
  1. 因此,对存量建设用地进行内涵挖潜成为必然。

    Therefore , it is necessary to realize the potential of constructive land .

  2. 同时积极挖掘存量建设用地,提高建设用地的利用率。

    And making full use of the existed construction land to improve its utilization degree and benefits .

  3. 它的意义不仅仅在于可以更加合理有效地配置土地资源、提高土地利用率、加快农村城市化的步伐,更重要的是它可以通过盘活存量建设用地,达到保护耕地的目的;

    It plays a great role in rational disposing land resources , improving land utilization ratio and quickening the step of rural urbanization .

  4. 而与此同时,存量建设用地利用水平粗放,利用效益低下。

    At the same time , build-up land that has been used is in low level , and the utilization benefit is low .

  5. 在我国,土地租赁客体范围主要包括国有存量建设用地使用权和集体建设用地使用权。

    The object 's range of land lease should be mainly state-run stock construction land to use and collective construction land to use in China .

  6. 第三章从地理、环境、经济方面大致介绍了南通市土地利用的情况,描述了南通市存量建设用地的情况,并分析了造成这些情况的原因。

    I also analyze the connection and the guidance between them . In the third chapter , I introduce Nantong city from the geography , circumstance and the economy .

  7. 本文研究对象为农村存量集体建设用地,包括乡镇企业用地、基础设施和公共事业用地(不包括农村宅基地)。

    The research object is stock rural collective construction land , including group enterprise land , infrastructure land and public utilities land ( except rural house land ) .