- Spacewalk;space walk

So , um * Haven 't seen much of you since your space walk .
Space walk , astronaut , spaceship , float , breathe , spacesuit , space junk .
Ustream.tv is well-known for streaming everything from zoo-animal births to space walks , but in the past year alone it 's seen a 250 % rise in wedding streams , says spokeswoman Joellen Ferrer . '
In the afternoon , Dr Zhang walks in space .
He was the first man to walk in space .
His music , his videos . His dance moves and moonwalking .
The first of three spacewalks for astronauts aboard space shuttle Discovery is complete .
Zhai is expected to conduct a40-minute spacewalk .
The actual swap-out of tanks will take place during the second spacewalk , which is on Sunday .
Conducting spacewalks is dangerous , and astronauts work in pairs , tethered to the spacecraft for safety .
Two astronauts aboard Endeavour are set to conduct three space walks that will largely be devoted to installing Tranquility .
Among his inspirations for the project is the 1968 Stanley Kubrick sci-fi classic " 2001 : A Space Odyssey . "
When they get there , they 'll deliver some new components to the station , and they 'll do a few spacewalks .
As NASA moves forward on the maintenance and construction of the International Space Station , spacewalks will continue to be vital to the process .
Zhai Zhigang , a reserve for the Shenzhou V and VI missions , is poised to become China 's first spacewalker , reports have said .
Two Russian cosmonauts took an Olympic torch on a spacewalk Saturday for the first time in history as part of the Sochi 2014 torch relay .
There are thousands of pieces of debris floating around in orbit , bits of old satellite or rocket even tools dropped in the past by space-walking astronauts .
Three Chinese astronauts returned safely to earth in their space capsule late Sunday afternoon after spending nearly three days in low orbit and completing the nation 's first spacewalk .
AFTER achieving a9 percent GDP growth , hosting a successful Olympic Games and carrying out its first space walk last year , you ' 'd think China would be happy .
NASA unveiled a new lunar rover which aims to transform space exploration by allowing astronauts to roam large distances without cumbersome spacesuits when they return to the moon by 2020 .
Although these excursions were meant to test the feasibility of humans to exist outside the spacecrafts , spacewalks have become a relatively common part of missions in the space shuttle era .
Feeny was hardly alone in his aspirations to become an astronaut but , unlike the millions of kids who dream of walking in space , Feeny is actually doing something about it .
Zhang Jianqi , one of the chief engineers , told Xinhua that keeping three men aloft and sending one on a space walk341km above the earth would be a " big test " for the country 's aerospace skills .
On spacewalks , astronauts have performed vital tasks that could not be accomplished from inside the shuttle . They 've been able to recover lost satellites , restoring them to their proper orbit . They have serviced orbiting bodies , like replacing the solar panels on the Hubble Space Telescope .
He was the first man to walk in outer space .
Walking in these spacesuits is not as easy as it seems .
They stare off into space and wander by themselves .
The astronauts will pilot spacecraft Shenzhou-7 to carry out the mission during which one of them will spacewalk outside the capsule .
In particular , China has been forging ahead in space exploration , putting astronauts in space and carrying out its first spacewalk .
The Shuttle spent seven days docked to the station while Destiny was attached and three spacewalks were conducted to complete its assembly .