
That 's what all trials do at this stage of the game .
The court made the judgment has and authority for determining equivalent , not by the statutory procedures , shall not make any alteration .
The supervision procedure is applied in the law application issues by the Mongolia Supreme Court in the trial by the first trial court and the court of Cassation .
dgment or order ; " " if the legally effective judgment or written order was made by a court of second instance , the case shall be tried in accordance with the procedure of second instance , and the new judgment or written order shall be legally effective ; "
In many foreign countries , the civil pretrial procedure plays an important part in the civil litigation law .
Second chapter dissertates the theoretic bases of how to establish the system of retrial procedure according to the modern criminal law idea .
The medical tangle cases accepted by the People 's Court of Wuhou District set people thinking the existing situation of the juridical remedies .
The role that verbal confession , as part of criminal evidence , plays in the process of case investigation and trial , has constantly been valued .
The morality involved in trials of Chinese traditional society may intitule " judicator 's ethicality ", while which emphasized by occidental jurisprudence intitule " legal or judicial ethicality " .
The title refers to the effect that Song Shijie and his wit and antics have on judges trying the cases that he brings to court , including this case .
This article takes the first case on intellectual property & " Bolar exception " Case , trying to reflected the interests balance of reality in the proceedings of case .
A law agent may consult the materials relating to the case it represents for the purpose of applying for retrial .
The article analyzes from two aspects of the trial proceedings of first instance and second instance , and in which respectively discusses vertically all trial procedures necessary for land cases trial including admissibility of the case , reviewing , referees and other aspects .
The tax bill and claims for lawyers " fees so outweigh the value of the handful of remaining classical works held by the estate in a warehouse in New Jersey that the Surrogate 's Court decided it was not worth proceeding until a proper accounting can be made .
According to the different ways of interpreting , this author analyzed each method used by the panel and the Appellate Body in practice .
System of the criminal second trial period is about criminal appeals courts judicial authority required to comply with the legal time limit of the system .
The Court held that the defendant 's act infringed LV 's trademark rights and the defendant also took advantage of the plaintiff products'reputation to harvest inequitable interests .
Administrative pretrial procedure is a procedure in which parties make a series of action rounded with trial in court after the administrative case is entertained but is not opened a court session .
Criminal second trial means the court of second instance trial methods and programs used in case of second instance .
The retrial procedure , a special procedure rehearing the verdict and judge which has been taken effective , is to correct the error of the judge or the violation of legal procedure of the judge .
There are deductive logic and experience judge on the pattern of suitable law when a judge is trying a case . It is in relation to different law reasonings used when they are trying concrete cases .