
  1. 网络游戏、QQ聊天、网上购物、娱乐新闻等等在互联网上应有尽有,触手可得。

    Cyber games , QQ chatting , shopping online , and entertainment news are available to everyone on the Internet .

  2. 卷福向AccessHollywood娱乐新闻透露,在该片的伦敦首映礼上,他碰巧偷听到搭档们对他演技的称赞,这让他感动不已。

    The Sherlock actor revealed to Access Hollywood that he was overwhelmed at the film 's London premiere , after overhearing his co-stars praise his performance .

  3. 娱乐新闻网“三十英里区域(TMZ)”见证了这起诉讼,诉讼中克里斯提娜·菲什(ChristinaFish)说,在2014年水果姐的PrismaticWorldTour世界巡演中,她被要求移动一面墙。

    Christina Fish claims she was asked to help move a wall during the star 's 2014 Prismatic World Tour , according to a lawsuit seen by TMZ .

  4. 据《人物》杂志和TMZ(娱乐新闻网站)报道,他们二人几周前分手了。两家媒体都接到了匿名人士爆料。

    The couple split a few weeks ago , according to People magazine and TMZ , both of which cited unnamed sources .

  5. 据TMZ娱乐新闻网报道,现场有观众参与录制重聚节目,由于受疫情影响粉丝无法参加,他们“大多数是雇来的临时演员并接受过新冠病毒检测”。

    TMZ reports that while a live audience participated in the reunion , they were " mostly union extras , Covid screened and hired for the gig , " after the pandemic prevented fans from attending .

  6. 本文进行研究的对象是娱乐新闻标题。

    The object of study in this paper is entertainment news headlines .

  7. 在全世界,西方娱乐新闻也越来越受到人们的关注。

    Thus , the Western entertainment news has been increasingly popular worldwide .

  8. 娱乐新闻包含在新闻的娱乐化大潮中,并且是主力军。

    Entertaining news contains entertainment one which is main content .

  9. 基于关键词提取的娱乐新闻文档去重算法

    Algorithm of Weeding Replicated Entertainment News by Keyword Extraction

  10. 鲍勃·多布森报道,美联社娱乐新闻一分钟。

    This is Bob Dobson with AP Showbiz Minute .

  11. 我是扎拉·尤尼斯,这里是美联社娱乐新闻。

    This is Zara Younis with AP ShowBiz Minute .

  12. 娱乐新闻大行其道与我国的各种文化、会因素存在千丝万缕的联系。

    In our country entertainment news is very popular for many social reasons .

  13. 瑞图·鲁泊尔报道,这里是美联社娱乐新闻。

    This is Reetu Rupal with AP ShowBiz Minute .

  14. 亚当·伊根为您报道美联社娱乐新闻。

    This is Adam Egan with AP ShowBiz Minute .

  15. 希拉里·福克斯为您带来美联社娱乐新闻。

    This is Hilary Fox with AP ShowBiz Minute .

  16. 西德·狄克报道,这里是美联社娱乐新闻。

    This is Sid Dixon with AP ShowBiz Minute .

  17. 莎拉·爱尔德里奇为您报道美联社娱乐新闻。

    This is Zara Eldridge with AP ShowBiz Minute .

  18. 希拉里·福克斯为您报道美联社娱乐新闻

    This is Hilary Fox with AP ShowBiz Minute

  19. 网络娱乐新闻专题的发展现状及问题研究

    Study on the Current Situation and the Existing Problems of the Entertainment Netnews Topic

  20. 报纸娱乐新闻中的女性形象分析

    On Female Image in Newspaper Amusement News

  21. 您可以成为我们的编辑的电子新闻发布更多的娱乐新闻在我们的网站。

    You can be our Editor fore-News to post more entertainment news at our site .

  22. 这是我播报当天娱乐新闻前在背台词呢。

    This is me memorizing the script before announcing the entertainment news for the day .

  23. 我选择了报纸娱乐新闻这个主题来做论文,目的是为了去除一些对娱乐新闻的偏见,尽可能还娱乐新闻以真面目。

    I choose this topic which called the entertainment news on newspaper to do the paper .

  24. 娱乐新闻作为新闻英语的一种,是日常生活中经常接触到的新闻形式之一。

    As a sub-variety of journalistic English , entertainment news is one of regular news forms .

  25. 据美国娱乐新闻报道,在圣诞节前与棒球明星马特·坎普分手之后,蕾哈娜再次回归单身。

    Rihanna is single again after splitting from baseball hunk Matt Kemp , according to U.S.reports .

  26. 这里是美联社娱乐新闻备受观众喜爱的演员彼得·奥图尔于周六去世,享年81岁。

    AP ShowBiz Minute Acclaimed actor Peter O'Toole died Saturday , at the age of 81 .

  27. 中文娱乐新闻中实据性词的语用分析

    Evidentiality in Chinese Entertainment News

  28. 第一部分为引言,阐述选题理由、研究框架和研究方法。第二部分对娱乐新闻、新闻娱乐化的概念、表现、特征等问题进行梳理,为后面的论述奠定理论基础。

    The second section systematizes the concepts , presentation and characteristics of entertainment news and developing entertainment media .

  29. 文化娱乐新闻的健康有序发展离不开媒体自律的作用。

    The healthy development of the cultural entertainment news needs the discipline of the medium of the press .

  30. 此外,本文还探讨了娱乐新闻言论目前存在的一些问题及对策。

    Further more , the thesis points out some current problems in amusement news editorial and proposes some countermeasures .