
  • 网络real return;Actual return;actual income;Real Income
  1. 股票市场的费雪效应(FisherEffect),是指股票的预期名义收益率等于其预期实际收益率加上预期通货膨胀率。

    Fisher Effect in stock market means the expected nominal return should equal to the expected real return plus expected inflation rate .

  2. 在本文中,IPO申购的实际收益被定义为投资者扣除融资成本等成本后的净收益。

    IPO application real return is defined as the return of capital for investors net of cost .

  3. 尽管利率在下降,它们仍然能提供8%左右的实际收益率。

    Though rates are heading down , they still offer real returns of 8 % or so

  4. 而GMAC的调查结果显示,男性最大的担忧,则是学位能带来什么样的实际收益,或者是就业前景。

    In contrast , the main concern for men is the outcome , or job prospects , following a degree , according to GMAC .

  5. 首次发行新股(IPOs)的高名义回报、低实际收益、低风险约束、巨额冻结资金、高换手率一直是我国资本市场的一个显著特点,大大降低了市场运行效率和资源配置效率。

    High nominal returns , low real returns , little risk , great oversubscription and high turnover of Initial Public Offerings ( IPOs ) are long-standing distinguishing features of Chinese capital markets , which damage the market efficiency and the resource allocation efficiency .

  6. 分母是实际收益的10年移动平均值。

    The denominator is a 10-year moving average of earnings , in real terms .

  7. 实际收益似乎也是喜忧参半。

    Real returns also appear to be mixed .

  8. 更重要的是,安德森霍洛维茨基金在今年便实现了实际收益。

    More importantly , Andreessen Horowitz this year began to see some actual returns .

  9. 合资经营的实际收益,大半是我们拿过来。

    And we shall take more than half of the earnings of joint ventures .

  10. 但考虑到约1%的通缩率,实际收益率的吸引力更大。

    But with deflation of about 1 per cent , real yields are more attractive .

  11. 20或25倍的市盈率是否合理,需要它们用实际收益来证明。

    Valuations at 20 or 25 times earnings need to be justified by delivered earnings .

  12. 较假定实际收益率为低的投资收益率

    Lower-than-assumed real rate of return on investment

  13. 对于申购新股的实际收益,平均收益与超额收益分别使用模型。

    Models for IPO real return , IPO average return and IPO excess return are used .

  14. 实际收益率的线性模型中α系数和β系数的经济意义

    The Economic Significance of α Coefficient and β Coefficient of The Effective Yield of The Linear Model

  15. 尽管鉴于通缩率为2%,日本债券的实际收益率相当高。

    Although with deflation of 2 per cent , the real yield on Japanese bonds is rather high .

  16. 过去25年间,企业的实际收益以每年3%的速度增长。

    Over the past quarter century real earnings have grown at an annual rate of 3 per cent .

  17. 目前国内大多数服装企业普遍存在比较严重的库存问题,影响到企业的实际收益,制约了企业进一步发展。

    Most of the domestic apparel enterprises are troubled with the unwieldy inventory , which has limited their further development .

  18. 本论文的研究对象是寿险定价利率风险,寿险定价利率风险是指寿险资金实际收益率与保单预定利率之不利偏差引起的亏损的可能性。

    Actually , interest rate is stochastic , which results to interest rate risk in pricing of life insurance product .

  19. 凡是实施了云计划的地方,都存在预期收益和实际收益的差距。

    Where cloud implementations have taken place , there has been significant shortfalls between expected benefits and those actually achieved .

  20. 最后还根据汇率对这22个交易日几种产品的实际收益情况作了分析。

    Finally , we analyze the real income of the 22 trading days due to the foreign exchange at maturity .

  21. 话虽如此,至少我们目前已看到内地企业利润率提高和实际收益增长。

    That said , at least we are now seeing profit margin improvement on the mainland and real earnings growth .

  22. 然而,由于在现实世界中大多数对冲基金的实际收益分布都呈现出偏斜和尖峰等统计特性,远远偏离了(对数)正态分布。

    However , the real world return distributions for many of the hedge fund strategies display both skewness and kurtosis .

  23. 本文讨论当货币储蓄的未来实际收益为随机变量时的消费者行为。

    In this paper , consumer 's behavior is studied with future benefits of money savings looked as being uncertain .

  24. 第一,较低的税收导致较高的储蓄、投资、劳动和革新的实际收益,促使这些生产要素总供给的扩大和总产量的提高。

    First , the lower revenue brings the real benefits of savings , investment , labor and innovation on higher .

  25. 信息技术(IT)生产率悖论描述了从信息技术投资所获得的实际收益和期望收益的不匹配。

    The information technology ( IT ) productivity paradox describes the mismatch between actual and expected gains from information technology investment .

  26. 人们也可利用从政府债券衍生的预期通胀估值去估计公司债券的实际收益率。

    One can also use estimates of expected inflation derived from government bonds to estimate real rates of interest on corporate bonds .

  27. 水稻生产的实际收益比较显示,无杀虫剂处理,种植嘉花1号可以增收113%~1591%。

    Planting resistant cultivar Jiahua 1 could increase net income up to 1 13 % - 15 91 % of without insecticide use .

  28. 通过研究股票实际收益率与通货膨胀波动性之间的关系,可以判断股票市场波动和宏观经济运行之间的联系。

    By studying the relationship between stock real returns and inflation , we could find the correlation between stock market volatility and macroeconomic conditions .

  29. 我们的报告强调,这对援助管理、援助效益和实现为阿富汗人民带来实际收益来说,是个非常严重的问题。

    Our report emphasizes that this is a very serious problem for aid management , aid effectiveness and achieving results for the Afghan people .

  30. 证券公司风险指的是证券公司在经营管理过程中,由于各种因素的影响,使其实际收益与预期收益发生背离,从而蒙受损失的不确定性。

    Securities Company Risks refers to the uncertainty of sustaining losses during corporate operation and management due to deviation of effective yield from expected return .