
  • 网络storage capacity;Memory capacity
  1. 嵌入式系统由于本身存储容量的限制,急需扩展外存,多媒体卡(MMC)就是解决外存扩展的一个很好的方案。

    The embedded system is in dire need of expanding external memorizer due to its limited memory capacity , the multimedia card is the better one of the expanding memory .

  2. 超声多普勒流速测量中存储容量的压缩方法

    A method to compact memory capacity in the velocity measurement of ultrasonic Doppler

  3. 基于ARM的多通道大存储容量离线数据采集器

    Design of big content offline data acquisition device based on ARM

  4. DNA计算的两个主要特点是计算的高度并行性和巨大的信息存储容量。

    Two major characteristics of DNA computing are it 's high parallel nature and enormous information capacity .

  5. 设计较大存储容量的USB接口是解决数据存储的一个方法。

    It is a good way to design USB interface .

  6. SD卡拥有高存储容量、快速数据传输率、极大的移动灵活性以及很好的安全性。

    SD card has enough storage , fast data transfer rate , high flexibility and security .

  7. Hopfield改进模型的存储容量与编码

    The Storing Capacity of the Modified Hopfield Model and Coding

  8. 系统外部采用安全性高、容量大、性能佳的SD卡作存储容量扩展。

    Use SD card witch is high security , high capacity and good performance to expand storage capacity .

  9. 然而按照计划,ACE的存储容量顶多只有20万位。

    The ACE , as planned , would have at most 200000 digits in store .

  10. 受存储容量和对地传输能力的限制,空间太阳望远镜(SpaceSolarTelescope,SST)15个CCD采集的科学数据必须在轨进行5倍的压缩。

    Due to the limited storage and down-link capacity , the data collected by 15 CCDs on Space Solar Telescope have to be compressed 5 times .

  11. 研究表明,基于分段压缩的路由查找算法支持IPv6路由查找,具有合理的存储容量和快速的查找时间;

    The research shows the lookup algorithm for IPv6 route lookup with compression trie has reasonable memory space and fast lookup time .

  12. 本文采用SOPC技术研制了一种超大存储容量且体积小巧的语音记录设备。

    By using SOPC technologies , a phonetic recording device with large storage capability and small size is designed .

  13. 随着Internet应用的不断发展,网络服务器存储容量的不断增长,服务器的内部存储容量无法满足信息增长需求的问题随之产生。

    With the rapid development of Internet , and the increasing requirement of the storage for network servers , the problem of inadequate capacity for the inner-storage of servers meeting with the growth of information voltage comes quietly .

  14. 虚弱的电池以其有限的存储容量和能力去给予和接受电荷产生不良影响的电池的状态(SOC)负责。

    The weakened battery with its limited storage capacity and ability to give and receive charge adversely affects the battery 's State of Charge ( SOC ) .

  15. 由于传感器节点在存储容量、计算能力、通信带宽等资源方面的限制,传统网络的密钥管理研究不能直接应用于WSN。

    However , key management scheme for traditional network cannot be directly applied to WSNs due to the inherent resource and computing constraints of sensor nodes .

  16. 原彩显示,翻倍的存储容量,还有iPadOS15带来的多用性,我们最受欢迎的iPad迎来了这一巨大升级。

    True Tone , double the storage , and the versatility of iPadOS 15 , this is a giant upgrade for our most popular iPad .

  17. 但在未来,物理学家可能会让一颗钻石具有比一张DVD大100万倍的信息存储容量,也许还会更多。

    But in the future physicists could access a diamond with storage capacity a million times greater than that of a DVD , maybe more .

  18. 但是,自从2007年推出iPhone以来,苹果一次只出售一种新款iPhone,只是存储容量不同。

    Still , the company has sold only one main new iPhone model , with different storage capacities , at a time since launching the smartphone in 2007 .

  19. 介绍了一种新型的水下航行载体实航振动和噪声测量装置,它包含一个多通道、连续高速采样、大存储容量的DAT数字磁带记录仪。

    A new apparatus used to measure the vibration and noise of an underwater vehicle is developed .

  20. 为了提高视频存储容量及性价比,使视频存储系统的图像质量符合ISO/IEC最新的标准,有必要对视频存储系统进行改进。

    To accord with the ISO / IEC standard and meet the requirment of large storage , it is necessary to improve the present video storage system .

  21. NANDFlash具有功耗低、读写速度快、较大存储容量、制造成本低、抗震耐腐蚀等优点。

    NAND Flash has low power consumption , fast read and write output , large capacity , low cost , earthquake and resistant to earthquake and corrosion .

  22. MCS51系列单片机存储容量扩展方法

    A New Method for Expanding the Memory of 51 - series SCM

  23. 多阶游程长度受限(ML-RLL)编码可以在保持原有记录符尺寸和记录单元数量的情况下将CD光盘存储容量提高2.4倍。

    Multi-level run-length limited ( ML-RLL ) cording can increase the capacity of CD to 2.4 times of the conventional CD .

  24. RFID定位技术与传统的条形码技术相比较在资料更新辨识、存储容量、重复使用、安全性等方面具有明显优势,也更能满足日益提高的个性化服务的要求。

    Compared with traditional barcode , RFID has many obvious advantages , like storage room , upgrade identification , reusability and safety , which are more suitable to satisfy visitors ' personalized requirements .

  25. MPEG-4和传统的MPEG-1、MPEG-2和H.263压缩标准相比,在存储容量、图像质量、网络传输、抗误码性等方面都具有巨大的优势。

    MPEG-4 is more advantageous than MPEG-1 , MPEG-2 and H.263 in store capacity , quality of image , net transportation , and error resistance .

  26. 双CMAC神经网络控制器具有存储容量少、系统较稳定、能减少系统误差影响、装配力小等优点。

    Dual CMAC neural network controller have advantages such as less memory volume , higher stability , less influences from system errors and less assembly force .

  27. 该系统的核心部件-数字信号处理板处理能力强,存储容量大,结构简单、对称,易于并行实现随机Hough变换算法。

    The core part of this system-digital signal processing board has high performance and simple and symmetrical structure , so that it is easy to implement randomized Hough transform algorithm .

  28. 因为存储容量会影响SAN的结构、SAN组网规模、连接带宽/传输速率、设备配置等,这一切直接关系到SAN技术应用的成功与否。

    Which will influence with the structure of SAN , the scale of the SAN , the need of the bandwidth and the device equipment which was needed and lead to the successful implement of the SAN .

  29. LOCKLIST表明分配给锁列表的存储容量。

    LOCKLIST indicates the amount of storage that is allocated to the lock list .

  30. 同时,在利用J2ME进行手机游戏设计时,还受到手机存储容量的限制。即一个游戏应用的大小是受到手机容量的限制的,这和PC或是PS游戏区别非常大。

    At the same time , the design of mobile phone game by J2ME is limited by the saving capacity of the mobile phone , which is very different from the PS or PC games .