
  • 网络Storage Density;Packing density;Areal Density
  1. NANDFlash具有高存储密度和高存储速率的特点,在嵌入式系统领域得到了广泛应用。

    NAND Flash has the character of high storage density and high storage speed , so it has been applied as storage medium widely in the field of the embedded system .

  2. 在此基础上发展而来的纳米晶存储器(Nano-CrystalMemory,NCM)进一步提高了存储密度,加上与CMOS工艺良好的兼容性,使得对纳米晶存储器的研究具有巨大的科学和产业价值。

    Based on these properties , Nano-Crystal Memory ( NCM ) further improves the storage density . And owing to its good compatibility with CMOS process , NCM shows a great scientific and industrial value .

  3. 高度的并行计算处理、极大的空间存储密度是DNA计算的两大突出优点。

    The two major advantages of DNA computing are its high parallelism in data processing and its higher storge capacity than normal systems .

  4. 由于它具有信息处理的巨并行性、低耗能以及高存储密度等特点,DNA计算已被广泛应用于解决各种复杂性计算问题以及模拟电子计算机进行四则运算。

    Due to its fast parallel information processing , remarkable energy efficiency , and high storing capacity , DNA computing is employed to solve complex computational problems .

  5. 由于DNA分子的超大规模并行性、超低的能耗和超高的存储密度,才使得DNA计算成为研究上的一个热点,它的进一步发展将有利于改进现有一些研究方法的局限性。

    The advantages of large scale parallelism , ultra-low power consumption and ultra-high density storage make the DNA computing become a hot , and its further development will facilitate the existing methods .

  6. 与磁泡存储器相比,BLM的存储密度大大提高。

    Compared with magnetic bubble storage memory , the bit density of BLM increases drastically .

  7. 这种计算模式凭借着DNA序列的强大存储密度和高度并行性,在求解一些复杂的组合优化问题及NP困难问题时显示出了极大的优势。

    By virtue of high-density storage and massive parallelism in DNA sequences , the calculation model has showed a great advantage in solving complex combinatorial optimization problems and NP hard problems .

  8. 存储器正朝着小型化、存储密度高、功耗低、读写速度快、数据保持时间长、与CMOS工艺兼容等我们所希望的方向发展。

    The memory device is toward miniaturization , high-storage density , low-power consumption , rapid writing / reading speed , long-time date retention , compatible with the CMOS process and so on .

  9. LNG(液化天然气)同CNG相比,具有能量存储密度大,占汽车负载轻、连续行驶里程长、安全性能高等优势。

    LNG ( Liquefied Natural Gas ) has many advantages such as higher energy density , longer driving running distance and better safety performance in comparison with CNG .

  10. 磁头表面极尖沉降(PTR)是影响硬盘存储密度的关键因素之一。

    Pole tip recession ( PTR ) is one of the critical factors in improving the density of hard disk .

  11. 选用MicroSD卡还可进一步提高数据的存储密度。

    We can improve the data density evenfurther by using microSD cards :

  12. NANDFlash存储密度大、容量大、生产工艺简单、性价比高,但是控制方式复杂而且可能会存在一定的坏块。

    Nand Flash memory has high density , large capacity , simple production technology , and the high performance-price ratio . However , its control is complex and has a certain degree of bad blocks .

  13. SRAM又称为静态随机存储器,因其具有高速、低功耗、高存储密度的特点,经常被应用于高性能微处理器的缓存部件。

    SRAM is the other name of Static Random Access Memory . It is usually used as a part of cache in high-powered processors for its high speed low power and high intensity .

  14. 本文从Fourier频谱分析的观点,导出了平面点全息图的文字存储密度公式,并进行了四次重迭曝光的点存储实验,给出了四页文字的再现图像;

    According to the Fourier spect (?) um analysis the character storing density of a point plane hologram have been derived , And the point storing experiments of four superposed holograms was made , the reconstructing images of characters of four pages are presented .

  15. 目前商用HDD最高存储密度已达4Gbit/in2,未来几年内势必增至10~20Gbit/in2。

    Currently the highest areal density in commercial HDDs is about 4 Gbit / in2 , but this will surely grow to 10 to 20 Gbit / in2 in the next few years .

  16. 我们用数值模拟方法研究正交位相编码参考光位移复用方案,模拟结果表明其存储密度可以达到120bits/μm2且读出图像质量非常好。

    Also by numerical simulation we study the new optical setup design of shift-multiplexing method with reference beam which is modulated by orthogonal phase-coding . The results show the storage quality is good and it is calculated that the storage density can be about 120bits / m2 .

  17. 由具有金属-铁电-绝缘层-半导体(MFIS)结构的铁电场效应晶体管(FeFET)组成的铁电存储器以其非破坏性读出、存储密度高等优点引起国内外研究者的关注。

    The ferroelectric field effect transistor ( FeFET ) with metal-ferroelectric - insulator-semiconductor ( MFIS ) structure has drawn much attention because of its advantage such as nondestructive readout and high storage density .

  18. 实验表明合金LaNi5的体积存储密度较高,而存储质量百分比较低;活性炭的存储质量百分比较高,但体积存储密度较低。

    The experiments show that hydrogen storage in activated carbon has low volumetric density but high weight percentage of storage , while that in LaNi_5 alloy has high volumetric storage density but very low weight percentage of storage .

  19. 这些指甲盖大小的小薄片的存储密度达每千克160TB,也就是说满载MicroSD卡的联邦快递机队每秒可以运送177PB(或每天运输2ZB)的数据——这可是目前互联网流量的1000倍。

    Those thumbnail-sized flakes have a storagedensity of up to 160 terabytes per kilogram , which means a FedEx fleet loadedwith microSD cards could transfer about 177 petabits per second , or 2zettabytes per day-a thousand times the Internet 's current traffic level .

  20. 计算机硬盘磁存储密度的倍增研究

    Research on Multiplication of Magnetic Storage 's Density of Computer HDD

  21. 在磁光盘中第一次引入超分辨技术后,超分辨技术的应用有了很大发展,在目前是提高光盘存储密度的有效方法,在各类光盘中都有良好的应用。

    Since super resolution technology was first applied to magneto optical disks .

  22. 全息多重存储密度的讨论

    The discussing of storing density of superposed holograms

  23. 自硬盘发明以来,其存储密度和读写速度不断提高。

    Since the invention of the hard disk , its storage density and access speed continues to increase .

  24. 理论上讲忆阻较闪存更快、更便宜,以至于允许大幅提高存储密度。

    Memristors will theoretically be cheaper and far faster than flash memory , and allow far greater memory densities .

  25. 随着存储密度的不断提高,硬盘磁头与盘片之间的距离(即磁头飞行高度)必须更低。

    With the areal density increased continually , the distance between the head and disk had to be reduced .

  26. 高效合理的读写通道设计不仅可以提高存储密度还能提高数据的传输速率。

    Efficient read and write channel design not only can enhance the storage density , also improve data transmission rate .

  27. 而基于散斑参考光的体全息散斑复用技术能够比传统的复用方法提供更小的复用间隔和更高的存储密度。

    The newly proposed speckle multiplexing scheme could provide smaller multiplexing selectivity and higher storage density compared with other conventional schemes .

  28. 磁盘介质的存储密度,在这种密度下磁盘的信息存储量是单密度盘的四倍。

    The storage density of a disk medium ; storing four times the amount of information per disk as single density .

  29. 以存储密度高,寿命长为特点的光盘存储技术是信息科技的重要组成部分。

    The CD storage technology characterized by high density and long life is an important component of information science and technology .

  30. 近场光学存储器采用了纳米高新制作技术,具有极高的读出速度和极高的存储密度。

    The near-field optical memory manufactured with high techique , and nanometer tech-nique has very high memory density and high read-out rate .