
  1. 包括关注女性创业者的投资基金79Studios在内的几家公司告诉她,如果有一家公司牵头融资,他们也会有兴趣投资。

    Several firms , including 79 Studios , an investment fund focused on female entrepreneurs , had told her they would be interested in investing if another firm led the financing round .

  2. 例如,巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)以鼓励女性创业为主题的戴安娜项目(DianaProject)最新研究发现,在2011年至2013年获得风投资金的公司中,CEO为女性的仅占2.7%。

    The latest research from the Diana Project , a Babson College initiative promoting female entrepreneurship , for instance , has found that only 2.7 percent of companies that received venture funding from 2011 to 2013 had female CEOs .

  3. 科拉莱斯来自菲律宾。她后来还短暂领导过星巴克(Starbucks)日本分公司一段时间。因为她的经历,如今她再次以新的身份回到日本,为一批崭露头角的女性创业者担任导师。

    Backed by her experience - which later included a stint heading the Japanese unit of Starbucks Ms Corrales , from the Philippines , has returned to Japan for a new role as mentor to a group of budding female entrepreneurs .

  4. Aurora首席执行官格伦达o斯通(GlendaStone)表示,女性创业通常较为容易,因为她们之中有更多人呆在家中,或者做兼职工作。Aurora是一个由2万多女性创业者组成的网络。

    Glenda Stone , chief executive of Aurora , a network of more than 20000 female entrepreneurs , said it was often easier for women to start a business because more of them were based at home or worked part-time .

  5. Aurora首席执行官格伦达•斯通(GlendaStone)表示,女性创业通常较为容易,因为她们之中有更多人呆在家中,或者做兼职工作。Aurora是一个由2万多女性创业者组成的网络。

    Glenda Stone , chief executive of Aurora , a network of more than 20,000 female entrepreneurs , said it was often easier for women to start a business because more of them were based at home or worked part-time .

  6. 作为呈现爆炸式增长趋势的众筹领域(预计明年规模将达到39.8亿美元)中的首个此类平台,我们应该能看到PlumAlley在未来一年中在女性创业领域扮演重要角色。

    And as the first platform of its kind in the exploding crowdfunding space ( expected to hit $ 3.98 billion next year ) , we can certainly expect Plum Alley to play a big role in the entrepreneurial landscape for women in the year to come .

  7. 帝国理工研究员斯蒂芬•拜尔(SteffenBayer)是加莉娜的导师。他表示,虽然这项课程被宣传为指导女性创业的项目,但其最大益处在于教授给女性灵活的技能,并重塑她们的信心。

    Although the course is headlined as a programme to teach women to become entrepreneurs , the biggest benefits are to teach them transferrable skills and to rebuild their confidence , according to Steffen Bayer , a research fellow at Imperial and Gallina 's mentor .

  8. 女性创业中的性别歧视根源及其影响

    The Causes of Gender Discrimination and its Impact in Female Entrepreneurship

  9. 问题5女性创业企业遇到的最主要的问题是什么?

    Question 5.What is the major problem for women-owned startups ?

  10. 我国女性创业特点:一个学习的过程

    The Characteristics of Chinese Female Entrepreneurship : a Learning Process

  11. 其次,介绍了本文的样本数据及其基本特征;并基于此样本数据对合肥市女性创业态势进行了分析研究。

    Secondly , it introduced samples and basic characteristics of the data .

  12. 女性创业具有巨大的发展潜力与增长空间。

    Female entrepreneurship has enormous potential development and growth capacity .

  13. 合肥市女性创业态势与创业特性研究

    Research on the Status and Character of Female Entrepreneurship of Hefei City

  14. 你对刚刚起步的女性创业者有什么建议?

    What advice do you have for female entrepreneurs just starting out ?

  15. 对于女性创业者而言,困难更是多得没边儿。

    For female self-starters the challenges were even more immense .

  16. 但是现在为女性创业公司提供资金的机构越来越多了。

    More organizations are providing funding for women-owned startups .

  17. 人力资本视角下的女性创业研究

    Study on Female Entrepreneurship & From Human Capital Perspective

  18. 问:你是否在资助女性创业者方面做过特殊的努力?

    Q : Are you making a special effort to fund women entrepreneurs ?

  19. 女性创业家个体、组织及环境特征的研究综述

    Characteristics of Women Entrepreneurs at the Levels of Individuals , Organizations and Environments

  20. 创业环境对女性创业的影响&以安徽省为例

    Influence of entrepreneurial environment on female entrepreneurship : taking Anhui province as an example

  21. 女性创业过程中的学习行为研究

    Study on Women 's Learning Behavior during Self-Employment

  22. 该公司将女性创业公司介绍给投资者。

    The organization introduces women-owned startups to investors .

  23. 但女性创业者从工作中获得的幸福感更高。

    And yet , the women entrepreneurs tend to be happier with their work .

  24. 女性创业现状对女大学生就业指导的启示

    The Enlightenment of Women 's Enterprising Situation to Female College Students ' Employment Instruction

  25. 由于众所周知的原因,我对女性创业者尤其感兴趣。

    For obvious reasons , I take a great interest in women entrepreneurs in particular .

  26. 最终的结果是:女性创业的比例是全美平均比例的1.5倍。

    The upshot of all this : women start businesses at 1.5 times the national rate .

  27. 卡曼相信,至2020年该项目将帮助500万女性创业者完成创业。

    Kamen believes that the program could have 5 million women entrepreneurs running businesses by 2020 .

  28. 其中很多讨论都聚焦于被拐卖的经历和如何指导女性创业者。

    A lot of those discussions centred on trafficking experiences and how to coach female entrepreneurs .

  29. 然而,《全球创业观察》发现,过去一年,英国多数地区的女性创业活动都相当稳定。

    But GEM found female entrepreneurship was reasonably constant in most UK regions during the past year .

  30. 这个机构正计划为女性创业者举办一次活动。

    In addition to events in smaller towns , startup weekend is looking at an event for women entrepreneurs .