
  • 网络SAN;Storage Area Network;SANs;iSCSI-SAN
  1. 有了存储区域网,只要一套工具,复制费用就能省下。

    With a SAN , there is just one set of tools and replication costs can be avoided .

  2. 存储区域网技术及其在国土资源行业中的应用

    SAN Technology and its application in Land and Resources Industry

  3. 而存储区域网(SAN,storageareanetwork)的提出解决了上述问题。

    One idea that has been put forward to solve these problems is the SAN ( Storage Area Network ) .

  4. 存储区域网(SAN)技术及其在图书馆中的应用

    Technology of the Storage Area Network and Its Application in Library

  5. 存储区域网(SAN)系统的管理及其实现研究

    Research on the Management and Operation of SAN System

  6. 存储区域网(SAN)(1)

    A Storage Area Network ( 1 )

  7. 存储区域网(SAN)中存储虚拟化的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of SAN Virtualization

  8. 现在准备了解存储区域网(SAN)。

    Now get ready for SANs .

  9. 在存储区域网(SAN)上多个客户机之间共享数据,说起来容易做起来难。

    Sharing data across multiple clients on a Storage-Area Network ( SAN ) is easier said than done .

  10. 光纤通道仲裁环FC-AL(FibreChannelArbitratedLoop)是实现存储区域网(SAN)的一种很好的方法。

    Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop is a good technology to realize Storage Area Network .

  11. 本文介绍了存储区域网以及数据备份系统的组成,并着重阐述了如何利用SAN技术来进行数据备份。

    This paper introduces the storage area network and the compose of data backup system , emphasizes on how to use SAN technology to backup data .

  12. 为解决集中式备份中存在的问题,计算机科学家们提出了一种新的网络概念&存储区域网(SAN)。

    For solving the problem in concentrated backup , those computer scientists brought forward a new type of network conception , that is Storage Area Network ( SAN ) .

  13. 存储区域网(SAN)是存储领域的一项重要技术,由存储服务器,存储设备和网络组成。

    A Storage-Area Network ( SAN ) is a important technology in storage field that comprises storage servers ( initiators ), storage devices ( targets ) and a network .

  14. 存储区域网(SAN)是一种类似于LAN的高速网络技术,它用来在存储单元与客户端之间建立直接的高速数据连接。

    The storage area network ( SAN ) is a high-speed network technology which is similar to the LAN . High-speed connection can be provided between storage units and clients .

  15. 存储区域网技术最早是基于光纤网络、采用光纤通道(FC)协议来进行通信,这极大地增加了SAN技术的推广成本。

    The earliest storage area network technology communicate based on fiber-optic network and Fibre Channel ( FC ) protocol , which greatly increases the cost of SAN technology promotion .

  16. 分析了与错误容忍相关的失效转移及存储区域网技术,以及与故障恢复相关的面向恢复的计算(ROC)技术。

    About fault-tolerance , failover , Storage Area Network ( SAN ) technologies were analyzed . Recovery-Oriented Computing ( ROC ) technology was presented for failure-recovery .

  17. 存储区域网(storageareanetwork简称SAN)是指独立于服务器网络系统之外的高速光纤存储网络,这种网络采用高速光纤通道作为传输体,以FC协议作为存储访问协议。

    SAN ( Storage Area Network called SAN ) is independent of the high-speed fiber optic network storage network other than the server network system , This network uses high-speed Fibre Channel as the transport body , To FC protocol for storage access protocol .

  18. 民航信息中心在2002年构建了一套存储区域网(SAN)的存储平台。SAN具有灵活多变的特点,但是其多种软硬件平台缺乏有效的管理。

    Civil aviation computer center has established the storage area network ( SAN ) foundation in 2002 . Although SAN configuration is flexible and changeable to deal with platform management integration of different software and hardware is a tough problem indeed .

  19. 用户访问DRBD块设备,将其作为一个传统本地块设备,或一个存储区域网或网络附加存储解决方案。

    Users access the DRBD block devices as a traditional local block device or as a storage area network or network-attached storage solution .

  20. 介绍了存储区域网(SAN)存储系统的组成、特点及目前主流企业级SAN存储阵列的体系结构和技术特征,给出了SAN存储在邮政综合计算机网中的两种典型应用解决方案。

    The composition and characteristics of SAN storage system , the architecture and technical features of present major enterprises ' SAN storage array are presented . Two classic solutions for the application of SAN storage to postal integrated computer network are given .

  21. 早期实现的存储区域网是基于本地的或校园的。

    Early implementations of SANs have been local or campus-based .

  22. 存储区域网模式前沿技术研究

    The Model of Storage Area Networks : A Technology Research

  23. 存储区域网中磁盘阵列光纤通道接口的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Fibre Channel Interface for FC SAN-Attached RAID

  24. 基于光纤通道仲裁环的存储区域网的分析与实现

    Analysis and Realization of Storage Area Network Based on Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop

  25. 光纤通道交换机是光纤通道交换结构中的关键设备,处于存储区域网的核心。

    Fibre Channel switch is the key device and nuclear part in fabric topology .

  26. 存储区域网管理系统中数据备份与复制技术的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Data Backup and Replication in Storage Area Network Management System

  27. 存储区域网成为热门技术

    Storage Area Network Becomes a Hot Technology

  28. 存储区域网的性能测试

    Performance Testing of Storage Area Network

  29. 存储区域网实际上是一种处理存储需求的独立网络。

    A Storage Area Network ( SAN ) is really nothing more than a separate network to handle storage needs .

  30. 随着网络技术的发展,存储区域网在社会各个领域内的应用将更广泛,对存储区域网络性能的要求也会越来越高。

    With the development of network , data storage technology and storage area network will be widely used in different aspect .