
  • 网络safety rod;safety bar;scram rod;security-on-a-stick
  1. 水力驱动安全棒的运动分析

    Kinematic analysis of hydraulic safe rod drives

  2. 和年轻的阿基米德不同的是,你的我找到了这样的时刻可能来自带有安全棒的浴缸里。

    Unlike the youthful Archimedes , your eureka moment may come in a bathtub with safety bars .

  3. 该系统通过手动或自动控制6根控制棒(2根安全棒,4根补偿棒)的运动,实现对反应堆功率的手/自动控制。

    The auto-startup and power regulating system is one of the important control system of CARR , which control the neutron flux manually or automatically by control the movement of 6 control rods ( 2 safety rods , 4 shim rods ) manually or automatically .

  4. 因此有了一种(大概是假的)说法,说SCRAM的意思是“安全控制棒旁拿斧子的人”(SafetyControlRodAxeMan)。

    This led to the probably apocryphal story that SCRAM stands for " Safety Control Rod Axe Man . "

  5. 外推临界监督是反应堆物理启动过程中的重要安全保证,控制棒积分价值的非线性和反应堆内的中子泄漏都对外推的准确性有重要影响。

    Extrapolation critical monitoring is very important to the reactor ′ s safety during ( the start-up . ) The linearity of the integral worth of the rods and neutrons leakage have great effects on the accuracy of extrapolation .