
  1. 这些就是太行区经济建设的简略介绍。

    The above was a brief account of economic development in the Taihang area .

  2. 太行区有些同志就因为缺乏这种精神,收效不如冀南同志大。

    In contrast , because they lacked this spirit , some comrades in the Taihang area did not achieve such good results .

  3. 太行区就在这样的警惕下,加强了对于经济战线的注意。

    In the Taihang area , we are guarding against such an eventuality and we are paying particular attention to the economic front .

  4. 去冬今春,太行区的旱灾面积占根据地的五分之一,而敌占区流入的灾民还有很大的数目。

    Last winter and this spring , one-fifth of the land in the Taihang area was afflicted by drought and a large number of victims fled into the area from enemy-occupied areas .

  5. 太岳、太行区一般应在今年内克服不平衡,完成发动群众与组织群众的任务。

    In the Taiyue and Taihang areas we should solve the problem of uneven development and arouse the masses and get them organized , for the most part , during this year .

  6. 太行山林区中部土壤养分对油松人工林生长的影响

    Effects of Soil Nutrient on the Growth of Pinus Tabulaeformis Artificial Forest of Central Section of Taihang Mountain

  7. 他们现在我太行解放区,一个个活着,足以证明他们是从何处开来、如何奉命进攻的全部真情。

    They are now in the Taihang Liberated Area , every one alive , and can confirm the whole truth about where they came from and how they were ordered to attack .

  8. 太行山片麻岩区坡地渗流集蓄技术

    Slope Seepage Water Collecting Techniques in Gneiss Area in Taihang Mountain

  9. 太行山片麻岩区景观生态特征研究

    The characters of landscape ecology in the gneiss mountainous region of Taihang

  10. 河北省太行山前平原区建立地下水库的可行性初探

    Feasibility Analysis on Groundwater Reservoir in Pediment of Taihang Mountain

  11. 太行山丘陵区气候条件与牧草生长发育关系研究

    The relationship between climate and growth of Herbages in Hilly region , Taihang Mountain

  12. 创新创业型太行山丘陵区经济技术开发模式研究

    Study on Innovation-based Entrepreneurial Model of Economic and Technological Development of Taihang Hilly Region

  13. 太行山石灰岩区土地利用变化及区域生态效应

    Land Use Change and Associated Effects on Eco-Environment in Lame Stone Region of Taihang Mountain

  14. 太行山丘陵区刺槐人工林主要养分元素分配及循环特征

    Nutrient allocation and cycling pattern in the Robinia pseudoacacia plantation in hilly region of Taihang Mountains

  15. 太行山片麻岩区集雨保水技术研究

    The Research of the Technique of Rain-harvesting and Water Conservation in Gneiss Area of Tai-hang Mountain

  16. 太行山石灰岩区防护林体系布局结构调控

    Regulation and Control of Distribution and Structures of Shelterbelts in Calcareous Rock Area of Taihang Mountain

  17. 太行山丘陵区群落演替进程中碳贮量变化特征

    The Variation of Carbon Storage During the Community Succession Processing in Hilly Region of Taihang Mountain

  18. 太行山石灰岩区连翘水保经济林林分模式研究

    Study on Patterns of Forsythia suspensa Water and soil conservation Stands in Limestone Region of Taihang Mt

  19. 山西省太行山石灰岩区经济林结构及立地适宜规模研究

    Age Structure and Suitable Site Scale of Economic Forest in Calcareous Rock Area of Taihang Mountain in Shanxi Province

  20. 旱坡地香椿根系萌蘖规律的研究&以太行山石灰岩区为例

    The Ratooning of Chinese Toona in Dry Sloping Sites : A Case Study in the Limestone Area of Taihang Mountains

  21. 太行山石灰岩区隔坡复式梯田山地经济林模式研究

    A study on the economic forest pattern of double terraced field with slope interval in the calcareous rock area of Taihang Mountain

  22. 基于平流干旱修正模型的农田蒸散量计算方法以太行山丘陵区农林复合系统为例

    An Advection-aridity Modified Model for Field Evapotranspiration in Agroforestry Systems & A Case Study of the Agroforestry Compound System in a Hilly region of the Taihang Mountain

  23. 首都圈地区位于华北活动地块的北部,包括华北盆地、燕山和太行山隆起区三个构造单元。

    Chinese capital region is located in the northern part of North China block , including three tectonic units : North China basin , Yanshan and Taihang uplift regions .

  24. 以上两条结论证明在太行山石灰岩区,在5°~20。的坡度范围内修建隔坡梯田且采取地面覆盖措施,能显著提高土壤的保水蓄水性。

    So the two above points proved that , in the limestone region in Taihang mountain , constructed the separate slope terrace and taken overlay on ground in 5-20 gradient , the water maintenance can be improved , compared to the hillside .

  25. 本文结合焦作太行风景名胜区的实际,论述了有关风景名胜资源的保护与开发利用、风景名胜区规划建设目的和指导思想以及经营管理等诸问题。

    Combining with the practice of the Famous landscape scenery spot in Tai , hang Mountain Jiaozuo area , the article discusses the protection , development and application of the scenic resources , construction aim , leading thoughts and management etc. of the landscape scenery spot .

  26. 太行山片麻岩区土壤蓄水规律:雨前土壤含水量越高,土壤可蓄水量越小,出流所需时间越短,容易形成地表径流;

    The technique of storing water in soil in gneiss area of Tai-hang mountain : The more water in soil before rain is , the less water capability of soil is , the time shorter of water flowing from soil is , the easier the water flows on the ground ;

  27. 为了改善该区干旱缺水的现状,促进当地的经济发展,以人工模拟降雨和野外观测试验相结合的方法,进行了太行山片麻岩区集雨保水技术的研究。

    In order to ameliorate the status of water shortage and improve the economy development of this area , the technique of rain harvesting and water conservation in gneiss area of Tai-hang mountain have been studied by the experiment of rain and the experiment of the investigation in the field .

  28. 太行山封育区森林土壤肥力的特性研究

    Forest Soil Fertility Characteristics in Closure Area of Taihang Mountain

  29. 太行山山前平原区蒸散量和作物灌溉需水量的分析

    Analysis of irrigation demands and evapotranspiration in the piedmont of Taihang Mountain

  30. 南太行&中条山植物区系地理研究

    Study on the floristic geography in South taihang-zhongtiao mountain