
tào fú
  • suit
套服 [tào fú]
  • [suit] 一套由两部分或更多部分组成的服装,并且在料子和颜色上相配(如男装的上衣、马甲和裤子,女装的上衣和裙子)。也叫套装

套服[tào fú]
  1. 他挑选了一双与其套服相配的袜子。

    He selected a pair of sock to match his suit .

  2. 请取出我开会穿的最好的套服。

    Please lay out my best suit for the meeting .

  3. 军队制服,军官服,迷彩T-恤,作战服,BDU套服。

    Military uniform , Officer uniform , Camouflage T-shirts , Combat Suits , BDU suits .

  4. 全套服�男士领带(可选)

    A selection of outfits A men 's tie ( optional )

  5. 但是,制作这种“变老套服”的目的何在呢?

    But what is the purpose of this ageing suit ?

  6. 用粗蓝布做的裤子或套服。

    Trousers or overalls made of sturdy denim fabric .

  7. 这家公司可定制套服。

    This company will tailor a suit to order .

  8. 女子多穿华丽套服或连衣裙。

    Women 's Multi-wear suits or a gorgeous dress .

  9. 一个穿着绿色套服戴绿色兜帽的人。对吧?

    a guy in a green outfit and a green hood , right ?

  10. 迷人的套服,完美的搭配,朴实的价格。

    A fascinating suit , a perfect set , and a practical price .

  11. 那个穿黑套服的女孩是谁?

    Who is the girl in black suit ?

  12. 日本的变老套服我厌倦了这日复一日的一成不变的日常工作。

    The Japanese Ageing Suit I 'm Bored with the same old routine day after day .

  13. 日本的变老套服

    The Japanese Ageing Suit

  14. 金色的衬衫可与黑裤子、金色晚礼服、青铜色夹克,甚至银色套服进行搭配。

    Gold shirts teamed with black pants , gold dresses for the evening , bronze jackets and even silver suits .

  15. 牛仔夹克、仔裙和牛仔套服等,在多数国家成千上万的店铺和街摊上随处可见。

    Jean jackets , jean skirts and suits can be found in hundreds and thousands of stores and street markets in most countries .

  16. 不要穿那些有花边或饰带的东西(除非是套服内的上衣)&也不要穿鲜红的超短连衣裙。

    Skip anything with frills or lace ( except for a top under a suit ) & and skip the bright red minidress .

  17. 我在找一辆物美价廉的自行车。迷人的套服,完美的搭配,低廉的价格。

    I am on the lookout for a good , cheap bicycle . The joy of sets . Perfect coordination at practical prices .

  18. 今天,梅斯特莱尔家族的公司国际套服公司,在保温潜水服和水上运动用品上的销量超过2亿美元。

    Today the Meistrells ' company , Body Glove International , earns more than 200 million dollars in sales of wet suits and water sports items .

  19. 北京宽条绸,条纹丝料有条纹或花纹的丝绸缎纹织物常用作大衣、套服和茄克的衬布,因为缎纹织物的存在使外衣的穿脱十分方便。

    A striped or figured silk fabric . Satins are frequently used as lining fabrics in coats , suits and jackets , as they make it easy to slip the apparel item on and off over other materials .