
  • 网络motivation;learning initiative
  1. 单一的书面考试不利于学生学习积极性的调动。

    Single written examination is not conducive to the students learning motivation .

  2. 这就要求保持多年高度的学习积极性。

    It requires high levels of motivation that are sustained for many years .

  3. 尽管不知道存在两种类型的教学,教师报告表明,在成长思维模式小组中,27%的孩子学习积极性出现了明显变化,相比之下,对照组中此类学生的比例只有9%。

    Despite being unaware that there were two types of instruction , teachers reported significant motivational changes in 27 % of the children in the growth mind-set workshop as compared with only 9 % of students in the control group .

  4. 9.prostateadj.前列腺的10.stimulatev.激励,促进我们要提高同学们的学习积极性,不能搞填鸭式的教育。

    We should stimulate the students ' initiative to learn instead of adopting the cramming method of teaching

  5. CAI课件作为辅助教学的工具,在课堂教学中以图文并茂、声像俱佳、动静结合的表现形式丰富了教学内容,提高了教学效率,调动了学生的学习积极性。

    The CAI courseware , as a teaching assistance , has enriched teaching contents , improved teaching efficiency and enhanced students ′ learning enthusiasm , by illustrating with vivid picture and words , sound and image , etc.

  6. 影响学生学习积极性因素的调查研究

    Research onto the factors that affect students ' enthusiasm to study

  7. 情绪情感是调动学生学习积极性之根本。

    Emotion is the foundation of stimulating the students'interest for foreign language .

  8. 成就动机与学生体育学习积极性之关系

    Relationship Between Achievement Motive and Students ' P.E. Study Activeness

  9. 小学生课堂互动方式影响学生学习积极性。

    Second , primary classroom interaction affect student learning initiative .

  10. 充分调动学生的学习积极性,深化微生物学教学改革

    Mobilize all Positive Factors of Student , Deepen Teaching Reform of Microbiology

  11. 《微积分学》教学与调动学生学习积极性

    The Teaching of Calculus and the Improving of the Studying Spirit of Students

  12. 略论高职院校学生学习积极性的培养

    On Fostering Students Learning Enthusiasm in Higher Vocational Colleges

  13. “对体育缺乏兴趣”为影响学生学习积极性的首要因素;

    " No interest in P.E. " is the first factor affecting the students'study activeness .

  14. 为了充分调动学生的学习积极性,促进教学质量的提高,需要对传统的高等数学教学方法进行改进。

    Traditional teaching methods must be improved to stimulate their learning enthusiasm and promote teaching quality .

  15. 在微生物学绪论教学中激发学生学习积极性的一些尝试

    Some tries on motivating the study initiative of the students in the introduction teaching of Microbiology

  16. 学习积极性受到一定的挫伤。

    Learning enthusiasm is a contusion .

  17. 影响大学生学习积极性因素的调查分析与对策

    The Analysis and Strategies on the Survey of the Factors Affecting the College Students ' Study Initiative

  18. 为自己的成功表现奖励自我是保持学习积极性,克服厌学情绪的一种途径。

    To reward yourself for successful performance is a way to maintain learning enthusiasm and overcome weariness .

  19. 在不同个体背景下的体像烦恼对学习积极性的作用呈现出某些规律性的特点。

    Under different backgrounds , the role in learning enthusiasm played by body-image displays certain characteristics orderly .

  20. 对外汉语教师的课堂评价语言是扣开留学生心扉,激发他们学习积极性的一把金钥匙。

    The appraisal in Chinese-training class is a golden key for the foreign students to study Chinese actively .

  21. 激发学生的学习积极性,培养学生掌握和运用知识的能力。

    To stimulate the enthusiasm of students , to cultivate students ' ability to master and apply knowledge .

  22. 当代大学生学习积极性具有六大动力因素,且具明显的时代特征;

    Learning activeness of the university students today has six motive factors with obvious features of the times .

  23. 教师对调动学生的学习积极性和课堂的参与度起着非常重要的作用。

    They play a very important role in arousing the students ' enthusiasm of learning and class participation .

  24. 研究结果发现,戏剧组的学生确实表现出较强的学习积极性。

    The results of both studies support that the students in the Drama Group showed a stronger motivation .

  25. 然而,形成性评价对调动学生学习积极性方面的作用并未得到充分发挥。

    However , the advantages of formative assessment on students ' learning motivation have not been exploited sufficiently .

  26. 同时,它也是激发学生学习积极性,提高学习成绩的一种有效手段。

    Meanwhile , it is also an effective means to arouse students ' activeness and improve their marks .

  27. 竞赛性质的游戏,运用于体育教学中,对于调动学生学习积极性,激发学习情绪效果较好。

    The effect of competitive game is satisfactory for increasing the enthusiasm and spirit of students in physical education .

  28. 自我评价是形成性评价的一种,对调动学生的学习积极性,及时强化学习目标、教学重点等方面起着十分重要的作用。

    Self-assessment plays an important role in motivating students ' learning enthusiasm and intensifying learning targets and teaching emphasis .

  29. 结果:通过实验激发了学生的学习积极性,提高了学生的整体素质。

    Results : These experiments not only arouse the enthusiasm of the students but also promote their overall qualities .

  30. 结果:多媒体教学提高学生的学习积极性、主动性和兴趣,实验成功率明显提高。

    Results : The students'enthusiasm , initiative and interest had been greatly raised as well as the experimental marks .