
  • 网络Sori;sorus;telium
  1. 通过CP包埋剂制作石蜡切片对僵虫体内菌丝核和体表孢子堆进行了观察。

    Using CP embedding tissue section technique , the microstructure of the muscardine cadavers ' sori and mycelial mass was observed .

  2. 用刀刮除冬孢子堆及其周围健组织法:此法简便易行。

    Scratch the telia as well as the healthy tissue around .

  3. 冬孢子堆呈暗褐色或黑色,覆盖在完整的寄生表皮下显得发亮。

    Telia are dark brown or black , and shine from the intact host epidermal covering .

  4. 昼夜温差大,形成冬孢子堆数量多。

    The greater the temperature difference between day and night was , the more the teliosorus formed .

  5. 第10天节间膜处向外长出菌丝,第12天体表出现分生孢子堆形成僵虫。

    The hyphae grown out of their internodal membrane 10 day later , and the muscardine cadaver with sori of conidia were formed 12 day later .

  6. 梅雨当菌量>0.1孢子堆/株时,病指迅速增大。

    While in the season of plum rain and fungi amount is higher than 0 . 1 stack / plant , the lesion exponent sharply rises .

  7. 并在培养后40&50天仍能继续形成新鲜孢子堆,部分菌丝从叶段切面生出。

    Sporulation continued for 40-50 days in culture and finally some rust mycelia were found to extend from within the leaf segments on to surrounding media .

  8. 3d后开始产生分生孢子,孢子堆微白色。

    The spores begin to be produced after 3 days and the pile of spores is white .

  9. 今冬供暖比去冬晚。冬孢子阶段,冬孢子堆

    The heating went on later this winter than last . telial stage