
  • 网络Antenna Pattern;antenna radiation pattern
  1. 利用锁定放大器实现微波天线方向图的精确测量

    The Precise Measurement of Microwave Antenna Pattern with Lock in Amplifier

  2. 一种改进的宽零陷天线方向图合成方法

    An Improved Method for Synthesizing Antenna Pattern with Broad Nulls

  3. MATLAB在天线方向图中的应用与研究

    The Application and Study of Antenna Radiation Pattern Based on MATLAB

  4. 低频UWBSAR天线方向图校准算法

    Calibration Algorithm for the Antenna Pattern of Low Frequency UWB SAR

  5. 天线方向图在轨测量是星载SAR定标技术的关键部分。

    Inflight measurement of antenna pattern is a key technology of spaceborne SAR calibration .

  6. 基于FFT平面相控阵天线方向图快速计算

    Fast Computation of Planar Phased Array Pattern Based on FFT

  7. FDTD中近远场变换计算天线方向图的新方法

    A Novel NFFF Transformation Algorithm to Calculate the Antenna Pattern in FDTD

  8. 论文首先对当前国际上几种星载SAR天线方向图在轨测试方法,包括反射器测量方法,均匀分布目标测量方法,地面接收机测量方法,地面发射机测量方法和外部特性因子测量方法,进行了分析研究。

    Above all , some methods of inflight antenna pattern measurements for spaceborne SAR are discussed in this paper .

  9. 此外,在实现天线方向图重构的同时,通过改变蚀刻在天线辐射单元上U形槽的深度,也实现了天线频率特性的重构。

    Moreover , the antenna can also achieve the frequency reconfigurability by changing the depth of the U-shaped slot .

  10. 基于GS算法的天线方向图零陷加宽方法

    Adapted Pattern Trough Widening Technique on GS Algorithm

  11. 天线方向图的准确测量,对星载SAR图像的应用具有重要作用。分布目标辐射定标在星载SAR天线方向图测试中受到广泛重视。

    Accurate measurement of antenna pattern is important to spaceborne SAR image application , and distributed target antenna pattern measurement is widely concerned .

  12. 该系统以工控机为平台,应用自行研制的PC虚拟仪器卡,构成一个集成化的通用的雷达天线方向图测试仪器。

    This system based on the industrial computer , using the PC virtual instrument designed by ourselves , forming the general radar directional pattern measuring instrument .

  13. 基于实测和差波束天线方向图的∑Δstap性能分析

    Performance Analysis of ΣΔ STAP Based on Measured ΣΔ - Beam Antenna Pattern

  14. 基于NURBS建模技术的迭代MoM-PO方法分析电大尺寸平台天线方向图

    Analysis of Antenna Around Electrically Large NURBS Surface with Iterative MoM-PO Method

  15. 有限元法与UTD结合计算机载天线方向图

    Analysis of airborne antenna using hybrid method of FEM and UTD

  16. 本文在系统校正部分对IQ误差问题和天线方向图对回波数据的影响进行了研究。

    In this paper the problem of I / Q error and the effect of antenna pattern are studied in the section of system calibration .

  17. 根据该表达式算得的TM(01)模天线方向图在相对介电常数较小时与文献〔3〕的结果相吻合。

    For small values of the relative permittivity ε _ (?) , the radiationpatterns for TM_ ( 01 ), mode are in agreement with those of [ 3 ] .

  18. 基于不同网格形式的反射面天线方向图分析STL格式文件的四边形网格剖分与网格光顺

    Far field pattern numerical analysis of reflector antenna based on different grid forms Quadrilateral Mesh Generation Based on STL File Format Model and Mesh Smoothing

  19. SAR定标与其图像辐射特性评价,包括图像的内定标和外定标,以及以天线方向图校正、比例变换和反差调整为内容的SAR图像的辐射校正和增强。

    The radiant characteristics of the SAR images are evaluated , which includes relative calibrations and absolute calibrations of the SAR images , corrections of the antenna patterns , and ratio transforms and contrast adjustments of the SAR images .

  20. 一种改进的Dolph-Chebyshev方法在阵列天线方向图综合中的应用

    A Modified Dolph-Chebyshev Approach for Synthesis of Array Antennas

  21. 雷达天线方向图的MOM-FZ方法计算

    Calculation of Radar Antenna Pattern by Using MOM-FZ Method

  22. 利用MIMO雷达的等效方向图,作者采用本文提出的混合遗传算法,通过优化阵元位置和激励分布,获得了理想的天线方向图,满足了工程应用的要求。

    For MIMO radar with collocated antennas of sparse arrays , the hybrid genetic algorithm proposed in this paper obtains ideal beam pattern through optimizing element positions and weight coefficients . The results obtained satisfy the requirements of engineering application of MIMO radar system .

  23. 黄金分割法结合UTD计算机载天线方向图在复杂矿井通风网络优化计算中,发现了黄金分割法的越界现象。

    Analysis of Airborne Antenna Pattern Using Hybrid Golden Section Method and UTD In the optimization of a mine ventilation network , the boundary overstepping took place in Golden Section Search .

  24. 提出一种双种群遗传算法(DPGA)优化阵元电流幅度,以实现对阵列天线方向图的综合。

    A double population genetic algorithm ( DPGA ) is presented and applied to synthesize the array antenna pattern by controlling only the current amplitudes .

  25. 测量飞行体上天线方向图的新方法

    A new method of measuring pattern of antenna on the aircraft

  26. 对数周期天线方向图的矩量法估计

    Estimation to the directional pattern of log-periodic antenna by moment methods

  27. 机载火控雷达天线方向图的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation about Antenna Direction Chart of Airborne Fire-control Radar

  28. 文化算法应用于阵列天线方向图综合氯唑沙宗的合成

    Application of Cultural Algorithms in the Pattern Synthesis of Array Antenna

  29. 基于近邻粒子群优化的阵列天线方向图综合

    Array Antennas Beam Pattern Synthesis Based on Neighborhood Particle Swarm Optimization

  30. 约束条件下线性阵列天线方向图的正交综合

    Orthogonal Synthesis for Pattern of Linear Array Antenna with Constraints