
  • 网络Actual damage;actual total loss;actual loss;loss
  1. 为了促进资本主义经济的发展,损害赔偿责任以行为人的故意或过失造成的实际损失范围为限。

    To enhance economic development , liability for damages is based on the actual damage by intentional or involuntary negligence .

  2. 政府向受损人赔偿的数额应取决于因分洪或转移财产而造成的实际损失。

    The government should make a compensation for the aggrieved party and the sum of the compensation should be that of the actual damage caused by property delivery or flood distribution .

  3. 而基于正态分布下的GARCH模型所估计风险价值无论是在低置信水平还是高置信水平下都不能很好的覆盖实际损失。

    The GARCH model under normal distribution , whether in high or low confidence level are not well cover the actual loss .

  4. 如果WIRTGENCHINA确定因买方延迟付款对其造成的实际损失更高,则WIRTGENCHINA有权提出更高的赔付请求。

    If WIRTGEN CHINA establishes that its actual damages resulting from the Buyer 's delay of payment were higher , then WIRTGEN CHINA is entitled to claim compensation for such higher damages .

  5. 这一金额高于很多分析师的预期,不过中行持有的这些债券多数具有AAA评级,实际损失估计相对较小&尤其是与该行大约7700亿美元的总资产相比。

    The amount is higher than many analysts were expecting but the debt is mostly rated AAA and actual losses are expected to be relatively small , especially compared with the bank 's total assets of around $ 770bn .

  6. 权利人实际损失应是损害赔偿填平的数额。

    Compensation for the copyright holder is the amount of actual loss .

  7. 仔细评估每个相关要素的实际损失非常重要。

    A careful assessment of how much each constituent must lose is essential .

  8. 保险中能显示出来的实际损失或实际损害。

    Real loss or damage which can is show to have is suffer .

  9. 金钱上救济包括实际损失赔偿和抚慰金的支付。而抚慰金在形式上具有金钱替代功能性质,在本质上不过仍为金钱赔偿。

    The method of property includes the actual loss compensation and solatium paying .

  10. 出于激励的目的,最优保险合同要求部分保险,且被保险人的实际损失值会随损失值的增大而增大。

    Insurer 's actual loss value can increase as the loss value increases .

  11. 该基金之所以能快速支付,是因为它不针对实际损失。

    The instrument allows for fast payout because it is independent of actual damages .

  12. 但实际损失将远远超出这些。

    But the actual cost of the loss will be much bigger than that .

  13. 旅行其间的个人钱财被盗窃或抢劫,我们将赔偿实际损失的钱财。

    We will pay the insured loss of money due to theft or robbery .

  14. 一是以专利权人因侵权行为受到实际损失作为赔偿数额;

    1 , take the actual loss of the patentee as the amount of the indemnity ;

  15. 然而,实际损失有多大呢?

    What were the actual losses ?

  16. 我怀疑实际损失数字可能更加糟糕,因为他们的计算忽略了间接影响。

    I suspect the true figure is even worse , as this ignores the secondary effects .

  17. 根据这一规则,投保人所获赔偿金额不得超过其实际损失的金额。

    According to this rule , the policyholder cannot collect more money than was actually lost .

  18. 结果是失望、受伤和能力感觉的实际损失。

    The result : disappointment , hurt , and an actual loss of sense of competence .

  19. 现在根据媒体报道,实际损失可能高达90亿美元。

    And the loss could actually be as high as $ 9 billion according to media reports .

  20. 不过,谢天谢地,冰雹个头不大,数量也不多,还不足以造成什么实际损失。

    but , thankfully , the hailstones are not enough in numbers or size to do real damage .

  21. 被害人遭受的重大损失,应指商业秘密被侵犯后给权利人造成的实际损失,既包括直接损失也包括间接损失。

    The victim has suffered heavy losses should be the practical losses , include direct losses and indirect losses .

  22. 这时可申报的债权以实际损失为限,违约金不得作为破产债权申报。

    This is to declare creditor 's rights to the actual loss as liquidated damages may not constitute bankruptcy claims .

  23. 但是,非官方的估计实际损失数额考虑到加上非法交易的收入将几乎翻一番。

    However , unofficial estimates taking into account revenue from illegal trading put actual losses at almost double that amount .

  24. 但一些公司在网络遭到入侵后不愿报告,因此实际损失数字无从得知。

    But , with some companies reluctant to report when they are hacked , the true cost is not known .

  25. 尽管补偿性的赔偿责任也具有制裁性,但在确定具体赔偿数额时仍以被害人的实际损失为限。

    Although compensatory damages is sanctionative , it is limited by the factual damages of victims when confirming concrete damages amounts .

  26. 这里的信赖利益则是一方违背诚信义务而给另一方造成的因信赖所生的实际损失。

    Here the reliance interest means the physical damages caused by one party to the other party for breach of good faith .

  27. 该方法分别从实际损失、潜在影响、变化过程等三个方面对问题的结果进行描述。

    In this method , three components represent three corresponding aspects of problems : actual lost , potential impact , problem processes .

  28. 但买方有权证明因其延迟付款造成的实际损失更低。

    The Buyer shall , however , be entitled to prove that the actual damages resulting from its late payment were lower .

  29. 后来,他亲眼看到了计算数据,了解了用于开会的时间将给公司造成的实际损失。于是,他改变了自己的想法。

    Then he saw the figures on what all those hours actually cost the company in dollars , and he changed his mind .

  30. 规定这项原则,可以防止被保险人利用重复保险获取超过保险标的实际损失的赔偿金。

    Set this principle , can repeat insurance to get the actual losing compensation that exceeds insurance bid with preventing insurant to use .