
  • Ollie;【人名】Aulay
  1. 约翰·C·赖利《斯坦和奥利》

    John C Reilly , Stan & Ollie

  2. NPR新闻,西尔维亚·波吉奥利罗马报道。

    Sylvia Poggioli NPR News , Rome .

  3. 1954年,奥利以笔名波丽娜·雷阿日(PaulineRéage)发表了《O的故事》(StoryofO),这是一部以施虐受虐为主题的小说,充满皮鞭、手铐和锁链。

    Aury wrote " Story of O " ( 1954 ) , a sadomasochistic novel replete with whips , cuffs and chains , under the pseudonym Pauline R é age .

  4. 美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)批准将奥利司他作为治疗成人超重的非处方药。

    The American Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) has approved Orlistat for use as an over the counter weight loss drug for adults who are overweight .

  5. 目的评价奥利司他结合低热卡饮食在治疗肥胖伴非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of orlistat combined with low calorie diet in the treatment of obesity with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease .

  6. 目的对奥利司他(orlistat;商品名:赛尼可)在中国超重和肥胖症患者中的临床疗效及安全性进行评价。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of orlistat in Chinese overweight and obese patients .

  7. 圣地亚哥大学(UniversityofSanDiego)法律教授及该校知识产权法律与市场中心(CenterforIntellectualPropertyLawandMarkets)联合创始人奥利•洛贝尔表示,“各行各业”的新员工均被要求签署该类协议。

    More and more new hires are being asked to sign these contracts " across all industries and in all kinds of jobs , " notes Orly Lobel , a law professor at the University of San Diego and cofounder of its Center for Intellectual Property Law and Markets .

  8. 在怀着兴奋的心情试驾了一辆配备手动变速器的基本型保时捷Carrera之后,奥利迫不及待地宣布,这辆Carrera就是优胜者。

    And after an enthusiasticstint in a base-spec Carrera with a traditional manual gearbox , Ollie is readyto proclaim an unlikely winner .

  9. 奥利奥曲奇、吉百利(Cadbury)巧克力和乐之(Ritz)饼干的生产商亿滋国际(MondelezInternationalInc.,MDLZ)周三公布,第四财政季度及整个财政年度的收入都有所下滑,部分原因是中国人对奥利奥夹心饼干的偏好下降。

    Mondelez International Inc. , the maker of Oreo cookies , Cadbury chocolates and Ritz crackers , announced Wednesday that its revenue was down in the fourth quarter and for the full year in part because China 's appetite for the cr è me-filled sandwich cookie fell .

  10. 秘鲁新任总统奥利安塔•乌马拉(OllantaHumala)宣誓就职,承诺穷人能够在经济增长中获得更多利益。

    The new President of Peru , Ollanta Humala , has been sworn in , promising the poor a greater share of the benefits of economic growth .

  11. “我们首先找到了奥利。”库什曼说道。

    " We got to Ollie first ," Cushman says .

  12. 听见我的话了吗奥利儿子你听到了吗

    You hear me , Ollie ? You hear me , son ?

  13. 我是奥利•海耶斯。

    I 'm Oli Hayes . Bubble to the beat . com .

  14. 我你来做什么奥利

    I. .. What are you doing here , Ollie ?

  15. 奥利,你把开瓶器放哪了?

    Ollie ? Where do you keep the bottle opener on this thing ?

  16. 很长一段时间,奥利

    For so long , I did , Ollie .

  17. 奥利是公平竞争大使,致力维护公平竞争原则;

    Oily acted as the ambassador for keeping the principle of impartial competition ;

  18. 奥利:你就是为这个来的么?

    Ollie : Is that why you are here ?

  19. 将羊肉洗干净,撒上盐,胡椒和奥利伽奴。

    Wash the lamb , and dredge with salt , pepper and oregano .

  20. 但那个不是真的她,奥利

    That 's not who she is , Ollie .

  21. 大家好,我是保罗D爱奥利欧。

    LECTURER : Hello my name is Paulo D'Iorio .

  22. 那个坏蛋残忍的斯塔克奥利

    That bad man Oh , cruel Stack O'Lee ...

  23. 却像“孤雏泪”里的奥利华。

    More like the orphaned child Oliver asking .

  24. 油性皮肤的年老奥利替老爷的汽车入汽油。

    Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos .

  25. 我们都有秘密,奥利很显然你也有你的秘密

    And we all have our secrets , Ollie . Clearly you have yours .

  26. 不光是莎拉的事,奥利

    It wasn 't just Sarah , Ollie .

  27. 他与奥利华史东看似同声同气,跟工作人员相处非常有善。

    Castro seems very agreeable , friendly with Stone and working through his interpreter .

  28. 有时候,奥利,我真的不懂�

    You know , sometimes , Ollie , I just don 't get you .

  29. 你可以逮捕任何人但除了残忍的斯塔克奥利

    You can arrest everybody but cruel Stack O'Lee

  30. 亨利:愉快啊,但和奥利喝酒,花费不少。

    Henry : Oh sure , but Ollie 's a rather expensive drinking companion .