
  • 网络learning development;learn to develop
  1. 网络游戏能够借助于虚拟技术,创造出一个非常逼真的虚拟世界,使人们在这个世界中尝试与现实世界几乎完全相同的生活体验、人际交流和学习发展等。

    By using virtual technology online games can create a very realistic virtual world in which people can try almost identical life experience , interpersonal communication and learning development like in the real world .

  2. 研究性学习既是大学本科教学过程中的学习方式,又是学习发展环节,它与接受性学习环节一起构成大学本科教学过程完整性的两个基本要素。

    The research-based learning is a form of learning in undergraduate TL process as well as a tache of learning development , and it constitutes the integrity of undergraduate TL process with the acceptance-based learning together .

  3. 七岁时进行的测试为孩子在学校中的学习发展提供了一个测量基准。

    Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child 's progress at school can be measured .

  4. 心灵健身房(mindgym)学习发展咨询公司的董事之一,塞巴斯蒂安贝利(sebastianbailey)表示,在许多公司,即便员工人在其位,心思可能也在别处。

    Sebastian Bailey , a director at the mind gym learning and development consultancy , says that , in many companies , even if staff are present their minds may be elsewhere .

  5. 大学英语自主学习发展的限制因素分析

    Analysis on the Bottleneck Constraints on College English Autonomous Learning

  6. 国内数学学习发展心理研究述评

    Review of Domestic Research on Psychological Development in Mathematics Learning

  7. 学生地理学习发展性评价研究

    The Assessment Research for Developing Students ' Geography Learning

  8. 认真学习发展是第一要务的思想努力开创电大工作新局面

    Seriously Study the Thought of " Development is the First Task ", And Attempt to Explore A New State For TVU

  9. 总之,本课程是对句法结构主要特性的学习发展研究的精细介绍。

    In general , the course may be looked on as a , rigorous introduction to the study of the learning and development of central properties of syntactic structure .

  10. 并在最后对系统做了关于存储与高性能计算方面的测试,测试结果也证明了云计算技术是移动学习发展最好的选择。

    The system was tested about the storage and high-performance computing , and the result has proved that cloud computing is the best choice for the development of mobile learning .

  11. 教育心理学工作者对数学应用题结构、数学能力结构、数学学习发展心理和数学思维策略的训练4个方面进行了大量的研究。

    They did extensive previous work on the structure of mathematical word problems , the structure of mathematical ability , developmental psychology on mathematical learning , training on mathematical thinking strategy .

  12. 在总结知识经济测度方法研究现状的基础上,建立了评价河南经济的知识投入、知识产出和储存、知识流通和扩散以及知识学习发展水平的指标体系;

    On the basis of the background of the study about measurement of knowledge-based economy at present , this paper establishes an index system for evaluating the development level of knowledge input , output and reserve , circulating and spreading , and study of Henan economy ;

  13. 而这正是基于项目的学习的发展趋势。

    That tends to be one form of project-based learning .

  14. 其次,对近年来从分层强化学习中发展出来的option算法,结合内在激励思想,尝试性地将其应用到机器人足球中的踢球技术、截球技术和配合技术中去。

    Second , the option algorithm and intrinsic reinforcement learning is used to prove the kick technology , intercept technology and cooperate technologies .

  15. 现代远程教育校外学习中心发展现状分析

    Modern distance learning extracurricular center of learning development present situation analysis

  16. 学习科学发展观加强学校财务管理

    Study Scientific Development View to Strengthen the University Financial Management

  17. 随着语言学习的发展,这两种趋势逐渐接近英语本族语者的使用特征。

    Both trends gradually approximate to the native speaker level .

  18. 农村初中生学习适应性发展的研究

    A Study on the Development of Learning Adaptability of Rural Middle School Students

  19. 当代日本终身学习的发展与启示

    The Development and Inspiration of Life-long Learning in Japan

  20. 学生的学习与发展依赖于内在的需要与动力。

    Learning and development of the students depend upon internal demands and driving forces .

  21. 贝叶斯网络结构学习的发展与展望

    Development and Prospect of Bayesian Network Structure Learning

  22. 这些问题的存在势必会影响移动学习的发展。

    The existence of these problems will certainly affect the development of mobile learning .

  23. 促进中小学生自主学习能力发展的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Promoting Autonomous Learning Ability Development of Middle and Primary School Students

  24. 终身学习全球发展战略

    The Global Development Strategy of Lifelong Study

  25. 从跳舞毯的风靡看动作技能学习的发展趋势

    Look forward the developing tendency of action skill learning from the fashion of dancing blanket

  26. 学习成绩发展灰色马尔柯夫预测

    Grey-Markov Prediction for Students ' Knowledge Improvement

  27. 读书、看报和学习等发展型休闲活动以中青年和高文化层次的居民为主;

    The second , youth and high cultural quality people are more enjoying learning and reading .

  28. 有效教学行为是能够促进学生学习与发展并有利于教师自身专业成长的教学活动。

    Effective teaching behaviors can promote student learning and development and contribute to teachers ' professional development .

  29. 听力理解作为一项输入性技能,是学习者发展其他语言技能的基础。

    As one of the receptive skills , listening is the foundation to develop other language skills .

  30. 注意缺陷为主型和混合型儿童的前庭功能、学习能力发展低于临界值。

    The VF and learning ability in type of attention deficit and complex type were lower than critical value .