- 名Effective interest rate;effective rate of interest;true rate of interest;actual rate of interest

Based on it , the paper points out insufficiency of current actual rate of interest method and puts forward a new method .
Except some countries of Latin America , interest rate market-oriented reform causes true rate of interest rising of competence generally , but the range of rising mainly depends on macroeconomy environment especially economic growth stability and financial capability .
Inflation would be lower and so nominal rates would be rather more attractive in real terms
The inflation-adjusted ( or inflation-corrected ) interest rates are negative .
The International Monetary Fund 's latest World Economic Outlook includes a fascinating chapter on global real interest rates .
The IMF agrees that real interest rates could remain low for a prolonged time .
If one assumes the European Central Bank will meet its inflation target , this means a long-term real interest rate of zero .
The IMF reckons that , in the 1980s and early 1990s , changes in monetary policy were the most powerful influence on real interest rates .
While average regional GDP growth runs at 7 or 8 per cent and output gaps are small , the conclusion is unarguable : real rates need to be higher .
The problem is and was that the Federal Reserve adopted a policy that ran against the textbook prescription by continuing an increasingly easy monetary policy ( indexed by real interest rates ) .
Even if real rates of interest were to rise to , say , 3 per cent , the fiscal cost , in real terms , would be a mere 2 per cent of GDP .
With the one-year benchmark lending rate at 7.02 per cent only half a percentage point above the headline CPI China has minimal real interest rates .
Ml and M2 are sensitive to change of real interest rate and anticipated inflation , and semi-elasticity of the latter to money is bigger than the former 's.
Though interest rates across the region are generally lower than they were pre-Lehman , a fall in inflation would boost real interest rates and allow for some cuts .
Interest rates have risen repeatedly , but with CPI inflation above 6 per cent , and benchmark lending rates only slightly higher , real interest rates are low .
With public debt at 120 per cent of gross domestic product , real interest rates close to 5 per cent and zero growth , Italy would need a primary surplus of 5 per cent of GDP merely to stabilise its debt .
The IMF said that the constellation of dollar depreciation and falling short-term real interest rates " has pushed up commodity prices through a number of channels , including by enhancing the attractiveness of commodities as an alternative asset . "
But the model can 't predict the volatility of repo rates ' changes on either of the two markets .
Negative real interest rates , accelerating PPI and rising inflation expectations are all important reasons to begin hiking interest rates , said Jinny Yan , an economist at Standard Chartered .
Although the difference between the reported rate and the actual rate might seem small , the total amount of money involved is material , given that Libor rates affect contracts worth hundreds of trillions .
David Hensley , an economist at JPMorgan , says measures of global capacity utilisation are at or near " their highest levels in more than a decade " , while global interest rates are only approaching their historic average levels in real terms .
Real interest rates – the nominal interest rate minus the rate of inflation – are already negative by an average 1.7 per cent in Asia excluding Japan , according to UBS , well below the level both before and after the Asian financial crisis of a decade ago .
Given negative real interest rates , many people also prefer to spend what they earn rather than put it into a bank savings account , adds Irene Shvakman , director at the Moscow office of McKinsey & Co.
Firstly , as Lieven Debruyne , Asian head of distribution at Schroders , points out , many Asian countries are suffering from negative real interest rates , so traditional bond and money market funds can appear unattractive .
Demand of stocks is mainly affected by money supply , but has not high correlation with economic growth and is not sensitive with the real or nominal interest rates . M0 has significant positive effects , and savings deposits have negative effects on the stock demand .
On the contrary , real interest rates are astonishingly low .
That would boost real interest rates without squeezing bank profits .
American interest rates are now negative in real terms .
Soon real rates will be higher and growth negative .
Real interest rates never wandered far into negative territory .