completing coursework , an audit of the program has showed .

  23. 这一点十分重要,主要是因为即使审计者发现银行存在严重问题,它们也不敢证明自己的描述,因为担心引发银行挤兑。

    This is important , not least because even if bank auditors detect a serious cause for concern in a bank they dare not qualify its accounts for fear of starting a run on the bank .

  24. 对全省粮食审计中发现的国有粮食购销企业会计信息失真的成因进行了分析,并提出了会计信息失真的治理对策。

    This paper analyzes on the causes of the accounting information distortion of state-owned grain buying and selling enterprises found in the grain audit of the whole province , and puts forward some countermeasures for controlling the accounting information distortion .

  25. 作者通过自己在竣工决算审计中发现的政府投资效益低下的问题,提出开展政府投资项目绩效审计的必要性及在绩效审计过程中应把握的关键环节及着眼点。

    The author finds that the government investment benefit is low in final accounts audit of completed project . In allusion to this problem , this paper puts forward the necessary , respect and key taches of performance auditing of government investment project .

  26. 还有一家科技公司东南融通(longtopfinancial),其审计机构在发现该公司存在大量财务造假之后辞职。

    The auditors to another tech company , Longtop financial , resigned after identifying numerous instances of fraud at the company .

  27. 我们认为TCSEC要求和推荐的审计方法不能发现存储隐通道的许多运用实例。

    We argue that audit subsystems designed to satisfy the TCSEC requirements and suggestions are unable to detect many instances of covert storage channel use .

  28. 部队工程审计管理中发现的问题及对策

    The management of troop project auditing : problem and countermeasure

  29. 采用审计测试以发现舞弊;

    Employ audit tests to detect fraud ;

  30. 浅谈重要审计线索的发现

    How to Find Important Auditing Clue