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  • Bao Chao;paper currency
宝钞 [bǎo chāo]
  • [paper currency] 古时指纸币,即元、明、清代发行的一种纸币,如至元通行宝钞,大明通行宝钞、大清宝钞

  1. 在水灾、旱灾、蝗灾、火灾、地震等自然灾害的救济中都几乎牵涉到宝钞的赈济。

    In floods , drought , locusts , fire , earthquakes and other natural disasters relief almost all these reliefs involved Bao Chao .

  2. 不要去改造一新的南锣鼓巷,那条狭长的街道异常拥挤,两旁大多是T恤店和小吃店。还是去西边更安静的宝钞胡同吧,附近的胡同如迷宫一般。

    Avoid overly gentrified Nanluoguxiang , a crowded strip of T-shirt and snack shops , and head instead to the maze of alleys around quieter Baochao Hutong to the west .

  3. 在额济纳见到了多种元钞,其中一张至元通行宝钞壹贯是国内仅此一张的文物,因而为我国文物宝库又增加了一个新的品种。

    Among kinds of banknotes in Yuan Dynasty found in Erjina , a banknote of " Zhiyuan Tongbao " is unique and has added a new variety to Chinese artifact repository .

  4. 在客观上,这一措施却促使了民间的纸币向国库流入,减少了市场上宝钞的数量,无形之中有利于宝钞的回收。

    Objectively , the measures have prompted the inflow of private notes to the Treasury , reducing the number of Bao Chao on the market , and invisibly benefit the recovery of Bao Chao .

  5. 不管是用贬值的宝钞进行籴粮备荒,建立预备仓储制度,还是在荒政中直接赈钞,笔者都认为是对灾民的一次无情的掠夺。

    Whether the devaluation of the Bao Chao is used to buy food preparing against natural disasters , or establish the preparing storage system , or direct relief money in the Famine , writer considers all this as a relentless plunder victims .