
cún chǔ shè bèi
  • storage device
  1. 基于DSP的USB海量存储设备的设计及实现

    He design and realization of Mass storage device based on DSPT

  2. 这种存储设备可以是IBM的产品,也可以是其他厂商的产品。

    This storage device could be an IBM product or that of another vendor .

  3. 附网存储设备(NetworkAttachedStorage-NAS)是一种专用、高性能的文件服务器。

    Network Attached Storage Appliance is a specialized file server with high performance .

  4. 本文主要介绍大容量存储设备(USBMassStorageDevice)的固件设计方法?

    This article introduces the design method of firmware in USB Mass Storage Device .

  5. Hardware窗体用于配置物理设备,主要是打印机和存储设备。

    The Hardware section is for configuration of physical devices , mostly printers and storage devices .

  6. 对于产品结构化数据的XML文档,选择关系数据库作为存储设备。

    In the data-centric model , the relational DBMS is chosen to storage the XML document .

  7. 客户机向存储设备发出一个READ请求,该请求同时初始化多个Read操作。

    The client issues a READ request to the storage devices , which initiates multiple Read operations in parallel .

  8. 基于驱动层的USB存储设备安全增强技术

    Security Technology of USB Storage Device Based on Driver Layer

  9. USB存储设备访问控制的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of USB Storage Device Access Controlling

  10. USB存储设备的应用日益广泛,其安全性不容忽视。

    The security of USB storage device should be regarded with its abroad application .

  11. 对于自定义的USB存储设备,不可避免地要开发自己的USB设备驱动程序。

    For a custom USB storage device , a USB device driver is inevitably developed .

  12. 大多数SAN采用SCSI协议作为不同存储设备的公共协议。

    Most SANs use the SCSI protocol over various storage devices .

  13. 然后将采集的数据保存到大容量的SD卡和USB存储设备中。

    And then the data save to a large capacity SD card and USB device .

  14. 构建双塔式SAN方案是存储设备扩容的一种行之有效的方法。

    Establishing the twin - tower SAN scheme is an effective way to solve this problem .

  15. 每个节点集群都必须有通用的存储设备可用,或者是通过StorageAreaNetwork(SAN),或者是通过SAS子系统。

    Each node cluster must have common storage devices available , either through the Storage Area Network ( SAN ) or via SAS subsystems .

  16. (SAN)是一种将存储设备连接到封装的共享存储池的网络。

    ( SAN ) is a network that interconnects storage devices into an encapsulated pool of shared storage .

  17. 本文研究了MEMS存储设备在应用盘阵中的关键技术。

    In our work , we study the key techniques of using MEMS-based storage in disk arrays .

  18. 磁盘阵列RAID是一种提供高性能I/O的最常见存储设备。

    RAID is the most common storage device to provide high-performance I / O.

  19. NAS是一个带有瘦服务器(thinserver)的存储设备,其作用类似于一个专用的文件服务器。

    NAS , for short of network attached storage , is a thin server storage facility as a dedicated file server .

  20. Windows为硬盘驱动器分区和其他存储设备分配驱动器字母,而Linux在root文件结构中为它们分配目录。

    Where Windows assigns drive letters to hard drive partitions and other storage devices , Linux assigns them directories in the root file structure .

  21. 其中,FC交换机主要是负责连接这些服务器和存储设备。

    Which , FC switch is responsible for connecting these servers and storage devices .

  22. 而对于有充足预算的大型企业,SAN的应用又是其它外部存储设备无法比拟的。

    And for enterprise having sufficient large-scale of budget , application of SAN is incomparable to other outside store equipment .

  23. 随着CPU处理能力的不断提高以及存储设备容量的不断扩大,I/O带宽是一个潜在的性能瓶颈。

    More powerful CPUs coupled with larger storage devices is making cost-effective I / O bandwidth a potential performance bottleneck .

  24. 一种基于ECDSA的USB存储设备访问控制方案

    An Access Control Scheme for USB Mass Storage Device Based on ECDSA

  25. 近年来随着计算机技术、视频压缩技术、高带宽存储设备和宽带网络的发展,在Internet上的实时流媒体应用应运而生。

    Recent developments in computing technology , video compression technology , high bandwidth storage devices , and high-speed networks have made it feasible to provide real-time streaming media applications over the Internet .

  26. 现在像USB闪存这样的个人存储设备功能已经非常强大了,它们在各种各样的企业中开始普遍存在。

    Personal storage devices such as USB flash drives are more powerful than ever and have become ubiquitous in the enterprise environment .

  27. 同时,嵌入式系统还包括存储设备以及其他IO和通讯设备接口等。

    An embedded system also contains memory device , IO and other communication interface .

  28. 通过使用一组通用的API函数,Linux可以在许多种存储设备上支持许多种文件系统。

    Using a common set of API functions , a large variety of file systems can be supported on a large variety of storage devices .

  29. 现在已经设置好了存储设备,您可以设置服务器,准备在SAN上安装Linux。

    Now that the storage device is set up , you can set up your server to get ready to install Linux on the SAN .

  30. 适配器按照与存储设备相同的方式导出到WPAR。

    The adapter is exported to the WPAR in the same manner as storage devices .