
  • 网络sporulation;spore formation;sporogenesis;sporation
  1. 淀粉酶生产菌(BacillussubtilisBF-7658)孢子形成突变体的分离和特性

    Isolation and characterization of sporulation mutants of α - amylase producing Bacillus subtilis bf-7658

  2. 对斯氏艾美耳球虫的孢子形成过程和内生发育进行了观察。

    The sporulation and endogenous development of Eimeria stiedai were studied .

  3. 病菌产孢的最适温度为25~30℃,最适pH值为5~8,光照有助于孢子形成,在PSA、PDA等常规培养基上能大量产孢。

    The optimum temperature for sporulation is 25 ~ 30 ℃, the optimum pH is pH5 ~ 8.The fungi can sporulate a lot on PSA ? PDA medium and light is in favor of sporulation .

  4. 2种菌在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基上生长旺盛,在相对湿度(RH)65%~98%生长良好,且加大RH有利于分生孢子形成,RH100%+水滴处理孢子萌发率最高。

    Two pathogens grew well on PDA ( potato glucose agar ) with RH increment at RH 65 % ~ 98 % . Conidium had a highest germination in water drop with full RH .

  5. 草菇减数分裂和担孢子形成细胞核行为

    Meiosis and behavior of nuclei during basidiospore formation in Volvariella volvacea

  6. 子囊孢子形成于子囊内由雌雄结合产生的真菌孢子。

    A sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus .

  7. 孢子形成时间在27℃为72小时。

    The time of sporulation is 72h at 27 ℃ .

  8. 鸡腿菇子实体形态变化与担孢子形成的研究

    Study on the Fruit Body Form and Spore Formation of Coprinus Comatus

  9. 猴头菌担孢子形成的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning Electron Microscope Observation of Hericium erinaceus Basidiospore Development

  10. 改良米汤培养基对白色念珠菌厚膜孢子形成的效果

    Effect of an improved rice soup culture medium on Candida albicans forming chlamydospore

  11. 吐温80对绿僵菌液生分生孢子形成的影响

    Sporulation of Metarhizium on Liquid Media Containing Tween 80

  12. 小麦条锈菌夏孢子形成的电镜观察

    Electron Microscopy of Urediospore Formation in Wheat Stripe Rust

  13. 外生菌根真菌鳞柄白毒鹅膏减数分裂和担孢子形成的细胞核行为

    Meiosis and Behavior of Nuclei During Basidiospore Formation in Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Amanita Virosa

  14. 银杏大孢子形成的超微结构研究

    Ultrastructural Studies on Megaspore Formation in Ginkgo biloba

  15. 而目前所使用的航天器清洁技术仅能发现耐热的和孢子形成的细菌。

    The techniques currently used to clean spacecraft only detect heat-resistant and spore-forming bacteria .

  16. 酿酒酵母子囊孢子形成条件的研究

    Study on Productive Conditions of Saccharomyces Ascospores

  17. 该菌孢子形成的温度范围为12℃~33℃,最适温度为28℃;

    The range of temperature for sporulation was 12 ℃~ 33 ℃, the optimum at 28 ℃;

  18. 水稻花药培养中小孢子形成植株的组织分化和器官建成的初步观察

    A preliminary observation on histogenesis and organogenesis of the in vitro development from rice microspores into Plantlets

  19. 抗病西瓜腐解物抑制病菌生长和孢子形成,而感病品种则抑制生长和产孢。

    Decaying resistant watermelon tissues extracts inhibited the growth and conidia formation of FON , while decaying susceptible extracts stimulated the growth and conidia formation .

  20. 关于盾壳霉的产孢机理已有一些报道,但盾壳霉产孢是一个非常复杂的过程,分生孢子形成的调控网络目前尚不清晰。

    Previous work had reported about the conidiation of C. minitans , however , the complex network that regulates the conidiation is still not clear .

  21. 研究表明,双组分系统在丝状真菌中与氧化应激应答、渗透压应答及孢子形成有关。

    Study showed that the roles of the two component system were involved in oxidative stress response , osmotic response and spore formation in filamentous fungi .

  22. 结果表明,细弱绒泡菌生活史包括单核的黏变形体或游动胞、多核的营养体原质团以及孢子形成阶段。

    The result shows that the life cycle of Physarum tenerum comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage , a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage .

  23. 同时,敲除转化了寄生菌核后菌丝的营养生长得到促进,在菌核表面生成厚密的白色菌丝,但是孢子形成没有得到恢复。

    Meanwhile , the vegetative growth of the transformants mycelium were promoted after parasite sclerotial , thick mycelium was generated on the surface of Sclerotia , but spore formation had not been restored .

  24. GA3对大孢子的形成、受精作用和胚胎发育有关。

    Both embryo sac generation and double fertilization correlated with GA3 . the changeable content of GA3 and IAA is related with embryo development .

  25. 基质pH值对肯霉(penicillium)的发生有明显的影响,结果表明:在pH6.2~7.5的条件下,对青霉菌丝的生长及孢子的形成最为有利;

    Significantly effects of culture media pH on the happening of penicillium . The results show that pH 6 . 2 ~ 7 . 5 was favorable to the penicillium 's hyphae grow and spore production .

  26. 温度对鸡早熟艾美球虫孢子囊形成的影响

    Effect of temperatures on sporangial formation of Eimeria praecox in chickens

  27. 不同光域内分生孢子器形成有显著差异。

    There was remarkable difference under various light treatments .

  28. 在培养过程中,光能诱发分生孢子器形成。

    The continuous light induced pycnidium formation .

  29. 在叶片的下表皮,夏孢子萌发形成的芽管伸长产生附着胞,然后附着胞形成侵入丝,从气孔侵入。

    The uredospores on lower epidermis germinated and formed an appressorium . The appressorium germinated and formed an invading hypha .

  30. 长有无柄的单胞的冬孢子且形成一层的锈菌的一属。所有不锈钢阀体球阀都配置不锈钢手柄。

    Rusts having sessile one-celled teliospores in a single layer . All stainless steel body ball valves come with stainless steel handles .