
  • 网络The Swan Song;swansong
  1. 所以我在测试了8和8Plus近一个星期之后,得出了这样的结论:8s感觉像一首天鹅之歌。换句话说,它们代表了苹果的第一代iPhone的柏拉图式理想,是永恒隐退之前的最终精炼。

    So here 's my conclusion , after nearly a week testing the 8 and 8 Plus : The 8s feel like a swan song - or , to put it another way , they represent Apple 's platonic ideal of that first iPhone , an ultimate refinement before eternal retirement .

  2. 这是他的“天鹅之歌”。

    This is his " Swan Song " .

  3. 某人的天鹅之歌通常也被认为是这个人最好的作品。

    Someone 's swan song usually is also considered that person 's finest work .

  4. 它们不仅是穆旦留给人们的天鹅之歌,而且是20世纪中国诗歌最为珍贵的瑰宝。

    They are not only " song of swan ", but also the most valuable of the Chinese poems in the 20th century .

  5. “柳儿”是普契尼在其未竟的“天鹅之歌”&歌剧《图兰朵》中成功塑造的歌剧形象,也是闻名世界的经典歌剧形象之一。

    Liu is not only a successfully portrayed figure in Puccini 's unfinished opera songs of swine & Turandot , but also one of the world-renowned classical operatic figures .

  6. 但是与此同时,有一件事是确定的:这个星期,来看他的春夏季天鹅之歌吧。

    But in the meantime , one thing is sure : come his spring swan song this week , Mr. Gaultier 's show will once again be the one to see .

  7. 在英语里,作家、美术家和音乐家的绝笔,或演员、歌唱家的最后一次登台,常被称为“天鹅之歌”。

    In English , the last work produced by an artist , writer , or composer , or the last performance of an actor or singer it often called his or her swan song .