
  1. 二OO六年的宏观金融运行

    Macro - financial Operations in 2006

  2. 系统构建了以microsoftSQLserver2000为平台的宏观金融数据仓库,不仅能对业务数据进行查询等事务型处理操作和简单的统计汇总,而且还能对各种数据进行复杂分析;

    The finance data warehouse based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 , not merely operate transaction process such as data inquire , and can carry on complicated analysis to various data ;

  3. IMF必须提高宏观金融弹性,增加收入调动,帮助填补基础设施空白,强化能力建设,并推动包容性增长,同时要加强其在性别、不平等、卫生乃至脆弱国家项目上的努力。

    The Fund must address macro-financial resilience , increase revenue mobilization , help tackle infrastructure gaps , enhance capacity building , and promote inclusive growth , while building on its work on gender , inequality , health and even fragile states .

  4. 围绕投资者保护这一核心变量,LLSV及其追随者发现不同法系对投资者保护程度具有系统差异,而投资者保护的差异会对微观金融及宏观金融变量产生重要影响。

    Using the kernel variable of investor protection , LLSV and their followers found that there are systematic different levels of investor protection among different legal traditions , and that investor protection has significant influences on micro-finance and macro-finance .

  5. 宏观金融不稳定对青岛市经济波动的动态效应研究

    Research on Dynamic Effect of Financial Instability on Qingdao Regional Economy

  6. 宏观金融环境变化与银行微观应对

    The Change of Financial Macro - environment and Banks ' Micro-countermeasures

  7. 外汇储备注资与宏观金融安全&金融学与政治经济学视角的分析

    Recapitalization and Financial Security & Perspectives on Finance and Political Economy

  8. 宏观金融效率、所有权效应与中国的银行自由化

    Macro Financial efficiency , Ownership Effect and Liberalization of Banks in China

  9. 网络经济时代的宏观金融政策分析

    An Analysis of Macro-financial Policy in the Network Economy Age

  10. 宏观金融政策作用对内弱化对外强化等问题。

    Macroscopic finance policy inside weakening and outside strengthening .

  11. 第二章,从金融风险的基本概念出发,对本文的研究对象宏观金融风险的定义及其基本特征进行了分析。

    The second chapter gives a definition and analysis of macroscopic finance risk .

  12. 我国加入世贸组织后宏观金融开放政策问题研究

    Macroscopical Finance Opening Policy Issue after Entering into WTO

  13. 企业财务危机与宏观金融风险

    The Financial Crisis of Enterprise and Macroscopical Financial Risks

  14. 我国宏观金融风险测度研究

    The Study of Macroscopic Finance Risk Measurement System

  15. 非对称信息与宏观金融风险形成机理分析

    Asymmetrical Information and Formation of Macroscopical Financial Risks

  16. 对外贸易与宏观金融调控

    Foreign Trade and the Regulation of Macroscopical Finance

  17. 宏观金融监督初探

    A Preliminary Exploration into the Macro Financial Supervision

  18. 缺乏宏观金融风险的预警、防范和化解机制。

    And lack of the mechanism of early-warning , prevention and resolution to macro-financial risks .

  19. 宏观金融监管和资产价格都应当在货币政策中发挥更大的作用。

    Macroprudential supervision and asset prices should both play bigger roles in monetary policy * .

  20. 试论宏观金融效率与经济增长

    On Macro-financial Efficiency and Economic Growth

  21. 宏观金融风险与政府财政责任

    Macro-financial Risks and Governmental Financial Responsibilities

  22. 宏观金融系统最优控制模型

    Optimal control model of macro-financial system

  23. 这一结论为针对不同的市场动态,实施有效的宏观金融调控政策提供了理论依据。

    The conclusion is useful to know deeply about stock market and gives theory basis for financial policies .

  24. 利率和汇率的波动需求越来越强烈,使我国面临较大的宏观金融风险。

    Interest rate and Exchange rate fluctuate more often , which makes china face more macro-economy financial risk .

  25. 第三,农村产业结构与农村宏观金融效率指标正相关。

    Thirdly , the rural industrial structure is in positive correlation to the rural macroscopic financial efficiency index .

  26. 基准收益率曲线无论在宏观金融领域还是微观金融领域都是值得研究的重大课题。

    Benchmark yield curve is the major topic to be studied both in the macro-finance or micro-finance areas .

  27. 货币的变化对未来宏观金融政策将产生巨大影响是显而易见的。

    Money is the basic factor of financial theoretical research and the start point of monetary policy research .

  28. 在此基础上,国际货币基金组织才能够更好地发挥提供宏观金融政策建议的作用。

    On this basis , the role of the IMF in providing macro-financial policy advice would be strengthened .

  29. 正确认识货币供给与调控,对于有效的发挥宏观金融调控能力,深化我国金融体制改革具有重要的意义。

    The exact cognition of money supply and regulating has significance during the process of Chinese financial reform .

  30. 这些变化来自宏观金融政策、微观企业基础、同业竞争、金融监管、技术进步等方面。

    These changes are from macro-financial policy , micro-enterprise basis , inter-bank competition , financial supervision , technology progression .