
  • 网络entity theory;Substantive theory
  1. 合并理论主要有母公司理论、实体理论与所有权理论。

    The combined theory consists of parent company theory , entity theory and ownership theory .

  2. 实体理论是关于心理现象、心理事实及心理与行为规律的一种解释框架。

    Entity theory is a framework to explain on the mental phenomenon , psychological facts and laws of action .

  3. VIE模式的另外一个缺陷是,中国境内公司和海外上市实体理论上讲不是同一家公司,只有一点关系。

    Another flaw with the VIE model is that the domestic Chinese company and the overseas-listed entity are technically not the same enterprise , and are only tenuously connected .

  4. 实体理论机制(ToBy)是Leslie假设的婴儿对物理世界的客体和事件的机械属性进行计算加工的先天装置。

    Leslie postulated that the Theory of Body Mechanism ( ToBy ) was an innate device which was used to calculate the mechanical property of physical objects and affairs .

  5. 2012年,一项出版在《心理科学》的实验试图揭示实体理论(即天分决定技能论)对小孩的影响,实验对象是144名4-7岁的儿童,他们将在接受指导后玩一个3D图像的连线游戏。

    A 2012 study published in Psychological Science sought to investigate the impact that entity theories ( defined as the belief that innate qualities can dictate your skill set ) had on children . The study involved 144 children between the ages of four and seven who were all instructed to play a matching game involving 3-D block images .

  6. 实体理论机制:婴儿关于物理世界的机械模块

    Theory of Body Mechanism ( ToBy ): Infant 's " Mechanics Module " About Physical Objects

  7. 合并财务报表涉及的合并理论有所有权理论、实体理论和母公司理论等。

    Consolidation theory involved in consolidated statement has following contents : proprietorship theory , entity theory and parent company theory .

  8. 实体理论的建构和元理论的研究是理论心理学的两大研究领域。

    Construction of the entity theory and the study of meta-theory are the two mainly researches in the field of theoretical psychology .

  9. 就其范围来说,理论心理学包含两个大的方面:元理论和实体理论。理论心理学对心理科学的发展起着重要的作用。

    Theoretical psychology includes two aspects : metatheory and substantive theory , it is very important to the development of psychological science .

  10. 当今会计理论界关于合并会计理论主要有三种,即实体理论、所有权理论和母公司理论。

    Nowadays , there are three main methods to prepare consolidated financial statements , which are called proprietary theory , parent company theory and entity theory .

  11. 问题之二,合并会计报表理论的选择,本文认为,我国未来应选择以实体理论为主。

    The second : Selection of the theory of the consolidated financial statements . This text state that entity theory should be used in our country in the future .

  12. 本文主要分析了该准则的合并理论和合并范围,指出合并理论应侧重实体理论,合并范围应强调实质性控制。

    This paper analyzes the consolidation theory and scope , and point out that the consolidation theory should emphasize entity theory and the consolidation scope should emphasize substantive control .

  13. 而百余年的心理学研究,累积了大量的实体理论,为心理学的发展做出了重大的贡献。

    And the psychological researches of more than 100 years have accumulated a large amount of entity theory , which has made a significant contribution for the development of psychology .

  14. 新的合并报表基本合并理论已经从侧重母公司理论转为侧重实体理论,从而更充分发挥会计经济管理的职能,完善产权制度,保护中小股东的利益。

    The new integration report theory has shifted from parent-com - pany theory to entity theory , which optimized accounting functions in economic management , perfected property regu - lations , and protected middle-small share-owner 's interests .

  15. 理论心理学的研究范围包括元理论和实体理论。元理论是心理学学科性质的高度理论概括,实体理论则是研究一些特殊的和具体的心理现象或问题。

    The study of the theoretical psychology covers meta-theories and entity theory , with the former meant to sum up the nature of all psychological branches and the latter to deal with certain concrete and special psychological problems .

  16. 分别介绍了母公司理论、实体理论和所有权理论的主要观点和各自特点,并找出他们的优缺点,进一步选择最为合理的合并理论&实体理论;

    The author Introduced the main standpoint and characteristics of the parent-company Theory , the entity Theory and the contemporary theory respectively , and find out their merit and shortcoming , further choose the most reasonable consolidation theory - entity Theory ;

  17. 最后通过对母公司理论和经济实体理论的利弊比较,预测了合并会计报表理论未来的发展趋势,得出了经济实体理论将会取代母公司理论的结论。

    Finally , weighing the advantage and disadvantage of both theories , the writer predicts the trend of consolidated financial statement theory , thereby arriving at a conclusion that the economic entity theory is expected to substitute the parent company theory .

  18. 第三部分为合并范围。在实体理论的指导下,通过对我国1995年和2005年两套合并范围规范的介绍,找出其中的不同,进而对其进行评价并提出改进意见;

    The third part is for the consolidation Under the guidance of entity theories , the author introduced two Chinese consolidation scope regulations of 1995 and 2005 , and found out differences between them , then evaluated then , and brought up improvement opinions ;

  19. 应用了对象动态创建,XML技术,完成端口模型,实体关联理论实现,代码自动生成等关键技术。

    It applies several key technologies , such as the objects dynamic creation , the XML technique , the completion-port model , the realization of object relations theory , the code automatic generation , and so on .

  20. 工程区域地质条件是影响地下洞室群布置最主要的因素。本文基于NURBS技术和地质结构单元实体分割理论,建立了工程地质三维整体模型。

    Based on the NURBS technique and the theory of partition for geologic body , the 3-D engineering geologic model for underground structures is established .

  21. 高维空间实体重建理论及应用研究

    Re building Theory of High dimension Space Entity and its Application Study

  22. 情绪调节内隐理论可以分为两种类型:一种为实体性理论,该理论持有者认为情绪不可控;

    There are two types of implicit theories of emotion : one is entity theory , which means the holder believes that emotion cannot be regulated ;

  23. 本文力图从单位犯罪入手,结合刑事实体法理论与刑事程序法理论,结合我国刑法与刑事诉讼法的规定,对犯罪主体的体系进行尝试性重构。

    Based on the theory of corporate crime , I am going to reconstruct a system for dealing with crime grounded on the theory of and provisions in criminal substantive law and criminal procedural law .

  24. 诉权论和诉讼法与实体法关系理论。

    Litigation right theory and procedural law and substantial law .

  25. 而后介绍了财富效应、资产负债表、流动性效应等资产价格传导实体经济的理论基础。

    After that , this paper will introduce the theory of wealth effect , balance sheet and liquidity , which are the theoretical basis of asset prices conduction .

  26. 上述诸多问题是制约GIS线状实体位置不确定性理论研究与实际应用的主要障碍。

    These questions are of the central obstacles which restrict positional uncertainty theory research and practical application .

  27. 黄河河道实体模拟若干设计理论及其应用

    Design Theories of Yellow River Physical Model and Their Applications

  28. 在传统刑事证据法理论中,有关实体法的证明理论皆以规范定罪活动为中心。

    In traditional theory of criminal evidence law , the related proof theory is based around conviction control .

  29. 提出了实体几何缺席推理理论,研究了相应的三维实体重构算法,并进行了实例验证。

    A new theory called default geometric reasoning is put forward , and the corresponding solid reconstruction algorithm is studied .

  30. 为厚壁实体产品提供一些理论上的指导,为以后类似问题的出现提供新的解决途径。

    Thick wall solid product Analysis is to provide some theoretical guidance for the future , the similar problems to provide a new way to solve .