
  1. “奥运来了”,这句话对所有的中国人都意味着一种令人激动的内容。

    " Olympics is coming ", this remark on all the Chinese people on both a means exciting content .

  2. 今天与奥运火炬来了个O距离接触!

    Zero distance Contact with the Olympic Games torch !

  3. 三个月后,中国的第三件大事&奥运终于来了。

    And then , three months later , came big event number three-the Olympic Games themselves .

  4. 他用遒劲的字体在石板路上写下“奥运会来了”几个大字。

    In elegant brushstrokes , he has written ' The Olympics have arrived ' on the flagstones .

  5. 奇怪的是,投资者似乎在听天由命:奥运会来了又走了,没有带来预期中的股市上涨;多数人似乎预计,市场只会变得越来越糟糕。

    Investors seem oddly resigned : the Olympics have come and gone , without the expected share price boost , and most seem to expect that the market will get worse before it gets better .

  6. 快了,2008年奥运会快要来了!

    Approaching , the2008 Olympic Games is approaching !

  7. 奥运会就要来了,每一位中国人应该积极准备,作为新一代青年我们应该奋发图强,努力学习英语,疯狂学英语。

    Olympic is coming , every Chinese should actively prepared , as a new generation of young people we should strive for , learning English , crazy to learn English .