
  1. 利用多生物学指标评价宝应湖沉积物的环境质量

    Evaluation of Environmental Quality of Sediment in Baoying Lake Using Multi-Biological Indexes

  2. 通过本文对系统在宝应湖上的技术匹配、经济、环境及社会效益的分析研究,认为系统在此推广有其可行性。

    We demonstrate the conclusion , from the technology , economy , environment and social aspects , that it is feasible to spread the system in Jinhu County .

  3. 在金湖县宝应湖上的渔民,因大电网不能覆盖,日常生活用电不能满足,生活水平难以提高。

    For the vacancy of electric grid which resulted in the lack of electricity in daily life , it is difficult to improve the fishermen 's standard of living in the Baoying Lake , Jinhu County .