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tiān rì
  • light;the sky and the sun;sky and sun
天日 [tiān rì]
  • [sky and sun;light] 天空和太阳,喻指光明

天日[tiān rì]
  1. 随着战争的继续,这些书一直未见天日。

    The books stayed hidden as the war continued .

  2. 那双狂热的深色眼珠竟然没有见过天日,这似乎太奇怪了

    So strange did It'seem that those dark wild orbs were ignorant of the day .

  3. 美国哥伦比亚搜寻公司组织了一个打捞团队来寻找残骸地点,在1987年的9月找到了SS中美洲号,大量的金条和金币重现天日。

    The Columbus-America Discovery Group , a salvage operation assembled to locate the wreck , found the SS Central America in September 1987 , recovering vast quantities of gold worth .

  4. 尽管绝大多数苹果专利从来就见不到天日,这项技术却为这只手表打开了与iPhone配对的方便之门。这样,用户就能通过它直接浏览信息,查阅日程安排和Facebook的提醒,逐个路口获得提示转向(turn-by-turn)的导航功能。

    While most Apple patents never see reality , this one opens the door to a watch that pairs with an iPhone so users could say , view messages , calendar events , Facebook ( FB ) notifications , or get turn-by-turn directions .

  5. 这次挖掘使一批数目惊人的青铜时代人工制品重现天日。

    The excavation exposed a staggering numBer of Bronze age artifacts .

  6. 有若沧海一声笑,天日昭昭

    Like the laughter of the ocean , the shining sun

  7. 我可不敢让这见了天日啊。

    Oh , that which I would hide from heaven 's eye .

  8. 上个星期它首次被打捞得见天日。

    The truss that pulled it out was removed for the first time last week .

  9. 为孩子们提供各种活动激发他们的才智,就能让更多隐藏的潜力得见天日。

    Offering a greater variety of enrichment activities to children will cause many more hidden talents to surface .

  10. 据说,在他的保险箱中存有尚未发表的手稿;塞林格迷们大都在乐观等待,认为手稿总有现天日的那天。

    There were said to be unpublished manuscripts in his safe ; most pundits were happy to wait .

  11. 并且没有见过天日,也毫无知觉,这胎比那人倒享安息。

    Though it never saw the sun or knew anything , it has more rest than does that man .

  12. 他们将之深埋石堆墓地,如此黑暗永不见天日。

    Deep within the rock they buried him in a tomb so dark it would never come to light .

  13. 在出台更有效的治理策略之前,这些服务可能会一直处于被搁置状态、永不见天日。

    Such services may languish until a more effective governance strategy can bring them into the light of day .

  14. 智慧和产业并好。而且见天日的人,得智慧更为有益。

    Wisdom is good with an inheritance : and by it there is profit to them that see the sun .

  15. 天日灰暗,你知道对那些窗子上装的不是玻璃的住家来说,时时都是乌黑的夜。

    They were gray , gloomy days , and in the house whose windows were not glass , twilight and dark nights reigned in turns .

  16. 拼死挣一下,他便能把这东西拽得见天日,好比把脑浆拧下一块来。

    With a deadly effort , like wrenching a piece out of his own brain , he could even have dragged the thing into the open .

  17. 愿他们像蜗牛消化过去,又像妇人坠落未见天日的胎。

    As a snail which melteth , let every one of them pass away : like the untimely birth of a woman , that they may not see the sun .

  18. 安徽省绩溪县榧树坑金矿床处于华南板块北东缘的皖浙坳褶带,白际岭天日山断裂与绩溪宁国断裂之间。

    The Feishu Keng gold deposit , Jixi , Anhui lies in the Wan-Zhe depression-folding zone at the northeast fringe of South China Plate , between the Baljiling-Tianmushan fault and Ningguo fault .

  19. 这样所导致的结果与前面提到的将书籍堆砌在一起的效果类似:共享驱动器上采用含混不清的文件或文件夹名称的大量文档难见天日。

    The result is similar to the aforementioned pile of books : a multitude of documents on shared drives under cryptic file or folder names that are lucky ever to see the light of day .