
zōnɡ jiào lǐ yí
  • service;religious observances
  1. 举行的宗教礼仪颂扬了他的一生。

    The service was a celebration of his life .

  2. 耶稣告诉我们,属灵的生命比宗教礼仪更加重要。

    Jesus tells us that being spiritual should be more important than ritual .

  3. 一段又一段无尽的宗教礼仪排演

    this endless choreography of etiquette and ritual ,

  4. 整个拉萨都在进行神圣的宗教礼仪。

    Sacred ceremonies are performed throughout lhasa .

  5. 一个宗教礼仪的荒谬,可从沉迷其中人数居高不下,清楚的得以证明。

    The absurdity of a religious practice may be clearly demonstrated without lessening the number of persons who indulge in it .

  6. 它则趋向采取一种异教徒的宗教礼仪的方式,并且使自已适应于地方教堂的各种礼节和仪式。

    It tends to assume the form of a pagan religious ceremony , adapting itself to the forms and the ritual of the local church .

  7. 正如神话有这样作用,使宗教礼仪在原始文化中流行;在现代民俗中,传说也通常使迷信流行。

    And just as myths serve the function of validating religious rites in a primitive culture , legends are often used to validate superstitions in modem folklore .

  8. 具有典型意义的是,它们总是讲述创造世界与人类的神和半神的活动以及宗教礼仪的起源。

    Typically they deal with the activities of gods and demigods , the creation of the world and its inhabitants , and the origins of religious rituals .

  9. 但究其社会功用,主要的是用于宗教礼仪,而与装点环境、美化生活基本无关,因此也不属真正的花鸟玉器。

    But said from the basis that the jade carving mainly uses in the religious etiquette , with decorates the environment , the beautified life to have nothing to do with basically , therefore is not the genuine flower-and-bird jade carving .

  10. 而歌书中反映的生产劳动、民族风情、饮食服饰、宗教礼仪、道德规范、情感自由等系列文化,更是为我们提供了广阔的研究空间。

    And songs of Poya Folk Songs reflect the productive labor , ethnic customs , diet , clothing , freedom of religious rituals , ethics , emotion and so on series of culture , but also provides us with vast study space !

  11. 按照地理分布,犹太社团分为伦敦犹太社团和地方犹太社团:按照血缘和宗教礼仪差异,犹太社团又分为赛法迪犹太社团和阿什肯纳兹犹太社团。

    According to geographical distribution , the community is divided into the London Jewish community and the province Jewish community . In accordance with the differences in blood and religious rituals , the Jewish community is divided into Sephardic Jewish community and Ashkenazi Jewish community .

  12. 第一部分论述中西方不同的历史发展渊源导致其宗教,礼仪和民俗上的区别。

    The first part elaborates on the historical backgrounds , which lead to the distinctive characters in religion and etiquette .

  13. 拉祜族舞蹈集宗教、礼仪、娱乐、艺术为一体,每一个舞蹈所表现的形式都具有丰富的文化内涵。

    As the dancing of Lahu is the unification of religion , protocol , entertainment and art , the form of each dance has its rich cultural connotation .

  14. 玉器的形制、纹饰和质地的演变表明玉器的功能也不再单纯作为实用器,而是越来越多地用于宗教乃至礼仪场合,逐步向玉礼器转变。

    The evolution of the shapes , veins and the quality of jade articles show that the function was not just confined to practical implements , but they were more and more being used in religious and ritual situations , and gradually changed to ceremonial jade articles .

  15. 种族(ethnicity)是一个新的、不确定的社会范畴,可以用来描绘某一个种族文化的内容,包括语言、宗教、社会礼仪和其他行为方式。

    Ethnicity is a new and undefined social category . It is described language , religion , rite and some other social behaviors .

  16. 他奉行礼,认为它是社会和宗教行为的礼仪规范,是圣贤之士都应该遵循的真正行为规范。

    He practised Li , a ceremonial code of social and religious behaviour , and maintained that it was the true code for a gentleman to follow .

  17. 选题时充分考虑外国读者的文化背景,包括读者的宗教信仰、礼仪风俗、阅读习惯和审美情趣等,策划外向型的图书。

    Book subject planning needs to consider the cultural background of foreign readers , including foreign readers ' religious beliefs , customs , reading habits and aesthetic tastes .

  18. 自唐宋年间,犹太人经陆路和水路到达开封后,便开始了具有犹太民族特色的习俗生活。这主要体现在他们的宗教、风俗礼仪等活动中。

    Since Jews arrived in China either by sea route or by land route during Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty , they began their community lives which were full of Jewish characteristics , mainly reflected in their religious activities , customs and ceremonies .

  19. 本文从世俗艺术与宗教艺术的礼仪功能角度,讨论了宣化辽墓壁画散乐图和备茶图两种题材在墓葬当中的关系及其意义。

    From the perspective of ritual function in popular art and religious art , the author discusses the materials related to the themes of sanyue musical performance and tea preparation in the murals in the Liao tombs at Xuanhua and their relationship to the burial .

  20. 信教群众根据各自信仰宗教的教规、礼仪等进行正常的宗教活动,并受到法律的保护。

    Religious believers carry out normal religious activities in line with the canons and rituals of their respective faiths , under the protection of the law .

  21. 作为一种宗教文学,这些祭祀诗深刻地反映了商周时代宗教思想、礼仪制度和审美观念的状况。

    As one sort of religious literature , these poems reflect the religious thought , etiquette system and aesthetic standards of that period .

  22. 第五章具体分析清初江南宗教活动的组织方式,包括传教士个人的宗教生活、教堂等宗教活动设施、宗教礼仪的安排以及圣事的组织等。

    Chapter five describes the organization of Christian life , including the Jesuits ' religious life , Christian liturgy , the organization of sacraments , the church facilities , etc.

  23. 宗教作为感性的哲学已经成为人类不可或缺的文化载体,并且成为社会通行的宗教法纪和崇拜礼仪,是与现代文明并存的文化景观。

    As a perceptual philosophy , religion has become human 's essential cultural load , religious law and regulation , and worship and etiquette , which are popular in the society . And religion is becoming a kind of cultural respect coexisting with modern civilization .

  24. 这种关系,首先表现为宗教是艺术的重要起源,这可从宗教观念刺激神话、图腾艺术的生成,宗教思维奠定艺术思维的基础,宗教礼仪为艺术提供审美形式等方面加以证明。

    First , religion is the origin of art , which is proved in many ways ;