
tào shù
  • Number of sets;a cycle of songs in a traditional opera;outmoded methods;divertimento;series of skills and tricks in boxing,etc.;conventional remark;polite words
套数 [tào shù]
  • (1) [cycle of songs in a traditional opera]∶戏曲或散曲中连贯成套的曲子

  • (2) [series of skills and tricks in boxing,etc.]∶比喻成系统的技巧或手法

  • (3) [conventional remark;polite words;outmoded methods]∶指应酬的话;老一套的办法

  • (4) [divertimento]∶又名套曲,金、元时代散曲的一种

套数[tào shù]
  1. 探讨了圆环套数对减震效果的影响。

    The effect of sets of cirque costing-energy is discussed .

  2. 数学中的套数游戏

    The Game of the Numbers ' Trap with Sequences of Intervals in Mathmatics

  3. 占有住房套数,自有房百分比

    Occupied housing units , Percent owner-occupied

  4. 从全知叙事视角、限知叙事视角和转换叙事视角等三个维度,探讨元代散曲套数的叙事视角。

    Study the narrative perspectives from the three dimensions : omniscient perspective , limited perspective and perspective-shift .

  5. 所以,现在拉斯维加斯又退回到自己的老套数,只是念了一条新符咒:把孩子留在家中。

    So now the city is returning to its roots , with a new mantra : Leave the kids at home .

  6. 人均住房面积标准比每户家庭的住房套数标准更精确,更合理。

    The standard by local average living space per capita is more accurate and reasonable than that by housing suite per family .

  7. 中国文学邮票的现状:一是出版文学邮票缺乏长远规划,发行种数、套数不多,邮品比较单调;

    Chinese literature stamp situations now have following characteristics : 1 . No future planning , kinds and type are seldom , dull ;

  8. 在目前广播电视节目套数不断增加、自动化播出程度不断提高的情况下,对节目播出情况的实时监测显得更加重要。

    As the number of radio and TV programs and the degree of broadcasting automation are increasingly rising , the real-time monitoring of transmitted programs is becoming even more important .

  9. 中国内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市在政府网站上发布通知称,居民购买商品住房时不再要求提供住房套数查询证明。

    A statement on the website of the city of Hohhot in China 's Inner Mongolia region said that authorities there won 't demand information on a homebuyer 's prior home purchases .

  10. 研究公司机构风险分析的克里斯。维纶估计,根据所有相关证券的总数,美国银行可能被套数千亿美元。

    Based on the total volume of securities involved , BofA could potentially be on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars , says Chris Whalen of Institutional Risk Analytics , a research firm .

  11. 此轮各地政策调整,以提高贷款额度、放宽住房套数认定标准、降低首付比例等为主要内容。

    Local authorities eased rules by increasing the maximum sum home buyers can borrow through the public housing fund , widening the definition of " first home " and / or cutting the minimum down payment .

  12. 从传输服务的角度,多样性则首先体现在传输的电视节目套数应达到一定数量,其次是所传的多套电视节目中要包含不同类型的内容。

    From the perspective of transport services , First of all , the diversity is reflected in the amount of channels which be transported to people , followed by different types of programs among the transmitted channels .

  13. 元代散曲套数叙事具有很高艺术成就,但学界对此研究甚少,尚有较大研究空间。

    There are high artistic achievements in cycle of songs in San Qu of the Yuan dynasty , but there are few concerns and studying on them in educational circle , which provides greater research capabilities still .

  14. 政府数据显示,尽管4月份的住房销售套数同比下降了10%,但同月的房地产投资额却同比增长了41%。

    Government data show that investment in residential real estate in April rose 41 per cent from the same month a year earlier , despite a 10 per cent year-on-year decline in housing sales volume for that month .

  15. 仪式声响用其在时间、空间和行为三个向度上的分布,建构起它的立体构架,各套数的立体构架结合在一起所建构的整体构架是仪式音乐的总体结构。

    The distribution of the rite sounds over the three dimensions of time , space and behaviours builds its 3-D structure and the 3-D structures of the four cyclical forms together make up the whole framework of the rite music .

  16. 限制重复动作和动作的套数,减少孤立性的锻炼。不要选择通过运动来锻炼某个特定的肌肉群,例如二头肌弯曲和腿部伸展运动,应该集中于更加广泛的锻炼,例如后背和肩部的压力训练。

    Limit the number of reps and sets that you do and reduce isolation work . Rather than isolate a particular muscle group with exercises like bicep curls and leg extensions , focus on broader exercises , like back and shoulder presses and rows .