
  • 网络religious education;religious teaching;RELIGION EDUCATION;Religious Studies
  1. 政府应当就宗教教育的内容颁布明确的指导方针。

    The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education

  2. 换句话说,我们将作些宗教教育。

    In other words , we will be doing some religious education .

  3. 他后来背叛了他所受的严格的宗教教育。

    He later rebelled against his strict religious upbringing .

  4. 现在所有的在校儿童都必须接受一定的宗教教育。

    All schoolchildren must now receive some religious instruction .

  5. 他把他的性问题归咎于严格的宗教教育。

    He blames his strict religious upbringing for his sexual problems .

  6. 宗教教育的产生反映了一定社会的现实需要。

    The production of religious education reflected certain social needs .

  7. 宗教教育:美国思想政治教育的重要形式

    Religious Education : an Important Form of American Ideological and Political education

  8. 法国监狱宗教教育与人文主义关爱并重;

    The French prison attaches importance to both religious education and humanism caring ;

  9. 政府要在学较增加宗教教育的比重。

    The government wants to increase the amount of religious education in schools .

  10. 宗教教育取得的成绩很好,这和其他基础学科并驾齐驱。

    Achievement is good and this is in line with other foundation subjects .

  11. 加州克莱蒙特-林肯大学是一所新成立的宗教教育研究生学校。

    Claremont Lincoln University in California is a new graduate school for religious education .

  12. 在星期天进行宗教教育的学校。

    School meeting on Sundays for religious instruction .

  13. 她反抗她所受到的严格的宗教教育。

    She rebelled against her strict religious upbringing .

  14. 中外合作办学机构不得进行宗教教育和开展宗教活动。

    Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools shall not offer religious education , nor conduct religious activities .

  15. 尽管受了宗教教育,爱玲无疑是个非常任性的人。

    Despite her religious upbringing , Aileen was decidedly a victim of her temperament .

  16. 他应该有去当地的会堂,接受宗教教育的地方。

    He would have gone to the local synagogue the local place of Religious learning .

  17. 国际宗教教育研究中心

    International Centre for Studies in Religious Education

  18. 西方宗教教育在思想政治教育中的作用

    A Brief Discussion on the Function of Western Religious Education in the Education of Ideological Politics

  19. 改革使宗教教育更好地发挥了为政治服务的功能。

    Since the reform , religious education ha played a greater role in serving political needs .

  20. 当代世俗世界中的宗教教育

    Religious education in modern secular world

  21. 黛比:我要去上宗教教育课程。

    Debbie : I 'm going to my religious education class . Marcelo : Religious education class ?

  22. 女性与宗教教育

    Women and Religion Education

  23. 幼年时严格的宗教教育

    A strict religious upbringing

  24. 这是托尔斯泰式的赎罪故事,从中也可以看到赵树理早年宗教教育的痕迹。

    In such a Tolstoyan theme of redemption , one notes traces of Chao 's early religious training .

  25. 摩梭人基础教育不仅有外部移植的正规学校教育,同时还有日常生活教育和宗教教育。

    Elementary education of the Mosuo people consists of regular school education , daily life education and religious education .

  26. 宗教教育仅专注于对深奥教义的信仰,这就是我们犯错的地方。

    Religious teaching , this is where we 've gone so wrong , concentrating solely on believing abstruse doctrines .

  27. 首先,女主人公多萝西娅生活中失衡的教育环境中,跟男人不一样,她接受的主要是宗教教育。

    In the first place , the protagonist Dorothea is specially affected by the inharmonious circumstances of religious education .

  28. 宗教教育强调了人与自身的关系,即人的意义追求,但其阻碍了人类改造自然的科学技术的进步。

    Western traditional religious education emphasized the relationship between mankind and himself , that is human 's pursuit of significance .

  29. 宗教教育的世俗化与现代化&香港中文大学崇基学院个案研究

    Secularization and Modernization of Religious Education ── A Case Study of the Chung Chi College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

  30. 我们将继续观察、指导和带领新的工人。印度事工小组将继续协助宗教教育和圣职工人的训练班。

    We will however closely involve in the training program and will continue to monitor , guide and lead the new workers .